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An Act authorising William Cook to hold sundry slaves within this commonwealth. 1816 180 (1816)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0254 and id is 1 raw text is: ItO)+N -TU1  T.'T..PB   .T Y E'ARO  T.t  C

mending the -brigade to which they., %yore' attached ;,and
,whereas much distress .vas expeeted to fall on the people oif
the said eounty byineans of a comnunioation of  the, people
Ofcolour with the eneliy,AtllenIt overing on-ihe shoresT or the
said eountly in considerable force, it was adviscdaid ordered
by a hoavd of oltcers of the said county, that all canoes and
sanall boais then under guavid according to law should lirst
be vaiued, and thendeslsoyed :
Sum apprn priat-  1. .Be it tlhevefore enaeled, '[hat the sum of two thousand
ed to pay fr  three hondred *and lhirly-flour dollars be, and the same are
certain canoes  .hereby al)propr1iateld  lilet 41iatiru for tile pur-pose of paying
And snialt°boats to the owne o;. owners, 'r Ihfil.  epesentutive or replr-
destroved in
Norihumber.   sentatives, ofttill canoes and small hoats destroyed undert iho
land county dur- order afloesiid. in n'opoietion to tie value or eaohl ; and that
ing the late war, Ilirani JlM.kwell, Grihlin Edwards, Henry L. Gaskins aud
by order of a.
ba ottfficers. Saiuel laekiliiell, be and they are, hileby appointed collk.
Commissioners  niisioners to carly this act into eftlvet, ind snake the pay.
appointed to  mllells alilitiid. whose duty it shall lie to take a receipt, or
make such pay. rutceilts Ao1l tile niloulit Ilid to anly Ileumo or. persons elli-
mnents ;-their  tied tlherpto bv virtii o of' (his act, and to transinit, such re-
powers and du-
ties.        ceipts and Voli('lliS to the iilitary aceounitant, to be by him
preserved in his olliec.
2. /IOnd be it further enueledl, 'Vlati tle auditor of' public
acecoulnts he and Iv is heleby ill iolized and i'eqluired to is-
sue a warrant ol the IreisUiy in ltavor of tit said conitnis,
sioners, or eilhelr of' Ihieni, trr the aiount of' tire appropia-
tion hereinhieove made, to be paid Out of1 any iiOlleyt theie.
in, riot othel'wise appropriated: tinl ii, e eillin  for
tie sever'al eanoes and snall boats desrf'o,.d as aloresaid,
any surplus of the sumi liervi  t;;prolprihted  shilll 'e-
naii in the hands of the said coliiSsioner's, or either of
lheni, the saite shall 3e paid itto thie pimli t'easul.y.
Commencement.   3. This aet shall be in foree firoin the passing t lheieof.
[V'assed Februzaryj 6th, 1817:]
CII PTEt 127.-An act authorizing William Cook to hold1 sundr. slaves
within this ooinloneati.
WIEIIEAS it is represented to the General Asseibly,
Preamble.     by William Cook of tile city of Riehillond. 1list, in Setlllei-
her 1813, lie acquired a. title, by iillcrcihge ill No'th iCalrOlina,
to Sut(]iiy slaves, and has since that peiod caused Ithe said
slaves 'to be remlioved into this e01niitoawalfh, with a view
to his owni personal servie, ailld willifillt thl in.violis knowl-
edge that such reinoval was inhibited by Ile laws of this state ;
and the said Williai Cook liavin  pe, ititioned the legisliitlue
to be authorized to retain the said slaves hi'eihin as lis pro-
per'y ;
1. Be it enacted, That the said William Conk shall be, and
Williamt Cook  lie is herely authrized and cinpoor md lt hitld inl this ,coin-
authorized  to  io  I rn l tli   said  slaves, known  h), ile nants ol' W a, Isaac,
hold in this state
certain slaves  Colin, Study, Hall, Abraham, Charles, Goulls, and )iee,
broughtin from free' frOn any line, penalty, or, lbrflitilre whaltsovei, incur.

tsO )

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