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An Act to amend an act entitled an act empowering the Governor to transport slaves condemned when it shall be deemed expedient. 1801 8 (1801)

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Regulation as to
f es -f pilots.

Pilots to carry with
them a copy of this
Penalty fordemand-
inif more than ledal
Branches not to be
given to a negto or
Examiners to be
furnilhed with co-
pies of this act.
Repealing claufe.

* Sec. 24. THE fees allowed hy thlis .i, for piloting a velel -into this comnonwealth,
fliail only be paid when a pilot has boarded a veffrl without the capq ,f Virginia, or oppo-
fite  o them; if' the vclfel be boarded by a pilot within the c es, lie lh.ll be entitled to de-
mand only half of the fees before fpecified into Hampton road.
Sec. 25. THE conflgnees or fuper.car7o of any vefel, not owned by- a citizen reidin,;
st this (late, (hall be liable for the pilotage, if not paid by the mailer.
Sec. 26. AND in order that flrangrers and others may not he impored on in the ratei of
pilotage, by this act allowidl, Bie enicted, That every pilot appointed under'fle att:aorih7
uf this a-li Ihall be obliged, when in the execution of li- duty, to carry with hini a t'y
thereof, an' (hall produce the fane, if demanded by at,y nafler or owner of a vtl :l w,,icai
lie may coudiil, belbre he fhil be entitled to receive his pilotage from thr-m, or vit'hr t0F
them ; and if any pilot liall demand, or receive greater fecs For any fervices render-.., tn-
der the authurity of this a& than he is allowed, he (hall f,rf-it and pay to Fuch mailer or
owner double the amount by him received) to be recovered by atlion of debt in any court or
record within this commonwealth.
Sec. 27. NO Negro or mulatto fhall, after the pafliug of this a&, obtain a branch -s a
pilot; Prxvided, however) thatthis prohibition thall not'extend to, or ait &., ahy fluch iler.
Ilnr now having a branch.
Sec. 28. THE Puhlic printer fhall furnifl the 'xaminers with one hundred c.ip;(s
of this a&; ouc of which copies, figned by three cf the Laid examiners, fiall be delivereg
to each, pilot.
Sec. a. ALL and every af and ass, claurcs and parts of a&s coming within the pur-
view of ziuis a, lhall be and the fame are her;by rep,,aled.
Sec. 3o. THIS a& (hall commence aid be in force from and after the firfi day of April next.



Owners to he paid
for their (i ives d -
reaed by the Exe-
eutive to he fold or


An AcT to amend an act, entitled an act, e.npow erin            the Governor t.3
transport slaves condemzd qwbeit it shall be deemed exidient.
[Passed Decemnber. 22, 18ox.]
SEC.' 1W it enacted by the General Assembly, That fo foon as the Executive flhll deter-
A., ) mine on the fale or tranfportation of any flave or flaves under the aa entitle,
an a& to empower the Governor to tranfport flaves condemned when it (lial he deemed ex.
pedient. the owner or owners thereof lill he immediately paid in the fame manner as for
flaves executd. Any law to the contrary notwitliflanding.
Sec. a. THIS aa flall be in force from and after the palling thereof.

-An ACT      concei'ning the Glebe Lands and ChUrches; within this Com.
[Passedl7anuar 121 zo]
,Sec.WTHEREAS the General Affemblyon the twenty.fourth day of Januaryone thourhtL
1.      feven hundred and ninety.nine, by their a& of that date repealed -all the laws rela.
tive to the late Protelant Epifcopal Churchand declared a true expofition of the principlesol
..tle Bill o Rights and Confiutution refpeding the fame, to be contained in the act intitule(
 An a;&It for elahlifMing religious freedom, thereby recognizing thje principle, that all pro
perty formerly belonging to the [aid church, of every dellcription, devolved on tle goo.
.people of this commonwealth, on.thb diffoulution of the Britilli 1,,vernnient here, in the farm
degree in which the right and interef of the raid church was dcriv:d therein from them
And although the General Altembly polreftes the ri.ht nf authoiifing a fale of all fuch pro.
perty indifcriminately, yet being defirous to reconcile all the good people of this common
wealth, it is deemed inexpedient -at this time to difturb the polfeltlbn of- tie the pretone
incumbents.          '

Overfeers oF the
poor t) fell glebe
lids in certain caijs

. Sec.. 2. BE-it tberefore.enacted6v the General Assembly, .That.the Overl'eers of the ral
and their Ihccelrors, or a majority if t' hem within eatlh county 't this conmnonwealth, where
in any glebe land is vacant, or Ihall become fo, by the deith or removal of any incumbent
thall have full power and authority, and they or a uy.tiority of thdlin are hereby diree, oi
giving at leail thirty days public notice, at the front door (if the courthoufe of their county
to fell all full lands ind appur:eiances, and every other Ipe'cles of property oicident thereto
on the preniites, to the highlW bid.ler, on twelve months credit, Ctking bond with goct
fequrity for th: 4mount thereof payable to .thciucflves aad their.fucccifors; provided that &x

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