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An Act increasing the powers of the Trustees of the town of Portsmouth, in the County of Norfolk. 1810 104 (1810)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0153 and id is 1 raw text is: Xia4~)

V:enemcnt.  y .  'r ip :s hl im.#i00cd andbir f-1mlthe pin-
AAct incremni  dre -p~owers u/. th e -7rustW Of, Me, to!Oz ofP
fri'sscd January 21,1 181V.
Preamible.   ~A      EREASit is represented to this. general aisnbly that.
VY    the; powers heretofort granted to th truscee, ft6he town
of Portsm nbuth are insutficienit fr the purpoiesintendedi:
Additi4nM pow-  1. Be it enactedby the General Asenimbly That the,.trustees. of
eri giveu thetrus the town of Portsmouth and ,their suctessors, (i a majorityof
tees.        them-, shall have power o. ap,point a tLbrk of the market; to esta-
blish an assize of bread; to regulate weights and measures; .and
to remove nuisanres.' snd obstructions in the -.towni and streets, at
the expense of ti{ose who ott-lasioned them, and to appoint one or
more measurvrs of wood, salt, coal and grain, and to maiike regu-
lations for prutecting property in the said town against accidents
by fift.
Farther powers.  2. Be itjurther ehacted, That the trustees, or a, majority of
them shall be.'authorised to prevent and punish the practice of
runniing tod g:,lt)pping-horses, mares, gvlilngs and inules in the
streets of dte s-tid town, and to prohibit hogs running at large. there-
in, by iinposing a fine not exceeding five dollars on the offender,
ifa white persmn, to be recovered with costs, by warrant before
Finesimposed by any iulstiCle of the peace for the af'oretiaid county of Norfolk :It
them, how eCvo- the offender be an hfant,its parent or guardian sha I be liable for
,erable.     the amount.of the fine,; to le recovered in the radner above di.
rected in the case of an adult.:
Punishrntnt of  3.  Ic either o-f the above'enumerated offences be committed
free persor s of'-i by a pfree. uerson oI colour,  a'slae, and tile fine be not immedi-
in to pz ,-suv  ately paid on applic-tiatn o the town sergeant to the free person
intO lP*,'51.   -   --  .I I  ,I                   a
s so oflka-ding; or in case of n slave ) thi master or owner, the
said off, ndtr shall receive by the order of the justice of the peace
a nuii't:-i of lashes, not excqeding :wenty..
Power,6.uisters  4. A:dt-bc itlurther enacted, Tht the said trustees, or a majority
to pass bye-h. -s of them shall have power tc pass bye-laws to restrain negroes or
tOleStrain nesirv s
&c. from waunder. mulattoes from  wandering about the sti'eets after night, or on
ing ablmt the  Sundays or other hotid,¥s, aud to pass suclitbye-laws as they- may
atreets il thie  think necessary for carrying this ac ct into.effect ; and generally
gi~ht, &c.   to pasS such other byelaws. rules and iegdlations, not contray .
to the laws or constitution of this state or of the United States, as
they shall deem necessary for the-good order and :government of
the said town ; and to-Cforce the exeution of such bye-laws,
rules and regulations, under penalties not exceeding. ten dollars,
to be recovererd with cota, , by warrant before any justice of the
peace for the aforesaid.county of Norfolk,.
,ay appoint an-  5. Andbe it  therJ:i r :eaicted, That;it shall amd -mhybe lawful
•nualy constables for the said trustees, or a majoritY o.f themt 'to-appoin.t annually,
or own seritone or mor- cnabs -       erjeants, who' previous to the e-
o shall     n.tow                            • ,
oath of oice LW ecution of  aduties that may:'bt r-quired-of them bY virtue Of
give londnd se-,this or any:other act concening the said town, or !iiVy bylw S -or
regulatioils of the- trustees tierf, hshali take an oa a of oic  an
-moreover givea bond wi h-such' secrity and,'ith such-apenilS
Their duty   ias a b  oar of the trtces shall direct  t sAl eSpeciallybe the dutt Y
of the:said constables'or serjeants to execlt e all orders, sumtnon -
 eS an4 precepts- to thtm directedw' haf ofTbe said trustees;

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