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An Act to amend the several laws concerning runaways. 1816 36 (1816)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0247 and id is 1 raw text is: )

On ,lr1 chal,!rill the days qf hldiig s uperior courts If l70
in the cle-vcnth juiicial eh,'eui, tuld li   otlicr jml'lpOSe,.
[Passed February 17th, 1817.

Stiperiar courts  * lie it cmcted by the General Assembly, 'Thilt tle siup-
of law for MoY
non ,: t'  Ilarri.  t'vio' COiIS  of, Iiw  t01  Ih ie  clev niri t ei llt h ll he  hollln  ill
son. :.i..olpl, tile Iollowing ordit. to Wit: for  'oilonala eoul(y, on (ie
I,-w ;, Tyler,  III,( Monday in April nd the IhIst Moulny in Seplemihet ;
wood, Ohio, & For Iarv'isol olifty, oil til second Monilai in Ain'il id tilhe
Brooke couti'es,
when to bc hol- SeCOfld 3i lly in Septntnviy  ; l 01. ladol I cnlinti, oil Ilhe.
don.         first 'tIuk-s(lIy  l'(eir(e the iild Moilday in April and tilt, Ihi i'd
IMonday in Septenibel' ; Ioi IOlvis (oIillIV, oil tle loiirth Mon.
day in A lil and (1,he iloui h Monday In s)(li lit'e l.i 'L'y.
]el' county, oil tile jirsl F'idaV  l'i' ll-' loullIll Mntuiy ill
Airil nndlh theFomh M',onday Ill, Sepembelr : fo61 Woodl eolil-
t., fl the tilrst Monday al't,  Ilie' hmi t'hi -Monday in Apiil
and Ihe oIii'tlh ionday in Sepfenillnh' ; Iol ti hioinlit3, oil
tile Fourt'h MondI aI nl't. w lir,6- Ii  oll lay ill Apiil and
tlhe lotrth Alolnha  ill SeplellIhiT ; F.r Ilh'ooke, eoolv,% oil Ill-
li1h Monday i'lerile floirth Monday ii April and ll. I,1urth
Mon,day il Septemibne'. in every vell'. at lle  ,l4'sleci lye pla-
ce-, now alplointCd liy law For' hoiidlng tlit .11e , any -,Illilig
,onilahid ill any lF)'lorgoing let or n.is to tlile eOill'y not-
1.sintv court of  .id be ifi'-ther lenuecd, That I counly coul't Ioi' Ml)-
Monoligalia,  nongllia comnty Shlll. I7oini aui nl'ter the first dar of Alpi
next, lie held Oull 1w iour'th Monday ill every ilonth, ilistead
of' (lie seeotd Monday.
Provision to    3. .l1d be it fr-Illc I)Ifl(d, 1  alili y iiat hilug ling l't'iill con-
prevent disCOrt- taiheil shnll riot olia'te i disiiotintil'e of' any caUiliW ir
,tiu ies()
tjMISioc      (((1 ma te eniiig Ii lii ~dCil-s itI heeb ai~il It'eed and1 that
aill pi'oess ililri'lla lth  to  ,I  t('ill hI'l'inilTlld, .-ll    1 (1 r-
iecldti-i ul li it I'r'etilied to hi tl i'.liig flow estallidlled.
(,)nlietccmc,!ut.  1  Ttiis ; 1- li    lie i n  Vore' l'riolliIh 11'.4  it iv  o|1'   rel,l,
in IhC; '  lie  1olisisand eight llnil uied il ndswveitin.

*i4it .lcf 10 11jieid the Scerri'l /f' (('.,co'('tin'l ; ug i'rur us.
['asscd February 22d, lS11.]
Seamible,       WVIl: [{ I'WAS it is replrEented It I lie I eiwiill A ssenIllly of
Virgiia, that sIi'iills ileovtliv'neisi have been expl'rienced
bv many cilizells ofl this Conliiuolwevellth. t'r'oil tile I'requIent
t'  *lliLt o' slaves I1) states I'lrthi ol'(le Pot owilac and else-
whei'e ; and wherens. fhe conupensalion now nutlorizrd by
rw, for tlie appell-edi.g aidi sl'elniing o1' irlnitways, lis not
been found silleient fio' the reeo vety oi'fslaves so elipiii
!Rward 111-wed  1. Be it tlher '/ e'  cueeled by the ilhorily# qforrtiaid. That
i uj vcrhending Illy perIo ii ivllo shall hereat' apllelend any runaway

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