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An Act authorizing Elizabeth Johnson to hold a certain slave therein mentioned within this commonwealth. 1816 181 (1816)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0255 and id is 1 raw text is: 1.V TIiS  ?OwR-TO-ViItST ThAiI OiF' 'rIIu CoMito*lITML (I

red or' to bo ineureed by reason of'ilhuli rentoval. ;it o  is North Cnrolina.
it  ,  dl  '   ti said uli.1 .      k   1. (f}Sce 0cts of
atalitt  s .IIOrCsaidl :. iirvideb,, .hit~ thlt' sail %1h~ o    1812. chap. 18,
witii sixty' days ht'the t assage of this aet, eonatiern Io page20.
the provisions cont'llined in the ;Wonvio or tie, first section or
fi a.t entiled Ai .et cune'iiiog slaves, jII1asId on'the
91h day or January 1813, exceept so I'ir ns tht.aet requiires
ali oath that such slaves wore not bi'Onght h io Iho slate in
any manner Contrary to the pov'4ions ot1 (hal ael.
2. This, act shall be in Vlirec front lit, pies~ing theeo|.  , Gum meticement,
V[aPssed Febriry -51h, 18 17.1
CIAfPf'h 128.-An act mithcrizhii, F lizaiheth .1hohsnn to hokl a cerwain
slave thercia nentiined withii this coin nmwvealth.
WITIE   EA S it is represented to tile General Assenibly, 1roj:ilule.
by Elizabel i Jolhsoi. that ahout this year 1799 she reniov-
ed with her hushanld John B. iwell Johnson, I'vout VirginiaI
their natise tate, to the, slate of' Tetiinssue, where they
couitinhied to reside tit  (lie death of1 her said husband, wlich
happlencd in the year 181 ; thaIt. sin  he i ushaid's death.
she has been iniduced, by lie peCrsnasiois of' her friends and
helr own iuelination, to ret'iin to Virginia, and hath bhnouIght
with hiee a negro manll nainwd Peter, 1hl whoul she gave ill
exelinllC Iwo other slaves, in eonsideration ol' his I)einl the
iiusband or a Icinalo slave attaehed to her fainily; and
wIhercas the said E~lizabeth ,Johnson hth pCtitiontd the lc-
gislature to he permnitted to hold tle said slave in ihis state ;
1. Re it tlleI 'orc C11aCIM. '[hitl the said lE'lizahetl John1- El-izabeth Jlh11.
.oil shall he and she is. herly anthoirized and cniPoWel'td to son witlorized
liold the said slave Peter in this state, fri-e froan y line, to ho11d in this
lenalty, o 'or ft eimile wliats evei, ineurred o1 to lie incur- state . slave
re                                                      browglt  in from
reil ly reason or his renoval into this cotninonwealth [is Tennessce.
afor aid.
2. This aet shall eolnniience nd be in fol'ce r'onilland af- Commencemtnt.
tee the passing thereof. [Passed Febrium'y 7111, 1817.]
CIIAPTR 129.-An Act authorizing Ti hruston 1. Dl)i;ellon to hold a cer-
taint slave in  this cumnioni wealtlh.
W11 i1REAS it is represiited to tlic General Asseurbly. Preamble.
by Thruslon 1. )ickenson, of the county of -N-lson, that lid
has been inileed to purchaso aiid bring- ito tlis Coninon-
,enilth fri'om Kentucky, a IlegliO wontfin slae iilned Jaile, in
consliderton o  ife heizi'ii the INi it-, of (o (if his Sel-Vants
and wihreas the said Thirusloli I. Diekeisiin' hiplth petition-
ed the legisla(ure to be perniil ttd to retain (lie said slave in
this state ;
1. lie it  herfore e Ohmled, That Ile said rlhillSton t 1. Thrlston T.
ll~ickeI;nson all.
Diekenson, shall e, alnd is hereby autlioized and eipow- tlollzCd L hOhU
e'ed to hold the said slave, iatled Jalle, in this coniiolln, in this state
wealli, fruee roin nlily fine, penilty or rortfiiuii'e wliisoe. a slave brought
Veit incnrved or to le iienrred, by reason of lie removal it). in f n Ken.
to this State ais atforesidh : Fr'orided)tliat tile said 'P~hi'tston Provio.

( *sI Y.

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