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An Act to amend the act intituled, An act to amend the act for opening and extending the navigation of Patowmac River. 1799 12 (1799)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0057 and id is 1 raw text is: ( 12 )

In ACT io amend tht at, intildr, 4n act to amerd tke act /cr qer rT and ,.itt !i v X /. ; N4:
z'iga ion of Iatowmnac Riz,ei.
HFR     S          [.Pnfrd, Januarv 25th, 8oo.]
TTaT                     TO amentthe alair opening a nw sd extending tl-c n :v h:r ii
Prbarnble,;le                                                                    tl
Wv     of Ptowmac river, has allowed the Patow ac Company al uth    e l I'v
)cais, from ard after the expiration of the time befote al wid by law. it) crmj'u4i    tl=
navigation of'tbc faid liver according to the teimis of the origiinal la%-. Aid th:,r Il Pre.
fidentt and Direcrs for the time beinig, Ih~aIli e athcrifcdi to Et.:rploy as m t vLt
fir(-m tile flarc of Ihla?yvland in the fait w(wk, as they may dkeiri It :Tlfv i thevir
pUt p(fes to employ, W hlIoUt inctitting thle penalty ci having thein at all atil, 6i d by any
a' at%, heretofore paffeid r.-lativc to flavi',. Art] %%hciras it is zia,l.: ji-fi arld twCtd'.
faty further to extend the privileges alreadv recitt d
Frtlther li-.e  SECTION 1. BE it thowfire rxar.'ed, That tie faid Ccmpiny fl;-il be allowed until
All, Wr' t, fi the end of the year eighteen hundied arld two, to compleat tl'e ;Ivigatic n ot the fald Ii.
rin, the rav, ver, according to the teins cf the origiDl law ; and that the 1. tlfdt-ra and D)irfois for
river 'atow~. the time being, ili be authrifed to cirloy as many nepocs fil m the P;.te oi Marys-
mi:        land in the laid wri k, as they may drem it neccffaryfi r itheir put lpi fis tn Cirplov, t ith.
out incurring tile Penalt), or having thitn at all af6ceitd l'y .lny aLt. or as ieactoforc
pafred relative to flaves.
Szc. 11. TIlS atft fhall he in fo.rce from and after the p1afiuh'g thcre.f.
.4n ACT to amnod the Act, ingt:,!cd, N' ac;- apor6p,' . i', c.r !0nz Taxes to the eperinj a
Road ii, t'.e C(owy o/ Le'e.
EPaffed.e, ]~ember 3o'h , 1799 .
Piranible.  XTHEREAS by an ait palled on the twentyiftilh Lt    aruwrv, one thrufand fevert
Y      hundicd and ninety. nine, itiitukd, ', An aa aPPt-Ptia ing C,: lan tatrs to tLu
opening a road in the county of Lee, the revenue tax of the faiJ ccunt% fcr the year
one thouland feven hundred  nd eighty.cight, was appropriated to thie Cpt nhg ard'ii-
proving a road ill the coanty afoitlaid, Irom the toe of Coplper Cick rtid.-, to WVilli.
am George's, on Clinch River : Ari dwhcreas it is reprldt n:cd that a part (A the money
may he applied to more advantage in improving other pas ts Mf the faid road :
Comm;flinners  SECTION 1. BE it t/iefirt esactcd by the Gertral Xfi:/,!y, Thut the tomni'f ioners
au'rfcU the to appointed by the att aforefaid, are hcuchy impowered to appropiiate anv of the lloney in
pptten of th cir hands to the improvement cf any other pat of the fasid road which in their wifdom
the mcney in they may think will conduce to the public good. Any thing in any a&l to the contrary
thdir hands.  notwithflat.ding.
SEC. lI. THIS a& fhall commence and be in fotce from and after the pafling therecf.
4n ACT allwing furt'er inte ti the Owers o/ Lots in certain wToors to l'aiid I.Po and faz.e
t&, fiane.
[PaFif'., Jat'ualv Ia, t1o.1
Fuvther thyme SECTIONi 1. E it enactedl by the Gcnr~l AJlernbi. 'Hilt the proprictrits of Ints in the
a   .Iooed to the       B   town of Lewifbuig, and county of Greci.rier, aud of  •~u town of
nes' los Danville, in tme county of Pittfvlvania fliall refpeaiveiv be allowed the further time of
L e, I , 'tc'n& three years Irom and after the pfing of this a&1, to build upon ard fave the fame: Any
l1a1vill-, to  law to the contrary thereof notwithLanding.
bhit' thereon.
Alto to the  SEC. lI. .ID le it furter e',7ced, That the further time of three years from the
ownt.,s of Icts p fling of this ati, fihali e allowed to thle owners of lots in the town of Pitr-Conway,
in Port.Con. ia the courty of King Georgt, to buiHi upon and fave the aine : Any hitlg in any law
way.       to the contrary notwithfilanding.
X4, ACT fir opt'ning a Street in tle Town f Petu,/1luw.
f[Pafffhd 6January 26th, i8oo.J
ra'l, W HEREAS it hath been repiufe:'ted that the opetirug anti extending a (treet fni-
Preamble,    W     Back fireet to High firect in the town of Pectihurg, will ie of pu'lic utility:
SECTION I.    rE it therefore enacted by the Gtn'ra A ffirl:, That ,,tph Jones, V il-
appi d n  )iani Cole, Wood Tusker, William Vills, Thomas Atkitn'on, Petclinoi (odwV) '. and
mirk out the John Pegram, gertlemen, lihal be, and they ar! heireby appointed co, mieiti:ei, wh6,
Ieet & make or a majority of them, are impowercd and requited, on or before tile 1.1tccnth day ot
report to Din May next, to afcertain anti nmark out the moli dite t and convenielt wdv for opening
,,itde court, and extending a flreetj not exceeding fixty  or. under fifty feet in with0, fron Back
'Fhe court to
order a writ in ftreet to High ftreet, in the faid town of Peterfburg, and maku report thereof to the
the natuie rf court of rhp county of Dinwiddie, %,iho theretypon Ih'ull order a writ in the nature oft a
an .d q.od  writ of adqUeddamnwu'v to be diredled to the Iheriffof the faid county, cotll)Ilating hidi
dam itin and to fumnn and impannel twelve able ard difcreer frceholders anti inhabitants of the faii
'o:* it Shlall ue
xecuttd,    coiunty, without the limits of the laid town, no ways related to the parties through whole'
land the faid flieet will pal's, to meet at fome certain place on the laid grtund, and on a
certain day, to be named by the faid court anti inferted in the laid writ, of which notic
1hall be given by the furiff to tihe proprietorb and tenants, which frcehohltrs taking n,'

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