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An Act to incorporate a Company to establish a Turnpike from the Town of Leesburg, in Loudoun County, to the Little River Turnpike. 1808 78 (1808)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0114 and id is 1 raw text is: I( ~t:'j )

3;.;t Stai& t omm    d.  be, in force Irv iAad afte the.

An 5t to .ncororate a. C~mpa  , o  iestakih 1; ,  in'#i;e tr  4.
Cosioners  1.D   Ki enacfcd,   shoGuneraL Aceg .htWloCay
~ijipouedu J e  -  hdI  4 '.,   J .  I..I.hny
Sta ceyTayl-rJazne. I1eaton   ahlon  layioriGeorgeTavender,
W  ifliat.  ainq John ,1itdcjohn, ~sraal:.Janey,. Captain 44'hma
beir dut$ies  Grog.an Nd  ia  N oI dj be aU4., haeeby; are 4ppointed com-
. n~s sanors tQ open boQos~fov thet ,i.rpose ,offtceiyvagr4ubscripti.
,   %fas:.frm ikng aturnpike road fromthe town of.Lecsburgj in
*'the uty of Loudou,. to the Little river turnpikes.in.eatch   of
I which books. t.hcy ,shallenter9 aRfollows, to wit . We,',,whote
atimes;ai ' hereunto subtcribed, do promise topay to the.presi.
dent and directors of th Lucsfuyg. turnpike compuny the Sum of
fifty doilhrs, for each share of stock in the said. companyi set op.
Amount to be  posit. to our respective names.'.' Every person at, the'time. of
t I n subsCri. subscribing shall pay to some one of the said commissioners, the.
itol,      sum of five dollars 1r4 each share by him subscribed, to be by thef
said' commi~ioncrs paid to. the pre3id-ent and directors who shall,
be eiected agreeably, to this act ;; and the said president anddi-
-rectors shall- have power to dmad;, fwrr thv subscibersi from
time to .time, such' advance ow; thji' respective: ahares'; as the.
4ants,of the, company may requi-e, until the wholeof their sub..
, scriptionh shall be paid, giv'ing sat least thirty, day3s otice thereof,
in .one or, more newspaliers in the town of Alexantria, Leeshurg
Penultyon  and, Wincheater, and iI'any person:sc. subscribintfg shall'fail- to.
to Pay.      mnke4nny.of the;said'paymen ts lie shall forfeit, his right' to his,;
sut4scription for-suchshbhre or sharis, and the' prfsid: trod- d-,
rectors$ their agent or' attorneyj shall- have poter .tvdiWiVse of
such forfeited share, or shttrtsyatpublic sa¢, for'cashi te-tlie'htgh.
eat bidder heiefoir having previously-ad.ertised, In'a-Wrnchea-
Ier, Leesburg, or Alexnmltiapper, the' time and pIce' of'.sich
Side, and the inies--arisinkzfromstchI saleshill Iwaoplidt& the
pniveni-of th- balance dna on ich: fOrfeited'share or shtres a1
the cxpnses of sale; and'i if-adr' iuroplu',sht.f i nnm, th' saM,
shall:b :pid:4 to tlheowner or- owners of suchi forfeitud-share or
ures, 1  his, her or their legal represuntatives.  ,

Mzeetinpr, when
h.F h,'y to) be Cal
1EIeoinn nt'di.
O& ffi.

2. That aissoon as two huni'trod shares shall be subscribed, the'
sqd commiasioners, bhyil  ftflo ei;c May call t meetinig of the'
subaciibers 'at- Leesbur  givih-g.thirty  days' nbe'tlurc'fi' ,at
least one'newspaper inLeehikr8,-lkxaidr, ancl.Witlchearer, at
Whih time and place the said subscribers, by a Inrity'of'v tes
delivered in personfor by;proxy. duly athorised. shall elect oie'
pVSlres;i?,.(our directors,:one treasurer aid.suoh other officers: as
they .shI 'th ik n eessary,.Ato. conduct the business ofthelsbd
chiipanl l or one     yer, and'untlsuch other offiic'r shall &$ !hc-
s~,inhn  may ahlio mah  such hyellwS an'd -egilntion .iot |to*-
iste tifth' tie Conitittin' and laws otis itwit , e s'shi!l. bW  'no

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