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An Act concerning George Clarke. 1816 190 (1816)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0260 and id is 1 raw text is: (100)   IN~z TUE P Uo-JIR4T JAICN~'1 O3OVATg

convey a ori tnad to the penitentiary, and other official du.
ties. was prevented fromncolle6ting the same by his untilno.
ly death, having been killied by a criminal who' had eseapied
fi'ont lheJail ol'Stott county, ia ittempting to arrest him
on the fifteenih day of Om(nhotr in this present year;   : i
Farther time nl-  I. e it tlterefore eactlid, Tit the further tino of 'ne
weW  oJ°oslct year trom the i'st day orNovember last be, and thlesane Is
and pay tile taX- hcrcby granied o th-' said Joshua 0Itwing for ollecting Of
es due in Lee the taxes duein the sahi I'cunty oflee,ro the year one thou-
county fir 1816. sand eight hundred and sixteen, and payin tlie same'into
the treasury of' this contmionwealth, and also flor paying into
the tIetmiy the arrears of' ttxes doe oni lands in the said
county, which %v er sold at the August court held lor the
Fines and damn- said county ; a:d tle said Joshua Ewing exoneraled from
ges releascd.  all fines and dntitags For having flailed t, cllect and pay the
sail taxes at tihe limes prescribed by law.
Commencemelt.  2. This :et. shall elonltemitc and ihe in force fr'on 'and a-
ter the lassing therieeol [Passed Decemnber 27th, i816.]
CHAPTER 148-An Act concerning George Clarke.
rreamble.      WI[IEREAS it appears to the General Assembly, that
Gcorge Clhiike of the county of' Patrick has recently reeeiv-
ed, 1) detd Ilgift frlom his futher-in-law Thomas Cardwell of
Nor' it Ca'.ilimi, two slaves ; and the said Clark having peti-
tioned tile L.egislatntrc to be pevnitted to britg te said slavois
into this cotlnaonwealth ;
George Clarke  • 1. B it eated. That the said George Clarke shall le,
authorizeal io  and h is hereby authorized and cu1ilo1vered to bring the
hold in ,his  said two slaes. known by the names of Fanny and
State two sltaes
brought in f'm George, into Ihis comminonwealth, and to * hold theta IUR
North Carolina. his property therein, free fito  any ll(ine, penalty or 1'o.fei-
I'roVso.    ture whatsoever: Prorided, Iunwerer, that. within six
BuontIs front the passige of illis lit, the said George Clarke
shall comply/ with the provisions of the first seetion of tile
net, entilled, ', An aet to anend the act, entitled, an act to
ani'ud the several laws concerning slaves, passed January
17th, 1811.
Commencement.  2. 1ihis act sh1l be in force friom the passage thereof.
[Passed Jhcemher Slh, 181(1.
CHAP'I'1t 149-An Act cuncerning Dandridge Martin.
Compensation  -  1. lie it enacted hil the General .sisemb/y, That tile sum
allowed  fbr  lss  ol   s          allowed  D andig  il.'
-ofa hotse stolen Of fitly dollars is her1atin. 1,1 til
from cop fot- loss of' his horse, which was stolen  on the night of the
to's bridge,  twenty-sevent h ohNovember one thousand eight hundred
war.         and flbrleen, froin the stable at Catll Bolom's bridge,
whilst in the seitvico of the State ; and the auditor is author-
ized andrequired to issue a 'arrant on the treasury tohian or
his representative, to he paid out or any money therein, not
otherwise aipropriated.
Commencement. .2. This act shall be in force from the passing thereof.
[Passed Deccmber 318t, 1816.]

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