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An Act to amend the Act entitled, An Act incorporating a Company to establish a Turnpike Road from Fredericksburg to Swift Run Gap in the Blue Ridge 1814 109 (1814)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0208 and id is 1 raw text is: Ix TIM rlihRTY-NINTh MHAn OF ThE COM.MONWEALTh1.

And inor ebVeriho person, or persons, entrusted as aforesaid
vilh the care and repail of such part or parts ofthe said road
so found out of' repair, shall be su jecot to a fine of ten dollars
each, to be recovered with costs, by warrant before a justice of'
the puntee ; one moiety whereot shall be applied to the use of
the L.iterary fund, an(d the other to the use of the person or
pcrsons suing for the same.
.,. This act shall be in force from and after the passing Commencement.
.An lct to allendil the . ce, enztilled, ,, it Act incorPorating (t
VonipatiU to Es(tbist, a 'iurnpike Road front redericl s-
bui to Swift 1un Gap in th1e .lue Rtidge.
[Passed December 9th, 1814.3
   E it naeled by lh General Assenblt, That as soon a Dividends of nett
the President and Directors of the Conpany in~orpo, rofitstobe madse
rated 6c 11o eslablish a Turnpike Road from Fredericksburg ithen twenty
to Swi't Run Gup in the Blue Ridge, shall have finished the miles of the road
sanie from the said town, to the distancc or' twenty miles, in shall have beea
the inanner prseribed hy the alrorestaid Act, a iuajority of te fnished.
Ineinbers of the said Company, afltcr leaving in the hands of
their Trreasuretr a sulticient suin for keeping the said road in
good repair shall, lhlf yearly, order the nett profits from the
tolls herein g ranted to be divided amongst the members of the
$aid Company, in proportion to their respective shares.
0. Ad be it further enacted, That, at the end of one year, Report to be
from the completion of twenty miles of the said road, and of made by the Pre.
every three years thereafter, it shall be the duty of the Presi- sidentand Dirce.
dent and Directors to lay betbre the Court of Or1ange County tors to Orango
a true statement of the whole Capital expended on the said
road, and tlwir annual receipts and disbursements, s6 as to
show the nett dividend made upon their who~e stock in every
year ; and whellever it siwli happen that the annual dividend By which the toll
shall have fallen short or eight per centatm, it shall be lawful maybe iticreascd.
for the said County Court, and the said Court is hereby re- intheevdntofthe
quired, on the request of the said President and Directors, to nulilig short of
increase the taritt of tolls hereby granted, in such proportion eight percentum;
that the same will produce eight per centuin per annum on
the said stock, calculating upon the receipts of the preceding
year. And when it shall so happen that the dividend shall Or reduced, if it
have exceeded twelve per centun, the sanno shall in the inan. exceed twelve
ner aforesaid be redueed to twelve per centuna per atinunm, cal- per centum.
eulatitig in the manner aforesaid: Provided such increase or rroviso.
reduction shall be made in the same ratio upon the tolls hereby
granted upon each and every article chargeable with toll.
:. .Ad be iLfurlher enacted, That the President and ])irec- New stock to be
tors of the said Company are hereby authorised and emnjowcr- raised for comple
tiont of the road.
ed! to raise, upon such terms and in such nuaniter as they ioay
doe-i uiiost lwoper, such and so much new stock as they itay
think necessar'y for 1he completion of the said road, and tnay
demavid and receive or all return waggons, earts and tuntbriis, Toll Illowed on
tiat half of the tolls allowed by the aforesaid Act, for the like Return wasggne
carriagggs passing down the said road.                     &c.  .¢r

( lop )

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