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An Act concerning the Patowmac Company. 1802 51 (1802)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0073 and id is 1 raw text is: t 51 1
equl t,, fixteea feet fiiuare, with a brick or flone chimney, hlua  owner Ihall have & en;Oy
tie f(nl 1,ivi|,:s and inii'uunitica which tile fruch.-Al.Its and  tabtamts of other towns
not its, rpult4l, hold anld Cljoy.
Sec. 3. Varancies by dech or otherwife of ally one or in-rc of the trufices of time (ai
to wn teipe~tively, thl-i he fippliel by the rem:-inn tfuiles, aid the peflto to tic1tud
flhall have the falme power as i they achd been tpamnud in this aJt.
Sec. 4. This aa Ihall he in force from the paffing dherc6f.

Ho, vacancies thav
be fulptsd,.

omit lacei tlt.

(   l A 1PT V. R    LXXIII.
Ali A C T    ttjspendii, a crtain .mlgmcnt  ,        n:y Garret late IlIgb
Sherifl'oj Louisa coutnty, znd./r other pur/,,s.'
[ Palled January 2:. I 3o3. 3
S.c. 1. '    HER I, AS it appa s, T~at Ienry (;t t  iih fherilF of the county of
l.ulfa, for tile year cne thouf, i~l cight hondictl and two, has not been a-
ble, in conf(qucnce of the exuiration of his o w'E, zo o;wakc a collCioll of all the arrcara.
ges f taxes due him from the faid county.
Sec. 2. BIE it therefoic ctelcd ly the General A;'ti.'Y, That the ]ud..ment ohtained a-
gai n-t Hemy Garrett as theriSW of the cwuqitv of Luif, in the General Court at
November term, ble thoufand eight hundred and i.v , for arrearages of taxes due the
comno 1wealhh, Ihall he, an'I tke lame is hereby fufpeudel until the lifteentt, djy of May
one thuufand eight hundred and three.
Sec 3. AND IV itfurther enarled, That Warner It. lirorddus, fli !l he, and he is hmre.
by invcfled with full pl)wer to diltrain for ahy atreariges due him, as deputy of Henry
Garrett lac high Ii ff of Louila count , for the ,ear one thoufaid eight hundred and
tw.I : P,.ovided ncvertI-ck/ 'A thattic'faid judgment Ihall not be fufpcn led againfl the faid
Menty Gariett until hl. lhall have given bond with two good fecuritics in double tlhe a-
nmount uofftidjudgment in the Clerk's Oilcc of the G.,n;ral Court, to be taken by the
Clerk of fail Court, payable t').the Governor for the ii.ne beingr, ahd his fuccefrors, and
conditioned tor payment .f the amoutit of faid idnclgnt with iiterell, on or before
the faid tfif:centh da'i 6f MLy next, which hond flihdl have the force of a judgment, and
on failing to pay the amount thereof into the trealu-y of this Commonwealth, on or e.
1o1e the laid ifteenth day of May next,- it Ihall le the duty of the faid clerk of tile Gene-
ral Cour, at ihe rcqu-fl of the' Alditor, to iffue execution thereon againl the principal
and' fC(uiiC3, and oui Iuch execution to endorfe that no fecutity is to be taken, and on
faid exteution thej iie proceedings (flall and may be had as in other executions on behalf
of the Commonwer.lth aga'nfl fheriffs for taxes.
Sec. 4. This a6 (hall cominence and be in force from and after the pallin thereof.

Preanrt t,

julgment ufpcoaded
W. H. Droiddus to
distraio fur tIxae dte
for zas
G G rrett to Ova ft.
cisrty befi,e the
judgment is fufpendtd
Mean3 to be. ure I on
his failing to pat tie
amount of bond

An A c T allo'wing compcn:sation to Ek'ano'r Butts.
,ec           [~ ~        Pafred Januat y 28, 1803.        or
z. [EREAS it appears that during the revolutioniry war, in the year one
W ' / / thoufald feven hundred and eighty oune tle proviflnn commiffary for the
eounty of Culpeper, iatpreffced a beef of Eleanor Butts of th: fail county, weighing four
hundred pounds grofs ; that he received a receipt for the fame, which receipt was acci-
dentally loft, whereby the was preventelfrom obtaining compenlation.
Sec. 2. BE it there/ore r,'act.,d ly the General Asremhly, 'lhat the Auditor of public ac-
counts, ihal le and he is hceby autiiorife.I and diredad to iflue a warrant on the treafury
for twenty doilars to be paid to' Eleanor Butts, out of any money therein, as a compenla-
tion for a bcef taken from her by t.he provition coamilay tor the county of Culpeper
in the year one thoufand feven hundi ed'and eighty on..
Sec. 3. This a& flall commence and be iri force from and afier the pa/ling.thereof.

Eum allowed g how
to be paid

A    C H.A.P T E R      LXXV.
An A CT concerning ibe Patonmnac Company.
.,   [ P1fli'd January 27, i8,3 I
Sec. I. !T-EREAS it appeals by a memnorial from the diredlor~of the Patbwniac Preamble.
W      Company, that the locks crc.,',ed at the great falls ate only twelve feet in
brcadth, inflcad of fourteen feet as thi law diredll,

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