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An Act authorising Charles Scott to erect a Dam across an Arm of Dan River, and for other purposes. 1810 93 (1810)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0148 and id is 1 raw text is: 11! ItWiTIUiATY-1ti'tgk'7 T k OT  I dMM0qNW-FAATIV


'.AMl be itf i~rt her eactedThat the person or peron sol A~igLsaee to be keep
or renting shallbe1tie keeper of the said foivy froin 11amipto to  .... t rd
Norfolk, and shalll enter into And'exceuto a bond with suflcient se,
irity, in a reasoi ild~e pcnalty,to the Justices of the said ~Urt, with
c6nditon to'epay oniI the first dyof Januaie annually during his
lease, so much money as' such keeper may bidor the said ferry; !ccmedy aialns
nd in case of his or thteir failing to pay the amount stipulated to tiun by motio .
be: paid annually according to the condition lo~the saidbond, it.
shall belawful for tile eourt of the said county to recov ethe same
by mdtion against the said keeper and his securities, his or their
executors or administrators, in the'superior court of law holdca
for-the said county, ten days previous notice of such motion being-
given. Nothing herein contained ihliil be so construed as to ex-
empt the keeper of the said ferry in all Other respects from the
provisions of the several acts concerning public ferries.
3. Tis act shall commence and be in force from the passing CQDimencsmint.
ni Act athprishig Charles Scolt to erect a Dain across an Arm
of           Don; Rirer, and for other plrposes.
£ Passed Decenmer 9, 1810.]
.    E itenacted bil the Gencral .sseinblij, That it shall be law- cl. Scott author!
B. ful for Charles Scott, of tho county of Halifax, and he is ised to erect a
hereby authorised and permitted to erect a dam across an aria of
Dan river, which divides liis land from an island opposite to where
he has cut a canal for the ptu-pose of procuri:g an additional sup.
ply of water for Iis mill on Peter's creek.
2. Alud be itfurtlhcr enacted, That so soon as the said Charles Creek declared i
Scott shall, at his own expense, have so widened and deepened the public highway
ehanicl of the said Peter's creek, from his mill on the same, to when opened
its junction with Dan river, to be adjudged by commissioners ap-
pointed by the court of Halifax county, as to render its nAvigation
safe and convenient, the'said creek is thenceforth hereby declar-
ed a publip highway; and if any person or persons shall in any
manner obstruct the navigation of the, said creek by erecting or
lixing* any dam, hedge, weir, trap, drag or other stoppage or con-
trivance whatsoever within the distance aforesaid, lie, she or they
shall be deemed guilty ofra nuisance. Every free mian offul age Penalties for ob
so offendiig, or the parent, master or owner of every child, ap- structing naviga.
prentice, servant or slave so oflnding, with his or her knowledge, tio.
shall forfeit and pay the sum of ten dollars for every offence; and
where any of the obsttuctions aforesaid shall be erected or fixed,
or caused to bo erected or fixed as aforesaid, the person or per-
sons so Qflending shall forfeit and pay four dollars for-wvery twelve
hours tiw same shall be continued, and moreover be compelled to
remove them at their own labor and expense.
3. All the penadties imposed by this act, shall be one moiety Penaltieshowap.
to the iaformner,, and the other to the use of the eoumonN ealth, plied.
recoverable with costs, by action of debtor information. The of-
feniders under this act may also be presented by the grandjuries;
and in Al cases of conviction on presentment, dr by private infor-
mation, where there shall be no other evidence to convict-the of-
fender, but the inlornicr's own oath, the whole penalties shall he to
the use of the comimmonwealth.
4, This act sluill be in force from the passing thereof.  ComyeneemeRt,

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