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An Act to purchase Pharoah, and Tom. 1800 19 (1800)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0059 and id is 1 raw text is: ( 19)
Sec..+  It fhall be laWful (r the hcrilF of the'coufty of Berkeley to colle and Powers of the he.
lmake diflrefs foran4, public dates, or oflicers fees, which Ihall remain unpaid bjth- rif of Bereley
.inhabitants of the'(aid county of Jefferfon, at the time it hall take place, and hIall county.
be accountable for'the fame, in like manner, as if th's Af had not been made.
Sec. 5. The'governor, with the advice of council, fhall appoint a perfon to be GovernorL&cotir-
firft fhcriff of the raid county of Jefferfon, who fhall continue in office during the cil to appoint tht
term, and upon the fame conditions as are by law appointed for other fheriffis.  flrfl Aerif.
Sec. 6. The court of the faid county of Berkely fhall have jtrifdi~ion of all 7urifdia:n ofie
ialions and fuits depending before them at the time the (aid county of Jefferfon court.
takes place, and fhall try and determine the fame, and award execution thereon.
See. . The raid county of Jefferron bal! remain in the fame difirldi with the To what do/flrar
-county of, Berkeley, for which diftril courts are holden at Winchefter, and be of 70erf/on county
the ame brigade diftri' in like manner as if this A41 had never been made, In hbal be attached
future, elections of a (enator, an tie&or, and of a reprefentative in congress, the
lAid county of Jefferfon thall be of the fame diflrif as the raid county of Berkeley.
Sec. 8. This a fliall commence and be in force from and after the pafling. Bnaampg c/aufi.
,In ACT te lncreafe the Rates of Ftrrage at certain tlaces.
 (Parl'ed January J4th. igo0.-
Sec. BE it enajed by the General .41febray, that inflead of the rates heretofore Iais hu: -aafd.
i. Dallowed by law, at the ferries hereafter mentioned, the rates of ferriage
thall be as followth 1 that is to fay, from the land belonging to Ealoc's eflate, lyin g
in the county of Charles City, acrofs Chickahominy river, at the place commonly
called Edloes ferry, the price for a man twelve and an half cents,  and for a horfe the
fame. From the land of John D. Watkins, in New-Kent, acrofs Pamunkey river,
to the land of James Smith, in King William and from the latter to the former, the
price for a man twelve and an hilf cenrt, and ?or a horfo the fame. From York town
to Glouceqfer town, the price for a man nineteen cents, and for a horfe. the fame.
The tranfportation of the following things fhaU be at the rates following, For every-
Coach, Waggon, Oiarriot, and the driver, the fame as for fix horfes. For every
four wheeled Chalfe, Phaiton, and drivers the fame as for four horfes. For every
two Wheeled -riding carriage, the fame asfor two hoea, For every hogthead of
tobacco, thefame as for one hrfe. For every head 'of neat cattle, the fame a5 for
One horfe. For every hlbeep  og, goat, or lambone fifth part of the ferriage for one
horfe. If the ferry keoper  f ,My of the (aid places Ihall demand and take fronf
any perfon greater rates than aM'  hereby allowed, fuch o6fender Ilall forfeit and pay
to the party grieved the ferriage demanded and received$ and two dollars, recoverabla
by warrant.
Sec. 2. This a  fhall commence and be in force from and after the palling Enafling cluja
.A ACT giving further time to o enrr of let) In the town of 4anfrvile3 in the
tomitty of Lee, to bhild thkefrn.
(PaildJanuaty r4th. igot.]
Sec.   E t enaAd 6.y the General 4dmably, that the farther time of two years, to Farther timt al-
t.    be computed from the firef diy of May next, be allowed to the owners of /oetd.
lots in the town of Jonefvillc, in the county of Lee, to build thereon: any law to
the contrary hereof notwithfianding.
Sec. 2. This a6 ball commence and be in force from and after the palling Bnaaing clanfe,
4i ACT to purchafi Pbareab, and Tom.
[ Pafled January 14th. 18o. 1
W 7TIEREAS found policy di4ates, that rewards ihould be Nid out to thoib Pramble.
VY    who have rendered elfential fervice to our country,
Sec. L  Be it tberefr# enalftd4y tht Oineral i.//m  , that the governor e (Jovirno  utho.
auth*ried and requefted to purchafe and ret fret on behalf of this commonwealth, rifed to purcbafle
Pharoah, a flave, the property of Philip Sheppardi and Tom, a fRave, the property andftt themnfret.
of Elizabeth Sheppard: the amount of raid money to be paid out of any money in
the trea/hry.
Sec. 2. This a  hall commence and, be, in qe'ce from and after the pafling Enaaig eldaufi.

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