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An Act concerning Patroles 1800 21 (1800)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0060 and id is 1 raw text is: (C ' )
Thall be :under the like rules, regulations, penalties, and forfeitures, ajid 6al be re-
coverable in the fame manner as is direEted and prefcribed by law for other Ifpec-
-tions of flour. And the raid infpe&or (hall be 'paid two cents for each barrel of
,iour h9lnfpeifs.
See. 2. This a6t (hall commence and be in force from and after the pa/fing Enacting clatfe,

Jn ACT to Rxtind Ar. Yuri'/dlctien of h7fl;Cf of the Peace.
,    •     [~Paffd J anuary   i.)l,
.Sec.T3E U enaetad by The Central Almbly, That when thecaufe of a6lion ball Yur fdictiv
'io J . not exceed ten dollars, or four hundred pounds of Tobacco, the fame is tended to
• declaredto be cognizable, and finally determinable by -any one juffice, of ihe peace lars.
-who may give jtiugmen% and thereupon award execution aailnft the goods and
-chattels of the party gaifa  whom fich Judinent (hall be given, which iaU be
executed and returned by the fheriff or conftlble.to whom direted, under the pen.
alty of ten dollars, to be recovtred by the party grieved; but no execution (hall he
by any juitlce awarded agaift the body of the defendant.
Sec. 2   All petitions which may k- brought by the firfi day of April next, for Exceplian
:any fun lefs than-ten dollars, or'fur lundred pounds of Tobacce, thall be tried and
tdetermined as heretofore; and executions may thereupon.ifue.
Sec. 3. All Ipws within the meaning of this (haill be repealed.           Repealing
Sec. 4,. This a& hail be in force'from the, firft day of April next.     EnactingC

I,& ACT Goncirnig Patriels.
r                    fPa1ed Janary x6th, i(B1.6
Occ.T)E B t ino ed Jy the Geiteral Al.emb!y, That any juft4:e of the peac- (haU fy wbom to be
1. !.3 ha've poW,Or to ordr 64tPatroles wVhen, to Wit it halt appear nqcelrary, ,,'dced out.
and may oA particular occafions *apoint an officer of patrol, who (hall have the fame
:qwter   nd rec ive the fame pal   As- the patrol- appointed  y  ve commanding
.ofcer of the battiion. Any otmmr or patrol, fo ordered out by a Magiitrate,
Mhis to attend ani do his duty, &alforfeit and pay the -officer three dollars, and
-te poti'o one dollr, each; to b recovered andapp lid-.i the rame hnanner as other
S   .'%.  e,   iIb / frtfee. enaId, That the court ofthe corporatton of Peterf- Regulalation i
huyg, t11 have powet to divide the militia, refiding within the limits of faid town, Peterfiurg.
'nto wards or diflas, and ny appoint one or more oficers in each ward, to be
dnct pated canins, of patrol ;each officer Lhili be compelled, When on duty, to
Vifit a l ]i  faid town and thil atrol once in every week (or ofteiier.if requi.
red     , thecourt,) and (hll receive for every twelve bours fervice, the officer onc
dolla , and each patrol feventy-five cents, to be levied on the houfe keepers in fiild
maWn.. The militia of-faid town fhall be exempted from ptrol duty without the
limits of-the town; but in all 'other ferviccs, required by law, ihal1 continue attached
to their reipeCtive regiments.
See   . , dad be itfrtiher ma hd, That the Corporation court of Frederickiburg N ateb in FreA
hall be, and 41*reby'empoWered, to impofe and- levy an annual tax upon the houfe icAfurg.
keepers within the jurxlikion thereof, to be appropriated to paying u watch to be
kopteterein.        i
C. 4 , ' This ad ihlcommenc and he in force from the paiing thareof.   cn~i  lau,

A  ACT ti Pr.nt the Killing of Deer, within certain Periods annsally.
(Pa.ed January 16th, Soi.)
Sec. B~E~it enatted by thi Oentrai JbW1 , That if any freewhite perfon, or per-
t. fons, within this Commonweath, by (hooting, trapping hunting, ranging,
drg    withdogs, or othetwife, fl(al kill or defroy any one or more deer, (the fame
not'be   his own tamed, or halI be found in poffefflon of any) between the firft
day of Jauiry, and the fiuft day of Auguff, in any year, every fuch free white per-
ton, or perfonh, to offending, for every deer fo killed or deftroyed, (hall forfeit and
paythe rum of five dollars, to be recovered with cofls, by warrant, before a ju Rice
of the peace of the county where the ofwence (hall have been committed, or the
offender or offenders, may refide, to the ufie and benefit of the informer, provided
thi offence be proved by the confetlhon of the party, or by the oath of one or more
credible witners or witneff'es, other than the informer; but If the offence fhould he
eflablihed by th9 oath othe informer only, in that cafe the faid forfeiture fhall be
payable to the Overfeers of the poor of the county where the conviction (hal have
heen, and applied towards leRenlng the poor rates thereof., And be itfurther enacted,

Penalty fo killing
Deer vithin ¢er-
taiv periods.

en* cx-
ten dote.

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