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An Act incorporating a Company to establish a Turnpike Road from the Little River Turnpike Road, through Snickers's Gap in the Blue Ridge to Shenandoah River, towards Winchester. 1809 67 (1809)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0127 and id is 1 raw text is: 1.,BE it therefore.enacted by,.the General Aspemblyi, That te 0Crtificate taE
jnlibj~t~ f Mnf  ~ery idsuc ~It~i i~ibiti~t ofWvtr~'due from ilant'
Gry~nTaeel iidGisvbnte),wo hvediesis bt4                 to
Montgomery t that ieribl, when the tax-becane dute, be allow- o--uid. .
edaid permitted to dichare and pay to t11e colectbrs of the said  ,
ij nlies, ,wlinever appointd for that purpose, th!a2iount f their
certificate tax, for the ye nr one thousand f cyen huQdred -aif eidh.
ty.three,,at the rate-of six shillings ard eight pence in ti pond.
2. This Act shall be in torce from and after the pasaing thereof. Commencement,-
..CHAP. LXXXh              .
An Act incorporating a,- 6om/any to establiish a Turnpihe Road
from the Little River Turpihe Road,. t/rougl/ Snickers's Gap
in Iite Blue Ridg'e to Shenadoah River, towards 'Wainch..stcr..
 [Padseu Junuary 29, 1810.)
] E it •enacted, b  the Genral A'ssembly, That it shall and Books of tb.
may li: lawful to open hooks for.subscribing stock in the scription t6 be
county of ierkelev, under the direction of Elisha Uoyd, Ed- opened inlerke.
ward Jieesozl, Aaron Farts, George Porterfield and Joel 'Ward, I.
or either of them ; in the county of Fairfax, under the direction In Fairfx..
of Jolla Ritcliff, Joshua Hutchinson, 'Richard Coleman afd
John Aahton, or either of them; inthe county.-of Fnuquier, In Fauquiere
under the direction of William Gore, William Clarkson, Thorn.
tol iuckner, John Edmonds and John Carter, or either of them;
in the county of Fredeick, under the direction of. Edward In Frederick.
Df'Gihre, Hugh Holmes, Laurence Washington, George H.
N rris, John Milton and James Ware, or eithrr of them; in
tile coutity of Hatnpshice, under the direction of Solomon Park, In Hampshire,
James Candy, William   Vauce, Jacob Vandzver and James'
Dailey, or either of them; in the county of Jefferson, under 'In Jefrerson,
the directioti of Henry S. Turner, Matthew Frame, John Griggs;
Joel Ward and William-Lee, or either of them; it Ihe county
of Loudoun, under the direction of Charles F. Mlerer, Benja- In Loudot:n.
plin Gr6yson, Abijah Janney, William Noland, Notley C.
Williams, William Woodford, Thomas White and, Timothy
Taylor, or either of them; in the county of Prince William, in Pri, Willam.
under the direction of Edmund Brooke, Charles Tyler and
John Brown, or either of them ; in the county of Shenandoah, In Shenandoah.
-under the direction of Philip Williams, Jqnes Allen, Jacob
Rinker, Robert Gaw and Joseph Sto'er,  r, either of them;
and in the county of Rockingharn, under the dircction of John In Reckinghalms
Koonis, John Kretzer, Ezekiel Harrison and John iader,, or  v  . I
either ofthei ; in' the county of 11ardy, u.  the direction Ofand in Hardy.
*John Cunningham, Abel Semour, John M-. Smith and Chris-
tian Simoil, or either.f thcm; for the purpose of tnaking an
artificial road* from a point on the east bank -of the Shenand6ah
river, in themost direct route from the summit of the niountiin
in. Snickers's gap to Winchester, to such point at; above or below
the ford 'of Little river, as miy be fixed upon by the viewers ap-
pointed by'thli act, and the stock so to be subscribed, shall cop-
sist of fifty' thousand dollars, and be subscribed in one thousand
shares, of fifty dollars each.
2. Be it further enacted, that so soon as two hundred shares Meetingofrattck•
-re iibscribed, the persons hereby appointed to take and receive Ubw, whefl and
Uburi3ptin.i-or any four of them, by advertising the same where to be
:4 i s r i   o ,c                           alle d * ; :

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