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An Act to amend the Several Laws Concerning Slaves. 1805 35 (1805)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0093 and id is 1 raw text is: [ ]~
In entitled to r-eceive mit   of-an  mon!y ill the treasury, the surn of seventy-seven dol.
hirs and twenty.six cents, Ibr comnmitting, keeping aInd deflraying the expenses of a
hunatic, friom the cighteenti, day or'-av, until the twenty-ninth ol'December, in the
yc-,' albresaid ; ani the auditor of public accounts is htr'cby authoriscd aud required
to issue his warrant lbr the. same to the said James Terlington, either in person or by
ttorney.                                                                      Cornrnc.
Sec. 2. This ,et shall commence and be in force from and aftcr the passing therco.mcnii.

CHATEll      LXII.
An AC 1 alo ni'g a further tr to the Potw,-nc Companl rJor comphtijg the evi.
gation J't/w i olowilf ,ac River, , /'rr oI/.'r pzi po,;c.v.
[Pas.-ed January 24th, 1S06.1
,e,tiCml 1. 1itL Cll~aCtei by ,/,c GC;;,et', As),mbly, - That the furthcr ime of' five
yealrs, to'e computed friom the c:piration of the term already gria:ted, shall be and
is hervIO allowed the Potowmac  t' '.mAn- to complete the navigation of thc Potow-
zlil river.
Sec.2..And 1'e,,hr              h     th.oever any xcrson or persona shall seml
and dviier a writing,   r  :   e a C)liVC orlCC 0 ,,il :;hare or .hres in the
1)  .)  l.              L                 s     il
,'..i co-mpan., or ofhnv i',:vrest i such ; ..re .sres the s..iel writing sall bsir
lient lor t 4 ,b'101rii .wuh shar, or liharcs; or interest t icrin, if the satoe be t(:.
ow.....'v_ hy the partics makings ,uch conveyance, or proved by three witnesses of
- i~::. n deliverv or thc  rhin., bclbrc any court o' tlaw, or two magi.tratts
tai. cc  ,: tiw~n.:aor r other chief maistrate of any ctvy, town or corporation, cer-
r,.,.d v  s u-Th  court,  ngii 'tr t es, m ayor.,  ov   Ie  a ltratC,  i a thc  l1a aner  suchi  acts
:.                    1.u1 iiv L.il:cntica'1 b- thc-, and enie., re-ist.red, or recorded, in thc ho,,s
of tu         iy-, ,6d- 1....-,1-,h t  t: 11w' allowed by law for making such entry,  -
'ister, (..r record as abrsc.-I. l. Aid ihere, a tme covert shall b- party rm king lly
c,,'. , ;,,  n15m:sa1i, c:i' akni, wl .2dglmt  ...... Y .. haken wi .hout tht fovxai-
,     f 'i... ....  to be issu--d lir tiat lmrpt:C. ; ltt halbl t  be i::le by such fa.me
(m cit pt'iv: :A:.d atart -o!,. h,'r !wsbauzi as, h reoibre, in presence or the court or
, i'a, t.t..0i,5( ..to c-rt;f: the s:anc, b,.lbre the said writing t.hall b ceon lj.
d-r.'das       for 2.,! ,dr cowi1ey0ig t   riglt or interest or such feue cm'ert.
3c. .. T..i:, act shall bii thrce ii'on tihe .....:'s I thercof.
CHAPTE'Rl    I  L.
Za ACT to amend the: S v.rid L,s Cancerming Slaves.
[Pas.,.d Jdntr'ry ,',th, . 1,0. I
Scction 1. BRE it ct:act:d by t/  (,crm:',d jal  ,;lT, What if any slaveo r Slaves
shall hicrca.nr be bro-~Igl into ths coilIm:)lCn!i,, and sll ither be kept thri
one whole year,' or  o  at dil. rent tinics  shall a innount to one year, or sall be
Sold or hired within this cman wcah,  il ever, su ,h case, tloe owner liail fo:'feit
aiil righf)o such ;Ive or  CS, Whnich rigfoht sh~allabsotutelv ve in the overseers 6!f
-the poor o1 an, county or corlo:'.dUonl, who shall  .'pprthcpid, or .ishallat cmpt to ap-
prehiend such fboi.tcd Javc or ,slaves within theirjurisdiction, in trust for the be-
i.t oft         stcoh euciio' o .....County.or.co,'orat1,n.,
',ec. 2. L :,n co~nplain,. ,:,dhc i,,  the oversecrs or the poo or any one of them to
a maistrate of'the cuWty Or ctrparaticii where an, such slave may be, lie shall is-
fil , 143 larm~it, tictcd to aw  oI:iwr of thC  c.'unty or corporatioi:, comianiding
him   to  brimg su d1i slave  bel, rc  iii; ; ou. soio   oth r  agistrate  ther o r d  m ore over
to s:m oun the owner or ltodcr, ii' lehe x found i tile county or corpor'ttiuon, to '1p.
pear in lke  :ertCIn   atIt ni ail:vr the !iulC.
See. 3.r Ivh.: igstra, !;c'wc ,.hcm. any such slave r.u-y be broughbt, shill, uo
enquiry rata) the: i.,t, crridr t,.m.,:;s .w' pro(lut;on, or rcuire the owlier or hoh.
er, if lie sh:1l appear, to enor i:,, : evogi:zar, e with security, payable to the GO-
C:1rnior of the -coirto1nweahh tam.. his .ce::,.Ws, in a l'eCl.-ty eq'lla to double the
vlue , each slave, with a co:''1iion to : zi;x,'r at th 'eixt court which may 1he held
•Jor the emity or corporation, hi. 5,' wu uonthlh or quarterly, and-abide bV aid
perform tht: order of .uch court;   c.   7,;-, lice, together with the warrant,
shall Ile 10bthwith returned by im to the clerk oi'the court.
bec. 4. Ii' the owner or l,, .,: .hall not e iii the county or corporation, shall fail
-to appear, h:,'ing, been sntrmitond, o' shall be unable, or reftise to ive security at;
oahrcsaid, in either case, the na-m'i;trate before w'hoanry such slave may be brought,
shall cause the said slave to be delivered to the sheriff of the county, or rcrj:ant. of
tile corporation, to be by him sa!'ey kept, so that such slave !e brought belbre the
next court, which may be he held thcren.
See. 5. Upon the appearanceu of the party it, dischargc or his recognizance, or if
lie shall fali to appear in disclarge thereof, the court to which he was bound to ap-
pear, slhaill inimediatcly cause a ju.ry to be imp:ntellcd, to try the facts without the

Further time
(,f I'vo )ears
allowed. 1110.
paty to om.
plete aviga.
Manner oF
inlfeeSt irn

S ftves brolt
into this .t-t'w
may be sold
Duty or ma-
gistratc onl
Jury to be
impannell d

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