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An Act laying Taxes for the Support of Government. 1800 22 (1800)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0061 and id is 1 raw text is: ( 22 )
Th-tif ,ny wh-te perrjnj free Negro, or mullatto, fhall be guilty of the like offenc-,
and bc ,hercof duly convi61ed before a juflice of the peace, of the county where the
offence (hall have been comtnitted, or the 6ffender refides, the faid offender (hall for-
fi and pay to the informer, or to the Overfeers of the poor, as tie cafe may be, the
fi!m of five dollars, and cofis; and in care of inability, or refufal to pay, fhall; by rdcr
c, thw fail jullice of the peace, receive not lefs than ten, nor more than twenty, laihes
on h'  hnrc hack.
so . 2. That if any flave /hall be guilt), of the like offence, and be thereof lawfilly
convi& d before any juflice of the peace, of the county where the offence (hall have
bzct: committed, or the mailer or owner of fitch flave refides, fuch flave (hall, by order
cf he faid jullice of the peace, receive on his bare back not le1s than ten, nor more
that- twenty, lafhes.
Sec. 3. And be it further t::acted, That nothing herein contained flall be con-
firued to extend to an' of the counties wefl of the Allegany mountain.
,Sec. 4-. This a( fiaill commence and be in force from and after the palling

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Clai dre-leafed.
Enactitng dlaufe.

A  ACTre-kqfing to Ymbrofe Cramer, the Right of the Commonwealth to a certain
rract or rracts of Land.
[PafFed January J7il, 18oT.]
Sec. T[E it enacted by the General Afemb/y, That all the right, title, interell,
1. L_ claim,' and demand, which the commonwealth now hath, or may have, in,
or to a certain tra& or, traas of land, purchafed by Ambrofe Cramer, who is an
alien; which land lies in the counties. of Berkeley and Frederick, contains about
four hundred and fifty acres, and was by him purchafed of Thomas Throckmorton,
and I. G. Hening, fhall be, and the ame is hereby re-leafed unto the faid Ambrofe
Cramer, to be held by him, fo far as* the rid commonwealth, is concerned, in tle
fame manner as if he was now a citizen thereof.                          i
Sec. 2. This aa 1hall be in force from and after the palling thereof.

dn ACT tjing - Taxesfor the Support o/ Government.
(Piffed January 22d. - l.] i .  -
2laxes iraftd.   S-c.DE it enacted by the General i1f i4rlly, That the public taxes, for the year
t. LJ   One thoufand' eight hundre4fhall be a frdlows, to wit: On lands, for
every hundred' dollars valti 'agreeably to 'the equaliZinglaw, forty eight c;nts:
for every gave above the age of twelve ,yearsi except fuch as have, been, or (hall be
exempted by reafoanof age' or nfirmty by the refpe6ive counti or corporation
courts, forty  ifO ents  for every' Stuff Fforfe and Jack ACs, tVwice the price at
which fuch lorfe o? AfI covers a Mare for the feafon: for all other horfes, mulesi
mlares, and c9lts, twelve cents each, for elery ordinary licence, twelve dollars and
fifty cents: for every four wheel riding carrige, except phattons and flage  wag.;
'gons, one dollar ad' twenty .five cents per wheel: for all phxtons and ftage wag.
gonl eighty four~cents per wheel; aud for, cvery other riding carriaga with two
wheels,' korty three cents per wheel: for all lots andioufes in towih one dbllar and
fifty fix cents On every -hundred dollars of the rent thereof, to be akcrtained by the
rent paid by the tenant, and where fuch houfe or lot is in the occupation of the pro-
prietor,-the yearly rent or value thereof fhall be afcertained by the commiflioners
of the reveuue, or either of them, by a comparifon of its value with other-hofes or lots
affually rented: Provided, that the owner or proprietor of any fuch houfe or lot if
he thinks himfelf aggrievcd by fuch valuation, may appeal to the court by whom the
commilloners where appointed, Who(e judgment, as to the yearly rent or value, (hall
be final. The faid commiflioners, or either of them, to afcertain the rent paid on
houfes or lots aftually leafed, may call on the tenant or proprietor to declare, on oath
or folemn affirmation, what is the amount of the rent paid for the fame; and every
perfori fo called on, and refufing to declare, thall forfeit and pay the fum of three
hundred dollars, to be recovered by motion, on ten days previous ndtice to be made
by the commifiloners of the revenue, or eitl'er of them: Provided, that no taxes fhall
be colle&ed on lands, lots, houfes or other property belonging to tilis'common wealth,
:or to any county, town, college, hou(es for divine wor iips or feminary of learning.
Every covering horfe or jack afs, which ihall not be duly entered, with the commit-
fioners of the tax, and all fuch horfes and affes brought into this commonwealth fubfe.
quent to the ninth of March next, (hall be liable to a treble tax, to be paid by the
-owner of the place at which he fhall fland; upon whom it fhall be diflrainable by the
flierifl, as if it had been entered in the commillioner's book| for two thirds whereof
the flieriff fhall be accountable to the public, and in care of failure to pay the fame,
(hal forfeit two hundred dollars, to be recovered with of1s on motion after ten
days notice by the auditor, for the ufe of the commonwealth: P1rovidedt that any per-

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