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An Act incorporating a company for the purpose of improving the navigation of Meherrin River, above the town of Belfield in the county of Greensville. 1817 105 (1817)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0269 and id is 1 raw text is: IN TIE FORTY-SECOND YEAR OF TilE COMMONW15A.T I.

which may pass alon the roads or causeys of the Virginia Canal
Naviatiun Company, in any such case, the president and direc-
tors tlereof shall have tile tolls, on any such article, thing or pro-
Iery,assessed and fixed before any Superior Court of Chancery,
lavig jurisdictiori as aforesaid, in like manner as is hereintle .
directed in case of any deficiency in the act incorporatin- the
James River Company to Sliecil') and provide for goods, wares,
lnerchantlie and other property which may pass through the cuts
and canals of the Virginia Canal and Navigatoi Cop, ny.
24. .1lndl be it jfirlhe: enacted, That, as to all the watIe coo1r- 1,roj tio at t, l1w
ses, cuts and  canals, and  roads and  cau , ovs between James  Ii r  l,,,  tT l)
and the river Potowmac, the president and directors, upon ci- 1'ot1uiii.
pletinf, any such canal or canals and roads or causeys as afort-
said, s~lall make report thereof to the I',cictive, and of the ox-
pence or expences attendant oil tile perfoimaice of such work ;
wheruCol)tl tile governor Or chief inagist'ale shall in each and
every case issue his proclamation, as before directed, on the
ternis aforesaid, to ltve like ellioet in every case as aforesaid, and
the tolls through all such water conurses, and c its and canal or
canals, and alolig such road or roads, cause) it causteys as may
be made or forined between James River :anil the Potowinac, 01'
between James Riveri and any of the rivers or waters intermedi-
ate between it and the Potownac, shall In in all repects re-1t-
lated, assessed anti ixed in the mn ler hr'ein!before irescribei Ias
to the tolls to be paid on the rivers, water courses, canal or canals,
and on tile roads and causeys between toanoke River or Chowan
River, or the tributary streams thereof and Jlames River.
15. Be it enacte'd, That the stockholders in the company hiere- nocts rtite ca, is
by  incorporated  shall have full power and authority to d esignate  ,,i  i,,,,, bi,
the route or routes to be pursued fori tile pu lpose .;f eln'cting the
contelplated communication between the 'ivers aforesaid : pio. ri,,. i, It, i,,
Vided, that  nothillg  herein contained  shall be st colistrued  as to  ..rt.Im r, Il . MAY
prevent any coinpany, whicit may be hereafter incop ora ted lor rjtd.
such purposes, from cutting a nivirgable canal from the Chowani
River, oi its tributary streams, to the nearest naviga!-le river,
running  ineto  lamptoin Roads.
,26. lie it emaced, That the Legislature slhall at any time r OW-  Ill .. ITs, 1,
iIl !Mil 71' tilS, Ill
late the tolls paid to the slid co 01111ny, so that the Saone shall o0t  Y til . .
be less than  lifteen per cen  in  pel  a miiuim  clear iilt. oil the suoin  jis:mr,.
actually laid out in establishing anti keepiniig il repaii the said
works.                                  V
27. This act shall be in force from the passing thereof.  col,, S:mm,'.
(Passed Io'brmtl 26th, 1818.)
lA I\ 'lEltM  I .,I.-'\n  Act iicoroorati;: i; t compamilV  tor  ie  iirl)OS' Il'l
improving ilthe iavi  ation ofit  etrcri  Rivest , above th .it Llw of lielcfild
i the coMty of' Grcensvilc.
1. BE it enacted by the Gencral .'1;.miubhl, That it shall an(i n,,,i r, reteiving
may lie lawful to open boks inf te town d  lii. eldI under tie
management of Person Torl'ner, Josh ua C. Lu mly, and Braxton ,
Robinson, or any two of them ; at 1111univwick court house, unte'
tile nLanagemeit of Philip Claihorne, Tnehjiis Field and E'd-
ward H1. liix: or any two of liem ; and at Luietilei  couli'thouse, t 1.1utl7,lturn c.om!-
llder the nllanigeilent of Thonlas .dailns, William It. Taylor i..u.s.
and William1 1. Cowan, or any two of them, for t'eceivin aud
entering subscriptions to the amount of thirtv thousand dollars. Anouit ol' ti.iol.

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