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An Act more effectually to restrain the practice of Negroes going at large. 1802 16 (1802)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0070 and id is 1 raw text is: Commencement;

Courts Martial to be
compoed of officers
of the milithi.

A i6')
affigi  hands to work upon that part of the road referred to in the report of the (aid com
millioners, according to an at of Affembly in luci cafe made and provided.
Sec. 4, This a& fhall commence and be in force from and after the pating thereof.
An A c T    to tizcnd ,he act, entitule(I . q  act to estatfh a guard in the
City of Richmond.
[ Paffed, January 2., 183o. j
Sec. I.  E it enac~ed by thp Qene,ai A f mbly, That for. the ptrpofe of holding Courts
B   Martial for the tial of arty coitiifl ioned officer, rn.commitlioned officer,
mufician or private, of the guard eflabtifhicd in the City of Riblhmond, the commanding
officerof the militia of the aid City, Ihall, upon application to him made by the com-
inanding officer of the faid guard, *have the like powei' or fumimoning out of the militia.
of his regiment, the officers necefflary for holding the faid Courts Martial, as is granted to
the Lieutenant Colon . Commandant of the militia'of lenrico County, fDy the act, enti.
tuled,  An Act to ellablilli a Guard in the City of Richmond.
An A C T ¢oncerning the heirs of Peter Francis de Zsbeuf, deccased.
.[Pafsed Janu.ary 24, 8o3.]
Sec. 1. I)E it enacted by th, General Jilfemby; TI it Francis and Alexander de Tubeul,
D   fuiviviag heirs of Peter Vrancis de Tubeuf, deceafed, be, and they are here-
by a.iowed to repay by two iifalhnents, the balance with inteteft, which may he due of a
furn of money -advanced by the Commonwealth on a loan to the faid Peter Francis de
Tubeuf in his lifetime, to enabic him and certain French emnigrants, who came with him
into this Commonwealth, to fettlc their lands in the Couity of Ruftel; the firti iuflal.
rient to be paid in January one thoulnd eight hundred and four; the balance io January
one thoufand eight hundred & five; upon condition tdafthe iaid Francis and Alexander de
T'ubeuf fIall in fix months give any kind of fecurity which the Executive may judge fuffli-
cient for the payment of the faid debt and interefl, payable at the periods aforef'AM.
Sec. 2. This aa fhall commence and be in force from and after the Fafflig thereof.
G 11 A P T E R XXI.
An A C T more elkclually to restrain the practice of Ncgrocs going at larg.
[Paffed January 2.1, 18oj.]
SEc. 1. DE it enabIcd by thc GemraIss.mbiy, Thit from and after the commencement
B of this act, every free peg ro or mulatto, who. refides in any county in this
commonwealth, Ihall be regiflered anf numbered in a book to be kept for that purpofe bY
the Clerk of the Court of the faid County, which regiffer iall fpecify the age, name, co.
lour and fiature of fuch free negro or mulatto, together with any apparent mark or f ar,
on his or her face, head or hands, and in what court he or Ihe was emancipated; or that
fuch negro or mulatto was born free. A copy of the faid regifler, igrned by the clerk
anti attected by one Jullice of the Peace of the county wherein fuch rcgftferflhall he made,
ihall be delivered to the.faid negro or mulatto, on application, for whi.h copy the cler,
may dimnand and receive twenty five cents, to be paid by the perfon icceiving the fam:,
Sec  . Pro ,:dida,:vavs, That the clerk fhall in no care grant a copy of fuch regifler,
until the court of the county in which fuch free negro or mulatto refldcs, Ihall have certi
tied that fuch regiller has been truly made.

Inflalments permit.
,.ed ;oiitionally.
C mmencement.

FreeNegrces & Mu.
litto.3 to be regi ftered
Clerk's fee,

C H A P t E R


.   T     oli, frr the distribution of arms in certain cases.
[ Passed January i3, 8o3. ]
L       c z,   H Ii EREAS tle ,hfirihution of arms to cetin towns I-as not b-cn t-ee.i
y      cok,1,ltely adqtiatc ., t6 e purpvfe intended, and the fecurity of the goid


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