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An Act concerning Benjamin Jones. 1816 194 (1816)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0263 and id is 1 raw text is: ( i9~' )

How the court
&hall be coniti-
tued to decide,
upon suth ap-
plication. on tie
return of the
writ of ad qiod
Corn enceIen t.

passage of fish, of boats, and such other craft as usually ua-
vigate the said river.
3. .Jlnd be it farther enneted, That, on the return of the
al'o'esaid writ of ad qUOd (dlaMMUn, a summons shall b is-
sued by the clerk of the said county. ieruirinkg all the auting
justices thereot to attend at the courthouse, at their next
terni, one third ofl whom at the least shall constitoi e tIh
cort betlre whom the said writ shall be returned and final-
Iy dispostd of'.
It. This act shall be in force from and alter the passage
thereof' [Passcd January1 :Ist, 1817.]

CHAVI'I't 156.-An act to amend the act, en'itlvd,  An act coiccining
John McCausland.
Preamble.      WHEREAS it is represented to the General Asseinbli',
that an act, eutitled, 1' An act coueerniog John il(ins-
lanl, which passed the Glieneral Asseulbly on tile ith duy
of February 181c, was ftnded upon Ihe inistaken supposi-
tion, that the fine therein diviected to be refluded had beein
paid into the tIeasuty of this eoanaionweallh, when in o-r1th
the ahd fline, if paid at all, has been paid into tle (reas-ury
of the United States ; and vlhereas the lresent G(.neral As-
3einblv. without deciding upon like trutihix o such representa-
tion, or its legal eilect upon tle rights of said MeCau land
under the act aurrcsaid, think it expedieilt that tile decision
or those rights shouild  e relrred to at jidiliial triblinal ;
Warrant not to  i. JJC it therefore enactei, That Ihe auiit or   lihie tic-
be issuCd to John counts shall n, issue to lhe said etti-C sland ile  ; arillit
iMcCausland,  provided fr by the said alct. unless, ipoi in appeal t'oli hisl
until an appeal ilsd  e'll, (lep llillhiial Irihinal shall adjudgc that the
be chcided in his s   the  1)t(hro
favour.      said Metisand is entitled I hereto.
Collinencement.  2. This act shall eonitnee, l'-oni and after the passing
thereof* [Passed ,annuary 31::t, 1817.]
CHtAPIEIt 157.- An Act coacoiing Blcnjaliln Jonc.

llenj.'Jones au.
thorized to hold
in this State a
slave brought ill

WiEREAS it is represented to the flneral Assembl , by
Benij-.aiin Jones, that lie was lately visied by a son111i o (-
sidesin the State iir Soti Carolina, al who broihli with
hiin on that visit ainegro girl slave ; thal, at tile request ot
his said son, the said Bienjanin Jones gave hill a boy in cx.
change for the said git', and also gave his said son a negrc
wolan, both or whici negroes so civel t Iois said Sol) have
been by hint renovetl out of this coniiionwealth ; and th(
said Benjanin Jones having petitioned the Legislature to bh
permittedl to retain the said negro girl us his plropeity it
this Commoiwealth
1. lie ;! entited, TIhat the said Benjaniin Jones shall be
and lite is nereby authoized and empowered to hold the said
negro girl slave as his property within this eoninonweallh ,
free from any fine, penalty or forfeiture wihatsoevcr, iucur.

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