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An Act incorporating a company to establish a Turnpike road from the top of the Blue Ridge at Manasse's gap. by Front Royal in the county of Frederick, to intersect the Great Western road at Strasbourg in the county of Shenandoah. 1815 160 (1815)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0230 and id is 1 raw text is: -~ 0 )N TflE FORTIET1r YE.0 Or, hnU  co.Nvo-y~ith.

4i~company, their is lier'eby vested in fle proprietors, their heirs  nd aasigns
heirs aid asiigns Coi'ever, its tetnnlams in-conlinon, ill prnopiortion to their res-
forever, l te.                             '5
*   s155 in comumon [icitve Sli'rCs ; and (he samle shall no e:onaidered real estate;
Tolls when to  e  16.  he toIl hl'eiu allowed shill liv Subject to the vou-
,Undercontrolof' tiol of te Legislltrc it (ih11 e ld orevery tel year.si artr
the Leg1islatc hey  fhe completion, or at any tile  I'ereal'eir : jovided, tiat
'may be rcducd. tlCy shall niot be SO rTdIleCe( as to ikak them nbe( to the
stockholders less than titrenui pl  cet tlear llrofl t oil tlad
su it ii ttiali. expe nded il conlehting 110 saidl road.
Gonlmenemcnt,   23. This Act shall be ill Force lolu the passing thereol.
A1li Jet ilc,.po ral ing a Compai !l to establish t Lm'nildke
io-.dlloili the Il) of 1hc I'lL' IIdli  at *.')ltitn s.hit £flilb
F'ront l41 l  i l the eoluillf /  I redr'i-/k, 1o infi'set tlihe
(Jent lieslceel I-o0d (it ShtrasibUi1 in the Co0llu! f St'heni.-o
[1'assed February 19th, 1816.]
hooks for re-        , it Cient t bt the Generalt  .iei.'hi, That it sha.ll
ceivng subs :rip      N  l.A   ; IV til ;(! ,elcl boosi ;;it Vront lO'al, tinlelt lo
lioni, where L  i lai tileilit or 'l'hli ia  lthek  ,lilirs 71 Il'khil ihunes
by wholi to be  loore' WVilii iin 'alliilieter, Mezekiah  nn, CflUS 1. ldh-
Will aii J'hoiiia Thalhler1', oW aLlly two of thelii ; it Stras-
bi' ig, under (IlO ittitlirag  iireiil .1', se'pi Stoetel, Philip S plil-
glei Elishai E. illltsel[, Sa iiuel Gardneir, Isaac Bowlnin,
David Stieklhy and An lioiiy Spanigll, or ol' iw   °o r iiia ;
andi at Woodsto  . linidel' ile iiilli~li ieill I or Jiaeob Ott,
Philip Witllis, Geo o,   oit il ,i Philip  Miller, John S.
Ball, Gieorgo Il'ave. SIll.'. aid3 ,ohill Croid(sitl  O f lly to1(
Amount of Capl. theill, for receivilig aiid lill v li slliseipipioixs to the a 1iniosnait
tal.           ceighty thousand 41ol:ir1s ; 1,61 the  11113Ose oi' liling ? a
Tu'liriikike roai ioiii h  I op tl'lhc lhle Rl ,idge at Matiasse '
gap thereii, lby F'ront Iloyal in tle coUtilly of b'retleric, to
iitersect tlhe Great Western rilad at Strisbug ill tile coln-
Noimhcr of    ty or Shlianidoah ; wih su shillal lie divided ito sixteen
51i;re.      huniIdred shares, of' fity ilollll'S rael.  ilid thle slibsclilitions
tic iilaie in per'son or by ilower it Attllit, in Virginia cur-
r~enr v.
t11w long to con.  2. The suserilition books shall I'enlaiin oell until lhe lasi
tihle opel .  day of D, eiiher ei-heeul hird red and sixteoi, at 11 hich
Annnal meet.  tinIc thele shal Ill a gilenr imll cing of' he Suill istri ivIs at
ing . f th su k. Stiiasbill. , oi' it an earlier' period ri Ieqlihieil ; to  Culisti-
l3)idt, wh'-c.  lite ivhi   :1 lainij(ility or the Stilscriihers, either in pie'-
ajd wheln to lie
t1 fMC1; idl ioW lili  ' hiy proxy jii'olicrly aithorisde., sh:all be necesary
culstitited.  and if It sudiicient lluL'rbi1' ol'suselribei's to constitute ur nieet-

(  166o )

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