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An Act supplemental to the Act to amend the Penal Laws of this Commonwealth. 1799 30 (1799)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0058 and id is 1 raw text is: Ohmml~oner,
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How the ex.
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Penalties on
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Ovwiers of mill
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erect locks and
'lopes therein.

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36      )
Edmund Brooke, gentlemen, who, or a. ajority of them,'Ihall proceed to let the build.
ing ot a courthoufe, prifon, and other neceflvary buildings, of fuch dimen'fions and form,
as'they may judge moll proper, to-the lowell .bidder, having previIuflv udvertifed the
Itime and place it which the Gme I.hall be done, in the Alexandria. add Leefburg papers
for one monih'; and after having afdertained the (urn for which the.faid buildings may
'be ere~ted, hall proceed to notify each of the courts af Prince William, Fairfax, Lou.
doun, and Fauquier, of the 'amoxint thereof, and Ihall alicertain alfo in the notificadtn,
'the proportion to be paid by each county, according to the number of tithables therein,
and the refpe6ive courts Ihall, at the time dire6ted by law for laying county levies, next
enfuing the teceipt of the faid certificate, levy their feveril proportioris of 'the expence of
the laid buildings, to be paid to the Order or orders of the fiid laft mentioned commiflon.
ers, or a majority of them. The perfon'or perfons undertaking the faid buildings, Ihail
er,ter into bond w'ith'fufllcientfecurty , in'the pentry of ten thoufand 'dollars, payable to
the (aid comnmiflioners, or the furvivors or furvivor of therns with 'condition for the due
and faithful performanc6 of the work, itccording to cifi' ra&fh .
SEC. 11. IF a majrity of the laid firft named cordmiffioners Ihaili fail to attend at the
time and place aforefaidi, 'it fliall be lawfrl for them to meet and proceed on any other
day to the execution of the detries reijuired of them by this a&. So foon as the faid build-
ings (hall he compleatedithe fame Ihall be publilhed by the faid lait named commiflioners,
'In one or more bf the Virginia nefpapers, and ther.ccforth the faid court ihali be held at
the faid place.                 ..   '

CHAPTIER            LV[I.
-n ACT concerning the Navhgati of .-oningaia River and its Branches.
[Pafted,, January 2oth, 8o.1
'SECT$ I, DEit enafled b) the Gneral.l.fmty,. That the Moi'ongalia river from thd
j fouth boundary line of Pen nfvivania, ,up to ihe -contlucnce of the i.
vers of Tyger Valley and Well branch, thence up the Tyger Valley river to John Nu.-
fum  mill, and up the Wedl Branch river to Edward.Jack(on's mill, and up Simpfon's
creek to Beunjamin Wilfon's mill, and-up Elk creek to George Jackfn's mill- hall be
forever conlidered and taken as a public highway, free for- navigatin'. If any perfon or
perfdns thall place or put an' obftru&tion to the navigation of the laid' rive,' or creeks,
within the diflance aforefai, he or.'theiy thall, for eoery fuch oflnce., forfeit and pay
the (urn of fifty dollars- for every nionth (uch obftru iton hall remain therein, to lie re-
covered in any court of d-ccord in this Commonwealth, -,ith coflsi bvaaion of debt or
information, and applied one moiety to the tfe of the petfon profecutng, and. the other
moiety to the juflices-of the court of.that county where thc fulit flall be tried, to be 4y
them applied towards impiroving the navigation of the, faid. rivcrs and creeks.
SEC. If. PROVIDED      alw'ys, rand ei 'tfurth enaled, That the proprietor of.any'
mill-dam ere6ted acrofs either of the (aid rivers or creeks, within the' aforefaid dillan'ce;
thall be allowed one year from and after the palling of thii a&k, to eretMfficient lock*,
and flipe  y or through the fame,' for the convenient and fafe pffage of-b~ats, to be' ad- ,
judged of lby the court of the county :wherein the lock or'. flope is eteded: If the po,.
prietor of any mill'acrofs either of the (aid rivers or creeks hereby declaied to be a public
.highway, (hall fail or negledl to make fuch locks and flope, and keep the fame in con.
.fant repair, it (hall be lawful for any pei (on or perfons to pull down and dfiroy fuch
SE-. Il. THIS adt fhall commence and be its force from in.d after the pafing thereof.

.....      -           - .
CH&PTER             LVIII.
.4 ACT fuppkmental to the 4t1 to amend the Penal Lawis of this Commonwealth.
[Pafied; Januiry 2 th, 8oo .]
S CTION 1. l E it enafled and declared by the General Afmbly of Virghia, That from anti
.B) after the period when the a6l, intituled, 1 An adl to amend the penal.
laws of this Commonwealth, thalU commence and be in full force and operation, if
any free perfon Ihall he convi~led '(either as ptincipai or acceflbry) of any felony or of..
fence whatfoever, not already 'provided for by the faid recited aa, the punilhbment whcre-
of by the laws in force at and before the commencement of the faid recited aa, may
amount to death, without the benefit of clergy, evgry fuch offender from whom the
benefit of clergy would have been taken, away, fhall be fentenced to undergo a confine-
ment in the jail and' penitentiary hodfe,' eflablilted by'the (aid recited a4, for a period
not lers than one, nor more tian ten years, and ihall be kept therein at' hard labour, or
in folitude, and in all other refpe6ls be treated as in and by the (aid recited na is dire~aed.
SEC.. II. AND whereas the method'heretofore obfcrvetl ina calling courts for the ex-
amination and trial of criminals in the cd'nties and corporations of this Co nmonwealthi
hasbeen found inconvenient and expenfive, and fometinies to oblarud pilblh juflice: For
remedy wnereof, Be it firther enatled and41ilared by Wi Gineral dffehb'l,. That hereafter
when any free perfon or flave hall be'committed tojil, by any juflice of' the peace of
any county or corporation for examination or trial, and the court fummoned by the he.
rtfor the examination or trial of fuch free perfon or flave, (hall falil to.meet as hereto.
fore prefcribed by law, all the recognitances entered into by any perfon or perfons to ap-
pear at fuch called court, Ihll fland obligatory to the next court of fuch county orcorpo.
ration, and every fuch perfon or perfons (hall be obliged to appear accordingly, and that

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