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An Act to amend the Laws heretofore made, amending the Penal Laws of the Commonwealth. 1802 7 (1802)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0068 and id is 1 raw text is: E7
thc part of fuci the-lihT or other dcaccr, to colict and rccount f,'r the fame, they
eilhl be liable to motion for the fame, in the fame manner as is provided iin thb
cafe of other fees, put into their hands for colle.ion : Provided howevcr, Titat
nothing hcreit contained fhall be conltrufd to prevent a  .onlable horn cole t-
ing or diftraining for any fees d.e him within tnc precinct ut the county, fur
winich he is appointed,
Sec. q.. d1ud be it further rerdted, That it fliall be the duty of every con-
flable levying an execution, to tdvertife the property taken by him, at fu 'F public
place in the neighbourljood, at leatl ten days previous to the fale thereof.
Sec. .This adt fliall commence and be in force trom & alter the lul day of M.K:ty next.

Prnnertv taken WIydr
ti'.     T',  •  •
(..luilenV tnun.

C  1-1 A P 'ER        IV.
,n AT, to anmend te .Laws krctoforc mar!c, amPend 'g t.' ]ctl Lawvs c,
vZN. Ccr. i;onwcaihi.
Paffied, Tauary c3, ig, j
SEC. I.      it ra~  zl ,...Y the  Tnr.;  . ': iahat all ,nnrder 'whih (f,-al he perpe.  , ,,
trated by means of nifon, cr by lying in wa it, or by duiefs of inliriio- t   th¢ br
mentor confinement, or by fiarving, or bv witful, imlici,.us anc ::tcefive whiprin  r C
b.cating or other cruA or.:t:nent or tunurf, cr by any r.lihr' kind of wiiful, d.libi ale and
pieiueditated lkilliag, or which flhall he con'-mirtd in the per;zeratinn, or auteupt to p.:i-
ietrate any arf.j, ripe, robbery or bhaigiarv, Ih.11 1;cnceiurib be deemed imidcr,,, (lie
itt degree. And all otcr kinds of murder. |hall !'e deemed ,nur-ler of the f'don, del  .cv, ,czld .1gr2-
and the jury, as herect'orc, thall afcertain in their verdi .t, whethvr it be nurder inu te
firlt or fecond degree.
Scc. 2. W  l oev.er 11l  voluntarily, m lico' afly arn. o  ,   n1 *r. , ,r
lip, or hite offor disable any limb ornte:m',r of a.0v p, ' .l ill ii,., .,
kill, maim  or disligure fuch  perfin, ever,' f, i  oti, i  r, h:  or her  ai ll,, :iv'rr s a '*  .,,1ni',,   hc 'ii
counhilla;s, thill be fentnccd to under. a ccn nc:fncir  t he Jii I  I ,:-:il  yc i' l
ho-Ae, for a time, not ie than two, nor i!1u th11 te vvc '-, ; alhll ih12'l o'ho pIv .1 1 i.e
not exceecding onc thoufand dollat-, threce furtiis whereof tit.- be ltoi te U;% t tYl p:;:y
Sec 3. NVhofocvcr fla' wilfu'ly, inalici fiy znd of purpnif, li,-h or firnt anothr w;,h
.atention in Co doing' to mai, fsigure, uifiatiq or Kil, fnch other I 5011, r'r  fiO,'1
cffendcr, his or her aiders, abeaor- and counsellors, ihii he flentenced t,) unh,1.go a con.7
finemnent in the jail gr Penitentiary houae4 for any time not less than two, nor nre than
tqn years ; and thall moreover, pay a fine tiot exceeding ouc thousand dailara, three
fourths wlicieof fhall be for the use of thie party gtieved.
Sec. 4. Au.ib-. i.furtucr ea   That aoy pi 'ty grieved u:',,cr his - .., a: uiler !:0
aa paffcd the fifteenth of )eccmber, one thousand se Ven hundrl *.l', ninety fi x, entit- Pirt w;wed  1. -
led, 1 An Ata, to amend the Penal .,nw.- of this comnonwealth, 1h;.1 ,e e-,iiibeied ii v,,:f,.
as a competent witn!ss to provc any'oiienux committed againfl either of the 14.l aits, o
any part thereof.
Sec. 5. And Ibe il fartr e a~ed, That any person who fhe'al h0 gultv of cht cvhTnr e.f vivh trca punii,.
high treason, his or her aiders, abcttors aud c:nt li loto. f a:., on coavi, tiuu tielcut. be Cd by ddthi
adjudged a felon, and suflier death by hanging by the neck.
.Sec. 6. This atQ fhall not extend to any case of a f.vc acci:,1 or conv'i;1:d cf any of Gaws net aflercd.
the, offences here in mentione?.
Sec. 7. All a6ls and parts of a&s comrng Athin t!he ptIrvew o: this aCI, fli.1' be, an,] t.IC Repealing c'ur',
same are hereby repealed.
Sec. 3. This a& fha!l co.inmcnc. and be in f6rc6 friom znel cfter tle fitft :dy oF April Col.rcnccir:r.t,

G H   A   P TwE     I. V.
An 1 C T, to antend tc cvcral acts for the t.-,bas,';,,.t of  wc .Utafa!6.
surance Society against.ire on buildings, aad a/so a aintj's   er ,;oodn and
furniture i tbc .vtat of Y'irgoinia.
[Paffed January 27, SC3.]
SrC.. I     E it ,enaedby the General Vjffmhldj, That thj, Mutur Al urance Sricietv
B   againil tire on buildings o lihe Stare of V irgitai may in'itre l'uildin,:n t.eid
by tenantstorlife, widows in right cf their dower, atd by orphans ; .lt,'3,idcd lOidt the

Tcr;aWr fir lire, a,d
orphtall' p,. per 7  I'
be i.trej ,in ccr.ain

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