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An Act to prevent further the practice of Slaves going at large, or Hiring out themselves. 1807 22 (1807)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0104 and id is 1 raw text is: ( 22   )     IN THIE TrIIIrY-sECOND YEAR OF. THE COMMONWEALTH.
An dot to prevent further the practice of Saoes gan,, at lard,' or
  'rinf cut themsclves.
C1Passel january 29. 1803.)
Slave going at     E it enacted by the General Assembly, That if any person
dargeow to    1     hll permit lhis or her slave, or any slave hired by him or
her, to go at large, or hire himself or herself out, it shall be law-
fu for ,any person, and it shall moreover he the duty of every she-
riff, deptut  she ifft, coroner, and constable, of a county, and selt-
g,:antco une'   lnd cunstable ofa corporationto apprehend and carry
such slave bcforr a magistrate of the county or corporation where
appreh-,ndc(l, and if itt shall appear to the magistrate, that sutl
slave hailt b'tn permitted to go at large, or hire himself, or her-
scl' out, ht shall forthwith impose on the owner of such slave, or
the p:.u~o ;,'mittin; hit or lie to go at large, or hire himself
or her,:,lf out, a fine not less thaii ton do!lars, nor more thani
twentv dollal's; or Din, at his di,;crcuon, order the slave to the
jail ot tile Cotuttv 1r f.,rir ,.i',i u, l.€'re to he  %cid l, kept until tile
next cou,'t, whI-n, if it shail appear to tle Cour, that such slave
lIadi hc. permitted to goi at largp, or hire himself or hersell out
contrarv t) l'aw, it shll )--- lawful f!or the sail court ia their dia'-
rrt'tai-. alid tIi', are here]); r'quired, CiliWl to, impo:e oin tlhe
(Owne.r V such o:rve, or the person pcratting him or her to gr, at
.Vi ,. or hir: hlui'i-lfor hui:'sel out L1I 'eresail, a fine noi l,.is
ihau twct',.  dculd ra, uor movL'.: than fizy ctllars, oir order t l si-
4it for othvr ollirer, of their comity or corporation, to : well yvery
.tich slive, agreca!biy to th;' lNiw in nuch ca-; made. And in eve'ry
cast! of a fiun- in    lls'a' um.er this act, tile dive shail be held in1
citstov and liable ther 110r, and m.ay he !:(ld by ord, r of the ma1-
iiitot' or court i i1osri: the same, and ill natisfihction thereof,
and iti itridcvut:l charges, unle.;a the same he paid within ten da-:s
:'ter such fint i, immscd ; upon paymr.:t whereof, the said slave
shall b  dlichar,;ttl.  All such hes, shall be for the benefit of the
f.air of the co.|:,t or corporation % hercin the qame are imposed:
Prouidcd, i'hat no sale of a stave for a fine under this at.t, shiall
-       atIv'V t   'e,,ter intk-rest in such slave than i:s held Ill tie person
incuri'ih; the fine, unless it shall appear that tl  owncr of such
slave was pIivy to, or connived at, the breach of thtis act.
Cnnmencement   2. This act :all Le in force, from the first day of June next.

Trmn of tie'
'ult Clam.. .

An deft   i'c''rnbflg the Comrt of'C./anccry 'or the Richmond Di,,-
fflPs.cd Januiary, .10, MO.,q]
B   . ;t enace I V, the Gcn'ral Asseinlt,, l'hat th: first sess4n.
of'. th'.supIr, rourt e f of Ciancery to-r  P.:i... a.rid dis-
tit. , shall h'rtc:tf'cr cnllintce on th  fir-it day of Fchrur' ; tile
second sc! 'ion, ont the first day of June ; and the third sessiom, on
th,' {'st (Lly of Sept lilhr, in each .ear, and each session shil
titlithm,' 1 vc: tour j uridical days, if bujiness requires: ti hen
an' of the said datys :d ill 1,.- Suuity, such term  shal co111cic11
oI Ow ' i:i(CCdiiig dN..

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