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An Act prescribing certain general regulations for the incorporation of turnpike companies. 1816 41 (1816)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0248 and id is 1 raw text is: IN T1IM FORTY-FtIRS' YEAR OF 'lEt COMMONW1A171.     ( 41 )
liL lct pnescribing certain general regaittions fo) the incor.
poatLion of t urnpike cotmnpanie.
[Passed FCb'hilmy 7th, 1817.]
1. lie it eitcled by, the (G'nera Ailssembly, Tlat, wlienever Genet'al pp'vi.
it may he deemed expedient by tih  General Assenily, to ius to regulte
giit.t ai cli'iiter' ht I lie ineo'lm'ation ol'a cotupany io nieako tiierpiker conia.
&t lieiCekteL to
a turnpiko road, ane fl act shall aol lhf ly p;Iss tMe (ciiei'al be at'.ihd.
Assembly, fo' such purpose, Ihe following general ltovisi-
ous shall he deemed and Ihl-,.n to It part of he said chA'Wti
o0   at V inol'Ipoialion, Ito the same efrect -is if' (lie samie
were expr'ossly I'e-tlaWld ill i'ell.'rcl,0 to ally such Char'et'
U' ael, c el1t so f'il Us siell special g'lnt, elai'ler' ' et
may otherwise expi 'ssly provide ; viZ I h i cominssioners ook for receiv..
liiilt'd  in  Iilly  special ;et ofI   tHOl 'ht t   i iii),  at lUPa j 011 'i   of' ing subscriptions
wlere to be o.
them, sldI have loweL to opt'n btOOlis fo' SubseilicIlls to tilenpw
slioek of the COiipilhy, it Such pl'ees as shall 60 Iialnid in •
the sid special al, and to divide tle. capital Stock authorized
to be subve;'xilr  hy I he sail ael, illo as Inally shaves, not
Vex(eeding oe huudi'ed dollars eaeh, in alumount as they may Amount of
deetti I(,poe', iml to appoint any lumhe of'depuly eonimis- sharems o tock.
sionc's to opera Iboks N'' a sahseriltlion to he sock of'sueh
company ; aud tMe suhseriplions may he nWd by the sub-
seribers to tiet Said( stoek, eilliev in person o' by polley or
atto'ney, in Vi,.ginia currency, or sudh meditun as the com-
liissionevs U' a imajm'y of themt may .iglv'c to reeeir. It  Money to be re
shall hO the duty oi' such commissione's, an depuly eOltltos- cCiomm  by. the
sioners, to receive all mouies which may bt, due upon te cummlintfers,
shares subseihed in tlheir books, at any Im te before the first
clce ion o[ the president i di'eeots of' the eomllnllttthi   as
herein provided o'r ; but all monies which may he paya-
hie on such sharei, ater such eh'ctiou, shall be paid to
the sUiM p'esiWle all direetors, o1 to thoi' UP  0dp lv. Tht' said AM paid by
commissioners and deitly Commissio(ers shall, fortlwitlh then to the pre-
i Int  and  di.
a'le such ele~tiou, pty ov(',' to IhI I)t'esid'l I atnI dir'etot's rector.
all monies rec'ei ved by them ; amid in nilure  fie', Who said
piresident andI direc tot's ii ty l't,' OVOI' lii, 1iC t llolllut de rlI Olll Rcmcdy against
them. UP SUM'f'O illy Onll  ' IIIU l' of' the lit lb Iit l Il,  n bi d ays  Ailing t' W fg
pivlious notice.' iO' 0         'itf  toui' (f an1 elll- o tike such
1y o! cot'rOlp.talion wherein sutch colmmiissitone' UP01' Coili. ss- payat,
Oll0'S iliay restde ; mh e elei'k shall endorse ulonl htili CXe'uj-
lion. whih sliall issue u)1 suc'h recovery. thiat no seculity
shall be taken, and11 c sherif' o0  olier uitleer shall govern
himself aecordigl..ly
'. The subse-.ipti'ot hooks shall 'emin open until at least How lnnp the
one hal'of' tht eati(ai stork of 'h (Oti tay lShall hIc been hooks shall con-
sullserihed ; publie ohiee or whieh evetit shal Mh given by twic opa.
.ily three o the said conmissioners, l twho shall have Itver, First general
nlt I hI same time, to call a .g r'lie'a meeting ol' the subsCe'i- meeting when,
•                      :t n d h o ~w   to   h e
bt'u's, it si Convenient plate and time, as they shall il!mlPt iitted.
it the s911inotiec: to constitute any such meeling. a numbet
of'pcesons entitled to a n.joritv of' all tile Votes Which Couhl

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