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An Act imposing Taxes for the Support of Government. 1807 3 (1807)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0102 and id is 1 raw text is: :. l                     • -  •       '.7.__-'-'
CHAP. 1.
iAib IL impo,.g Ta: for the SzAo r * qof,..nment.
(Passed F'bmuar 5, 1808.3
j 1  E it enacted by tl/e General A.ys embl  That the public taxes 11iblc lesgr
B    for the Vear one thousand eight hnndreld and 4evenf shIall bc 1t
as follows to vit: on lands for every hundred dollars value,     .
aireabl.h  ) the cquilisin  law, forty..eisght cents ; for every'slave
above the h,r!, of twelve 'years, except such as shall be' or have
be       Ied ii colsequitlnce of are or infirmiltT,, 1w tle respec-
tive Foilnt or eriiporattion courti, forty Xiur cen.s ; qfi evety stud
horfse, or jack ass, twice the price such horie or as.. covers a mare bV
the season ; for all other horsies, mnuleti, mares and colti, tweF,'e cent,
each ; for every ordinairy |iceirie, five dollars, on :very hunt'ti(r.
dollars of the rent of s'ich ordinary, to be ascertained hv the rlir
paid by the tenant, and where such tavern is il the occupation of
the proprietor, the yearly value shall e ascer:tained by the com-
inissioners of the revenue :P.,'dcd, [hiat for every ordinar' li-
cense, not le's;s than tkVelve dollars and fifty cents shall he paid
for lvr~e.\viieeled rid~nn carrtae, exCept plhxtons and stage
ra' gim', .tic d'hllar ant ti'eitv-ivc ccntj 'per wheel ; for all ph.-
tons and start  wagons, eilhtvfour cent, per wheet ; for every
olher ridinv carriagre iv .th two wheels, forty.three cents per wheel
for all hougps futfl lots ill -t \i'h, one dollar and fifty-six cents, oil
4'verv li'udied dollars of the r .nt thereof, to lie tsceut.nied by thi'
rent paid 1y the tenant,anid Where stIlch lQt or hlbA,:'V k'h the oc-
C'upatiol of tie proprietor;,' the NVealy fent Qil V'il 6V tlirotd;shall
he ascertainc by th .  .   i.ners of the revenit, or;' ither of
them, by cuinpari.onofit  ;alif'.with th toif other-houses 'i'otq
actually reqted; on every lic e'ISct' slet[ i'rrhandie bf fordigh.
growth or mihfl'acture b'  wiile':nal  and rk.5il; forty- dollat's;
6n every iice'ns  to ratail suclI goodc, fiFtc ondolars ;'on every
lcense to a hawker or petdlar, tiitY dollars : -Proided,'That no'
taxes shall be cqllccted on lands, lotsl holf; ,, 'or o(her' property
belonging to this conmoi'eali' or to anyI- coumty, town,' college.
or seminary ot learnipg, or at.iiciced -to aiv houiie'or hoiises, for
divine worship. And Pr'did al*,, That nothing in'  his aci,
shall be so construed, as to li,-event hny' farmer or plnnttr, fron
selling salt, tea, sugar, Trplafscs, ecfl , ,   iron or steel, to
his neighbours, -when such articles w4efephrdeased as a return'
load on carrying his produwe'to market, in 1 .i.wggop or .ther,
. This act chall commence and be iu force, f'om a? d tteir t t;. cucacinemlt.
passing thereoF'.
CHAP. 11.
An Act ap/.'opriatig. ti e Piblic ,)evehte.
(I,.end 1e?:'bju'yV 9, 1808.]
E ii'enacted by the Oencral Assembht, Thav tho taxes and ar- t u. i.
rearages of taxes due Irior to the year one thousand eight h
hundred and six, and all other branches of pithlit rrventie which c,
arise to the commonwealth prior o the firbt day of January, one
thousand eight hundred and nine, and the surpht, (if all appropri-

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