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An Act incorporating a Company to establish a Turnpike Road from John I. Dickenson's Tavern in the county of Goochland, to the commencement of the Richmond Turnpike Road. 1815 135 (1815)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0226 and id is 1 raw text is: IN THE YORTJETII YE AR O  TIM' UOMN0DIWI,tTJi,

•          CI[AII: LXI.
A4n .let incorp'artling a Compai!i to e8tablish a Turnpike
P oud from John . Dickenson's T'1 vern il Ihr count! o
oelland, to the commenenenict oj lhe RIichmolt T 'urn-
pike itoad.
[passed February 2A3d, 181.]
SE it eracted by the General Issenibli, ' That it shall he Books thrrecrv.
lawful to open books in tile county or' ( hochiland at ijg subseripti-
Miljor Joba Trievillian's 'Tave'i, uder. the oiraigii n o[n webreae
John Trovillian, Isaac Curd, Arehibald Biryce, TIhomas opeled.
Cited, John 1. )iekenson. John Sheltow, Join] Undcrwood
and John (uerrant ; and at 'irmnei's Tavern at Waynesho-
rough, in the county of Augusta, under the inanagentent of
Claudius ]hliard, Frederiik ihnoden, George r      lertlle,
''homas Wilson, Andrew Frlitou and Charles Patrick ; and
in the vOtllV of' Ilenrico at llobert Saunders's Tavern under
fie manageent of' Robert Saunders, Daniel Burton and
fStephen 1)ttval, toe receivin. aud enitering subscriptions to
the aiorount of forty thousand dollar's, for the lmrl5e 0t'lliI- Amount of Ei.
king a 'rI'lpile Road fioni John 1. ])ickcnson's Tavern in Ld.
the county or Gooehidand, to tile cotlieievnellit o the Ri -
illond T 'll npi ke Road ; vii heli siliO ,shall he divided into Foir
hundred shars of one hundrcd dollars eacih, lrd Ihe sulb-
serilptions be mlade in person or by power of attorney, in
Vir.inia Currency.
'11wTh suibseription hooks shall remain open until the Iast Irowlong torco-
day or DceSmr eighteen hundred and sixteen, at vhich tinue open.
tine there shall Ie a general IneetiZ!.; of' tihe sub rscribers at General meeting
Robert II. Saunder's '['avern in the county of HIl rico, or at of suIbscribers,
an carlier period i1 reqired ; to eunsltitite mhih, a itujori- when and where,
ty of the subscribers, either in person or by irroxy properly and how conl-
autthorised, shall he necessary ; and if a sri tieii lnonber of
subscribers to constitute a iniee(ing do iot attend oil that
diay, those who do attend shall have power to adjourn froni
day to day until a inceting shall h rorined ; or which meet-
ing one mutith's nlOtiec shall Ile given, in olle or the iiewspa-
pets priilted in the city of llihiniond, by the iuianagers above
3. I' it sinll appear to this nehting, oil caiination of the Subscribers to b-
books, that one hail'of ire said capital stnint above lientioned incorporated by
shall have been subscribed, their tie said subscrihrs, thei the nue oft the
licirs and assigns, from Lie the of said nieeting, shalil be and Itichmond Tuirn-
and they are hereby dclairel iiicoriorilfe( into a coipaikny Pike Bteulet'
fly lito nanie or The Ritchiond 1 Turnpike, E.xtcudcd, aud
xiay sue and be sued as slwi.h
4. 'The sulscribers, at ther general ilecting above ditect- Seven Directors
to be chosen.

( W ) -

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