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An Act further declaring what shall be deemed unlawful meetings of slaves. 1803 89 (1803)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0081 and id is 1 raw text is: 't 89  1

ficien, ntimber or tlaites have been fnbrcribed Cor, to commence the operations
of the B1uik, the executive fhiall on behalf and for the ilfe of this flate, make or
caufe to b: made, a fubfcription to the capital flock of the faid b.nk) to the a.
mount of three hundred thoul'and doll rs, which faid frum of three hundred
thoufand dollars, ihall be loaned to the Itate by the faid bank of Virginia, at the
rate ofiutcretl not exceeding four per centum per anfui71.
Sec. i,. And be it /urter enacted, That the.I aid l'um of mnev herein before ITov the loan
direaed to be borrowed of the bank. hall be pyable and paid in ten equal an- tll bc tpali
nual inlalmentsi the liril whercof thalil b- oi( the firlt day r) janu. ry, on!
thoufand eight hundred and five, or in any greater fum or Fum   money, or
fli9rter period or periods, at th'. pleafure of the c omnolnwalth, airl inferctl:
Tfiall ceaie to be chargable on the amount of' each and every paym-nt from the
time of makini, the flame refp..tively ; and all the monvy ariflMn, from  the t.
on merchants' licences, fhall b- and is hereby excltiively appropri.tted to a  l
for the payment of thd faid loans, and the i-aterell thereupot, ref'pe1.)ively ac-
cruing, according to the inlalments aforefaid, and the divilanI, to Vhich the
commonwealth fhall be entitled ; and if the monies lo ,i,)rnpriat I i ( l no* bt.
adeq'uate to the pzyment of the (aid loans, and th. interell tNereotwi, refpeively,
then as many of the figares in the faid bank, belonging to this Itlte asmay  e
neceffary to fupply the deficiency, fliall be fold and applied to and for th tt plr.-
Sc. T3. 4nd be itfurther enacted, That the fald Prelde,it and Dire.ors f.l NnlK,, ,e t n i
not in any caf' iil'ue any note for a fmaller umn than five dollars.      wfur V3
Sc. 14..4nd be it/urtbr enacmted, ''hat nn note thall b.- negotiable at the N r,'Nowt
bank, unlefs it be fo expreffed on the face of fd.d note.                 irU ,,otsfi
exa'r lWA fn
Sec. z5. 4?nd be it further enacicd, Th.t the commiffioners appointe,1 by this 4.d ,ive
I&. for the receiving ftubl'criptions in the iity of Richmond, lh~dl itnme iat~lv ,i- H,,,re tn
ter a fufficient number of (hares are taken provide. a houle for the carrying on the p:Oc,,,e, aiter
bufinuf s of the bauk, together with all neceffary paper, flationary, vaults and ,o,,hcr ef
iitenfils, fuitable to th lame, fo that as foo as the dire&ors are choten, the ope. 1,:,, , ae ta
rations of the batikm may be immediately arid without lo's of time piofecuted ant kca
Carried into eire&t.
C H AP'1'ER        CXIX.
An e C T further declari g what shall be deemed unlaful metzngs of sla'es,
f Paf.od January ., 13o4. ]
.   Xy1. t.XR s it is reprefented to the General Affembly, that it is a common prac, tpreamible
tice iti many plalcos within this commonwealth, for.iaves to :ffemble in con.
fiderable numbers at rieetitmg houfes and places of religious wvorflip, in the night,
which, if not reltrained, may be productive of confiderable evil to the community.
See. i. BI, it tblrc/ore enacted, that all meetings or affemblages of flavcs, at wht nu be
any meeting houf'e or houfe's, or any other place or placest in the night, under utideredu ua
whatfoever pretext, ihall be deemed and confidered as an unlawful affembly. and jp
ariyjuftice of the county or corporation wherein fich affemblage flall be, either
from his ownknowlcdge, or the information of others, of 'fuch unlawful afferm-
blage or meeting, may ilrue his warrant, dire&ed to any fworn oPi'cer or officers,
authorifing him or LhCm to enter the houfe or houfes, where fuch unlawful affem.
blages or meetings may be, for the purpofe of apprehending or difperfing fuch
flives, and to inflizt corporal punillinient on the offender or offitnders at the dis.
cretiou of any juffice of th6 peace, not exceeding twenty lalhes.
See 2. AND be itfnrtber enacted, that the faid officer or officers aal have po etm
Fertont miv
er to lummon any pcrFon to aid and aflift in the execution of any warrant or war- hei.immnoned
ra .ts dire&ed to him or them for the purpofe aforefaid, who, on refufal, hall be to ,,  in ex
fubj& to a fine at the dicretion of theju'lice, not exceeding ten dollars : provi. VC'ing a wa
dcd, that th-e provifions of this a%  lhall not extend to any county weft of the Blue  ir.
Sec. 3. All a&s and parts of aas coming within the purview of this a&, ihall R-pnlia
be, and the same are hereby repealed.                                     aufe
Sec.. 4. This aft (hall commence and be in force from and after the pairing Commnm,
thuof.p meat

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