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An Act to amend and reduce into one, the several acts of the General Assembly for regulating the Militia of this Commonwealth. 1803 3 (1803)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0074 and id is 1 raw text is: NWN




'A N A C r, to amend atid reduce into oe, the several acts of the General Assembly,
Jor regulating the Militia of this CornmonvecI.A,
C Paffed, 28th January, 1804. )
\W  HERE AS, a wvell regulated militia conftlitutes the great defence ofa ffee peo. Preab.e.
pie, and it is expedient to carry into ef',,& the laws nf the Congrel's of the U-
nited States1 providing for the national defence, by ellablilhing an uniform mill-
tia throughout the United States
SIcIo14 t. BE it tkerefore enacted, That the counties of Accomack, North. r1gades and
div ifiusfi JI Stl
hmpton, Princefs Anne, Norfolk, and the B-rough of Norfolk, fhail compofe one ed.
Brigade I the counties of Nanfemond, lile of Wight, Soutthkrmptou, Surry, SuffeX
and Prince George, one Brigade ; the counties of Elizabeth City, Warwick, York,
James City, Charles City, New Kent, Hanover, ll,nrico, and the cities of Rich-
1nond ind Wdhiamfburg, one Brigade; the counties ofGloucefler, Matthcws, Mid.
dlefex, Effex, King William, King and Q een Laucaller, Northtiniberland, Rich-
mond and Weftmoreland, one Brigade ; and the laid Brigades ihall coinpofe one
divifion. That the counties of Loudon and Fairfax flhall comp~f'  one Briga e ;
tke counties of Fauquier, Prince William, Stafford. and King George, onu Bri-
gade . the counties of Culpeper, Madif'm, Or.wage, Spot!'lvania anti Caroline,
one brigade ; the counties of Louifa, Gjo hland, Fluvauna, Alben.irla and A111
herli, one Brigade.- and the faid brigades Ih.ll co:'ap3fe ote other divifion. The
counties of Frederick, Berkeley and Jefftrion, fhaUl ccmpofe one Brigade; the
couuties of Rockingham, Augufta and Shenandoah, one llciade - the counties (if
Wythe, Montgomery and Monroe, one Brigade; the couitiea of Wafhington,
Ruffell, Lee, Grayfon and Taewell, one B, igade ; the counties of Rockbridge,
11otetourt, Greenbrier, Bath, Kanitwha and M don one Bri~ade ; the counties of
Hamlhire, Haidy and Pendleton, one Brigade i the counties of Monongdia, Ohio,
Brooke, Harrifon, Randolph and Wood one Brigade; and the Ild Brigades ihall
compefe another diviflion. The counties of Henry, Patrick, Franklin. Camp-
bell and Bedford, (hall compofe one Brigade; the counties olfPitfylvania, Halifax,
Cliarlotte and Prince Edward, one Brigade; the countie,- of Dinwiddie, Greeuf.
vile, B.unf'wick, Lunenburg and Miekleubur-, one Brigade ; the counties of
Chpflcrfield, Amelia, Nottoway, Powhatan. Cumb!-rland anct Buckingham, one
Brigade i and the faid brigades (hall compofe another diVifion.
See. t. And be it Jurther enacted, rhat the feveral countie awl corporationi  a't 'iussti
within tlis c3mnmonwealte, anll conftitute the battalions, portions of battalions, ivaM4au*
regiments or portions of regiments, as now eflabliflhed : provided, that it (hall be
lawful for the executive to conflolidate and divioc regiments, in the feveral coun.
ties, as ircurnflances may rquire,
Sec. 3. Andbe it further enacted, That there fhall be an adltttant general fot Pow5-!d of.
flccen thall be
the militia of the Rate, a m:jor general to each divifion, and a brigadier genital appointed and
to each brigade, to be appited by joint ballot of both houfes of the general commitlion.4.
affemb!y, who (hall refide within the limits of their refpr.ive commando. Eih
.major general fhall appoint his own aid de-camp, and each baigadier, his own
brig4de infpeflor.  The brigade nfpc.tors fhall refide within the limits of the
brigades for which thevare appointed.  And the governor with the advice of
ceuncil, hall commiffion the feveral major generals, brigadier g ncrals, and the

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