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An Act providing for the support of Government, by the Imposition of Taxes. 1804 3 (1804)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0082 and id is 1 raw text is: ot' tzt
Ja, ACT Providit for the S/uport of Governincn,, by the .npoiion of 7,ixes.
[- Pasd Jan,,ary 31st, Ic05.)
Section 1. BE it enarted by tw Gc'nrad Aevseinbt., 'l'l't tc public taxes For the year puli. txti
ine thousand dght huicdrecd ad four, shllI :c -Is tolloua , to ii it : on I4nds, for vvery frt,
undred dollars value, ug.eably to the eqtutlizin, liw, forty eight cuits ; for every
tlavc above the ag,. at t., elvc years, except bitch us livc  ..en or. sh;,l he exempted by
reason of age or infirmity, by tie r :ipectivV county or corpora tion courts, fot ty.fur
cents ; for every stud hor.e :udj ic.tSs, twice the pre at wht;ch -such hore or kss
covers a marc tir the sc.:sonl ; Ior -ili oi-.' h,)-iCi, mitles, mares and colts, thielvc c.nti
each ; for c iey ordinary licu ie, tvelv-w il|'1 -  a l i tu., ,- ; F r c' ''ry four  heel-
ed riding curriage, excetpt I)hattons ahd tage waugczt ns . (!.e d(,llar -irdtv. coty ii  cu ts
per wheel ; for'all phaeto iand stage 1  gl OIIN, VIU1tV .I;0.1 cl'llts per whettI ; at.'. for
every other ridiigcarriagc itit tiuo'uhckls, I rty.1hc ct tits pr v het I : lbr till lots
and houses in town, one dollar and lifty..ix cents, oa e ver% lti, -,d dal.,r of' the rent
thereof, to ba.raeertaind by the rent p41 by th- tei-int ; anl l  :-re such hicnie or int
is in the oedujation of the propwietor, the yearly srnt or v .lu. theft o . lhallbe a.icertair.ed
by the commssioncrsofth. reveiie, or ether of them, by a conelarison ofit!, value with
other hou esor lots actually i  trd ; (In tc tely 1Un..e ?o    nk,6 tchrdi e ol l rIN. r
rowth or murtufacture, by wholesalu .,td rctail, Foriv do neas ; o. every liucv,'e tu :t;.il
such goood1  iftcen duli ar:s , on every licrnse to a h.,'kcr or  'diar, t  ent) dvlars.
See. 2. Providd, T   t lt uo taxes shall be collkrtcd fit i;.ads, lots, hones, or otcher Prri'ili
property, bcltaging to this commonwealth, or to any coaut,, town, c1,-.. -, huuse fbr
divine wor hlp. in scmiaurv ol trni4g.
Sec. 3. Andproidd alxo, That ividiout Such lic'ni1, a farmer or I'Jint r w' se rrvi.
ialt, sugar, cotce, tea, %Pies, iron or st. el, to iN n,,,.h .,, p.ch-,Wl ,a rt:arn
Sloadeon carrying their pr(ltce i,.t their wi.gon ,, or ,i h-...iiV, to m. , ':e'.
C 11 A 1PTFR II1.
An ACr toprovwee more e f'ct:  il lfor the (,tW tion of Taxcs-.
Sectioa 1BE.  . ft i sctct by the Gencrd Assembl,, ''ht  pOn any person  ' en1 cM'.
4to atly commlssioavr of the reventc for his coun'v, district or corix iatioa,, (r to th e vi l,,r
clerk'orthe court, if there he no cominboioner, a reccipt for foty dorltpa, miI to the i C.lam
sheriff or collector, such comnissioace or ch'rk shall grant To such pe'son a license to.
%ell merchandise ol' turcign growmh or manufacture, by who!c. le and , tail, for and
iring th. termn of twelve mont!hi ; or if the aid receipt usall be for fifteen l01..rs',
.ch person sh.l in like manter receive a license to retail such gooin for tht: same
.411 ; and i tiny person shail sell such merchandize either by whole.mie or rtal,
,n  land or on boird any vcmsci, without having obtained s'ucl licennse, such person r-nalh t*
shall fork' it and pay one hundred dolhas,'to be jrcovercd by the commissioncrs of the Mn w.uI,.
•,,otlnty, district or corporation, in alny couart ofrecord, on ten days prcvious ,otice, for
hu ISe of the com-monwealth ; of which licenses and fines, the commissin,,ers shall n- Cmmiu|ii.
wluly in their books return a list to the auditor of ptiblic accounts, otn or before the fif'-  , tmt
:ernth day ot September, specifying the names ot the persons, which shall be e'idence , *
:'t'hereupon to charre the .eriff'or collector
Sec. 2. ProvidIed altays, That if there be no sucltsheriff or collector, the clrk 6f U   tf i.
the court shall hive a right to receive the tax, to be adounted for in like manner as o. 'ev ax
.th~r taxes by hih received, and his receipt shall entitle the party to a license in  ie
same manner as thc receipt ofthe shcrifl'or collector: Provided never,/eiss, That not lie-Irch
more tht~  1 one. tax shall be paid ot account oflselling at one and the sant store . a'ncI it
viy person or persons shall keep two or more stores, he, slh, or they  shll pay one ta:r
ftr tach store.  All the said lit cses shall be taken out 1, tous to the tfirst day t1-
May nc%:t, and slhall be good and effectual for the term or one year next ensuing; Pro-
ide'd, Ihat if any new store shall be opened on land bet, a, the first day of May mid
!he sne dw- in the following year, the s.id tax shall be apportioned according to thr
t.. then. to c,... of one y'car, and itsamcut shall be speciicd Lathe license, andhi i tn-t
.ohimrisioUn . r'etuni.

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