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An Act to empower the Governor to Transport Slaves condemned, when it shall be deemed expedient. 1800 24 (1800)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0062 and id is 1 raw text is: (24)
bc allowed to return any lift of infolvents, or have any crdit therefor, after tweve
months fhall have expired from the period of the taxes becoming payable by fuch
fherif; or colleffor, to which fuch lift relates. A commiflion of ive Aper cent, and
no more, fhall be allowed to fheriffs and .colle&ors for the collcafion of taxes or
licences to 'be granted to merchants under this ai&, and on licence to be granted tq
hawkers and pedlars under an a&, intituled, an as, conerning Hawkers and
 Pedlars ; any law to the contrary notwithifanding.
C'.mnfioners du.   Sec. 6. A if of all licences granted to merchants, Tball be returned by the com..
,y              nmiflioner granting the rame, to the county or coaporation courts for their examina-
tion; after which the raid lifts fhall be delivered to the raid fherifh, or collefors,
Who thall, annually, on or before the firft day of Oaober next, after the receipt
thereof, account for, and pay the fame into the public treafury.
J~acti  ca ife.     Sec. ' . This a& fall commence and be in force from and after the palling
du ACT to empower the Governor to TIranfport Slaves condemned, when it/hall
be deemed expedient.
.               [(Paired January xsth, 18ox.]
Slaves underen- Sec. r  E it enacted ly /e General 1..fembly, That the governor, with advice of
tence of deator   . D    council, be, and he is hereby authorifed, when it /ball be deemed expedient,
confpiracy to t, o ontra1 and agree with any perfon, or perfons, for the fale and purcha e of all
purchfed and   Qthofe flaves who n6w are or hereafter may be under entence of death, for confpiracyo
tranfported,    infurrea ion, or other crimes. The perfon, or perfons, at the time of making fuch
purchafe, flall enter into bond, with fufficientfecurity, in the penalty of five hundred
-dollars for each flavew payable to the governor and his fucceffors, for the ufe of the
-commonwealth, with condition that he, or they, will carry out of the United States
.all the flaves by him, or them, purchafed, who are now, or who hereafter may be
under fentence-ofdeath; and the lale and difp9fal of every fuch flave Ihall amount to
a reprieve ofhiin or them, from- fuch (entence of death. Provided always, that if
Subject to exetu. any flave, fold purfuant to this atAl thall return into-this flate, he fhall be apprehended
Wion Pf thq return, and executed under the condemnation of the court, as if no reprieve had taken place.
e imony in all   And in all cafes whereany giave or gaves liall be tried and convi&ed for any crime
treah to be rteor- which may affectlife, the court before whom fuch trials fhall be had, thall caufe the
ed and a copy tefflimony for and againil every fuch flave to be entered of record, and a copy of the
tranfmitted to the whole proceedings -to be tranmnitted forthwith to the Executive.
Executie.          See. 2. The owners ofall flaves fo fold, or tranfported, Ihall be paid in the
Owners to 61 paid. fame manner as for flaves executed.
Enacting danfs.    Sec. 3. This act fhall commence and be in force from the palling thereof.

Comptn/ation to
witneffts fim-
mfined out of the
county iftheir
Enacting clauft.

Arms to be ;fuId
for teif of cer-
tain towns.

Enacling c/at/s.,

An ACT directing the Allowances of  ftntles in ce tain Cafes.
(Pa&- d January  tftf,  lloi.]
Sec. T1E it exacted by the Genera! .41mby, That in all cafes hereafter, when any
x.  j   perfon, or perfons, fhall be fummoned as a witners, ogpitnelis, in any
profecution for a crime or nmfdemeanor, to attend any court out of the county, or
counties, in which he, fhe, or they, may refide, the ame allowance thall be made
lim, her, or them, for fuch attendance, a' is allowed by law to witnefres and venire
men In fuch cafe attending the difirict coarts.
Sec. a. This act fliall commence and'be in force from the paling thereof.
An ACT to Arm the Militia of certain Towns.
(Paged January 2 1ft, 180o]
Sec.    E it enacted by the General .4jimbly, That the governor, with the advice
x. Jlof council, be authorifed) and he-his hereby required, to iffue, without delay,
arms and accoutrements to the militia refiding in the towns of Richmfond, Manchef-
ter, Peteriburg, Norfolk, Hampton, Portfmouth, Suffolk, York, Williamfburg,
Frederickfburg, Falmouth, Port-Royal, Dumfrics, and Lynchburg, in fuch propor-
tions as the Executive fhall deem expedient, provided that.the whole number dif-
tributed ihall not exceed two thoufand, out of any arnms and accoutrements not
already directed by law to be difilributed, under the regulations prefcribed by the
act, intituled, an act, concerning the militia of this c;mmQnwealth, patled the
28th, day of anuary, i8oo.            It
Sec. .  This act Thall commence and bc in force :from and after the palling

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