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An Act dissolving a marriage between Benjamin Butt, jun. and Lydia, his wife. 1803 20 (1803)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0077 and id is 1 raw text is: Pow )%log
rttat  ed
Sivtrfl c It,

hich m y become due, to the con non wealth, Be i: fur:er enac'e,,that teh a -
pTeviuii wntice lfhdl lt'r ce-,lr h  : cof.rrv to anyfV lietiff, eoflleior, cleik, infpec.
tr e, nritry pab I ic, fo, the puirptle ofrLcoverin a , jui,,.':nient for 2ny taxes, fines
or public dues ol .%y . iny.l, whre, by law, the adit:r is ituthori ed to proceed
tairfl th,: a ,n any of them, by motiu: No therifi'or c¢0tleor- ftal0, at any time,
k'. albow,:?l t, rettIn any I'l t ,nl'olvewt, or have any credit thercfor, after eigh.
tee!i mernc, hs fll have 'e-pired :o m h. pr.'t of the tlxes hecominv, piible by
fochi dieriff Cir c.le'.or, ti wlich fitch lt r.   : d A cri :n fl'ina of live  er.ecent,
;'. tino nie, thli be %lewe't i  fllariff.  I i olcle.jr; f ir the colle,.jon  f tax-
o , 1;C:eA'r,  the gralu)d to Inerchutits Wder the ., initituled, ' tPn a  con.
ra    hav-.d,     d ,.ads, any law t tle eontr.ry notwitlrmiing,
Se.-.  , A ii   1 c .- 1Icen'-es gratned to..merchant3, hflul .be =turned, by the
c~hu.tli.lonc rs prang tl,c  iLt, to the comity o, corporations courts, for their
'datmitio:, a t-r wb.ich th f46i.t lifs fhNl, h delivered, to the raid itheriffta or col.
4&Co-.) w; )1 ,lh ll muoaliv, on or before the fi.ft day of O',,hr n ext, after thii
receil.t 'he--of, ;j::Q.Ullt for an-t pay thof Iame into the public treafury.
ec. g. l his aa fhall commence and ba i force from and after the pafai

G H 'A PF i'. R  IV.
4 N Ac Tto 7Pyo-tc.' n a/cV  2l/!fZiwi  ' -n f 'i.?y to ligcbarga ccrtain unsd.
iiied ciins against the Conmnon-,aalhtb.
r Pafrt:I D:reib-r 2n, t8   J
 Z  , B B 1  i nacted by the Gcee:d'.t! 4sveml,,' Tlhat in addriir* to the funri
j~prcp:l iPpro'i,ttcd hv In         W duri. g th  W1.feffi ,i, the.-Cim of fifteci
thoufand dllars Iball bv and the fa:ne is hereby apropriate:I to difcharge any
uulatilfied claims ag.intthe e  monowea1lh ,1 the f.lowing defcriptions, viz. ; for
remuving criminals Iromn the diliria  go'ds an chares of their connenient ; for
expences ofeiL.minations anil ti a&s of crinin,1s in tie county and diltria courts
exptnrcs af guards For the fif keln  f prifoners in the diilriA and couinty goall
and ior the contingen! expences o government.
C; mmhce    Fcc. 2. This af thallc ommn-.ce and bu ia force from  an  d after the pafring
C  H A P     E R   V.
AXv ACT rg-,v::n an annual pension to Rebecca Fdhon.
[ P.d ed Decembcr 2, x803. 3
Pear.'nl  Stai On .    it enacted tby the General d.linb.'y, 'i'hat tdie anditar of fribia
Blk                   r .'C; utits lhdli and iNq herebv . oniian ctil to iffue a v.trrant on tha
p n!ic trp.afury for Fifty dollas to be paidl annuall to Reb-cca 4Fdton, in con.
iequence of her huffibnc having !oll his life-in performjng his duty, aitng under
a warrant ho*ni a magil'trte, itn aliprehending one Mvrtin, charged with a cri-
-mind offrnce.
.cPh'ntce  SeC. 2. This aa Ihall commente  nd be in farce trcm and after the p:.fing
ict   i thereof.
CHAPTER            Vi.
aAdissolingaari a    e in etween lcti'am'i,  Jim afn. a d Lydia his wife.
[ Paffed Dccember 2o, 1803. 3
Prcn.b:ei  WHEREAS it is reprefented that in the year one thouran:l eght hundred and
two, a mariage was fAennizcd between Benjamin Butt, junior, and a cer-
tain Lydia Bright, who is of a re'pecalblc family, and was at the time of the fWil
marriage fuppofed to be unfullied in her reputation ; that not long thereafter the.
faid Lydi. was d'liVered of % amlatto child, and has fince pub ickly acknowledged

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