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An Act to amend the Act entitled An Act to reduce into one the several Acts concerning Mills, Mill-dams and, other Obstructions of Water-courses 1806 12 (1806)

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receive tle money by him or them so collected, arid may be proceeded against by
tars or administrators, in the saine manner as deputy sherifl are liable to, and may be pro-
ceeded against by their principals.
Remedy against  Sec. 4. And ie it further enactedi That the same remedy is hereby given ags inst the secu-
securities of she rities and representatives of sheriffs, gergcants and coroners as isgiveu against the sheriff, of.
ilFi, Wu.   icer or under sheriff, or securities of such under sheriIl. by the fifty first section of the act,
entitled, An act for further continuing and amending the act, entitled, an act reducing
into one the several acts concerning executions and for the relief of insolvent debtors,.
RepealiUnr cIuse.  Sec. 5. All acts and parts of acts coning within the purview of this act, shall be and
the same are hereby repealed.
C'ommencement.  Sec. 6. This act shall commence and be in force from and after the passing thereof.
C H A PT ER          XIX,
An ACT to amend the     cet concerning Constables.
[Passed January 10th, 180.]
Bond tobetaken  Section 1. BE it enacted by the General Asembly, That every constable hereafter to be.
of constables. appointed by a county or corporation court, shall enter into hol)if- in sch penalty, not being
less- 1.                               1o-la...assuch               c   ..rt in  tei rg
less than five hundred dolIars, nor more than llfteeti h'ta lred ,lars, as such court in their
discretion shall direct, atnd in the manner and form now preicrihed by law.
oenty to be laid  Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, rirat t,- seve!ic  , itle co rt,'- vithin this common-
off into *districts wealth shall, from time to time, when they appOinUV cuit i,)le i i tier tdc act concerning con-
fat ctstable.  stables, lay off their respective counties into i )s .n 1. 1itriti4 1 t.I wI alav deem convenient,
and assign one or more constables to each. And it sh:dl le the dat'it: of every constable to.
confine himself in the service of warrants and exe':atiwvi to the It iit of his district, and re.
Penaliyon con. turn all warrants to some place within his district.  An- ev-r, W,,t.table who shall execute
conductf   any warrant, or levy any execution contrary to the provis;oii of thi-, Ict, shall forfeit and pay
the sum of five dollars for every offence, to be recovered :toa4c iti It cutistahie and his secu-
rity or securities, his, her or their executors oradminitr tt!rs, betre the court of the countV
whierein such constable was appointed, by motion, on teit davs prev i jai notice.
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That every coustahl, wi .n ,dl demand and receive any.
Penalty for de, fee or compensation, when by law he is not enttl ,d to anv,ar siail Atrerd rand receive more
mutding higher
than Ie al faig.  than is allowed by law, shall forfeit and pay to the party ijiLr,d, three dollars for every of-
fence ; and shall moreover be liable to double the sum so iinproperlv received ; to be reco.
vered on motion, in the court of the county where such constable has been appointed, against
him and his security or securities, his, her or their executors or' administrators, by motion,
on ten days previous notice.
Commencement.   Sec. 4. This act shall be in force from the passing thereof.
In ACT to amend the 4ct, entitled' .n Act to reduce into one the several Je: concern.
ing fills, Mill.dams and other Obstructions of W[ater-course:.
(Passed January 12th, 1807.]

Regulations, ..
lRestr~tcions on
£q Ugl .nl.t

Section 1. BE it enacted by the General Assembly, That where any person owning lands
on one side of a water.course, the middle of the bed whereof shall be the dividing line be.
tween the lands of himself and any other person or persons, shall desire to build a water
grist-mill or other machine or engine useful to the public, on his said land, and to erect a
dam across the same for working such mill, machine or engine, and shall not himself have
the fee simple property in the lands on the opposie  side of such water-course, against which
he would abut his dam, he shall make application for a writ of ad quod damnum, to the
court of the county wherein the lands proposed for the abutment are, having given ten days
Previous notice to the proprietor thereof, if he be to be found in the county, and if not, then
to his agent therein, if any he hpth; whereupon such proceedings shall or may be had, as
would have been authorised orrequired by law, in case the whole bed of such water.course,
at the time of the said application, belonged to the person desiring to build such mill, machine
or engine, or to the commonwealth.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the ninth section of the act to which this is an a.
mendment, with the proviso thereto, shall be and the same is hereby repealed. And all mil.
lers shall well and sufficiently grind the grain brought to their mills or the usual consumption
of the persons bringing the same, and their families, and in due turn as the same shall be
broulht ; and m.w take for the toll one eighth part and no more of all grain of which the re.
mainmng part shall be ground into meal, and one sixteenth part and no more of all grain of
which the remaining part shall be ground into hominy or malt. And every miller, or occu.
pier of a mill, who shall not well and sufficiently grind as aforesaid, or not in due ti,,e as the,
same shall he brought, or take, or exact more toll, shall, for every such offence, forfeit an
pav two dollars and fifty cents to the party injured, recoverable with costs, before any jus
tice of peace of the county where such offence shall be committed. And where the mtllet
shall be an indented serv.tnt, or slave, he shall, upon the first conviction for such offence, re.
ceive ten lashes ; anid upon a trond conviction, twenty lashes on his or her bare back well
laid on in lieu of the forfeitureaforesaid;, ;ut, upon a third conviction, the master of such
servant or slave, or his owrscer, or agt it, %hall be liable to pay two dollars and fifty cents ;
and so for every such otrfcme by such servamt or slave afterwards committed : Provided, that
ever owner or occupier of a inill shall have a right at any time to grind his or her own grain
for the consumption of his or her family. And provided also, that no miller shall be obliR.
ed to run more than one pair of stones. or the purpose of grinding grain brought to his mill
for'the consumption of the persons bringing the same and thetir families,
Sec. S. This act shall be in orcc'from the passingthei cof,

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