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An Act to authorise the Patowmac Company, to employ a certain number of Slaves from the State of Maryland, for a limited time. 1796 28 (1796)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0047 and id is 1 raw text is: Property aplrO.
'priated to the
tare of Liberty
Hal Academy,
to 5e vffid 11
appoinva ent
of this act.
oadss, notified of
their appoint-.
mentby the lhe-
Penaltyon fheril
in care ol failure.
Fines &c. herein
imporiedhow re-
covered and ap.
Uepeatmg claufe
of this id.

SEC. k..   N        e ri4  ernaiid, 'That unti the prfldeit and prdfiffors (hall be appointed
for' tefail college of Wafiiligton tile I'rop eiiy which, has been appropriated to the ufe of Liber-'.
ty Hall Academy, and the property which fhall be appropriated to the'ufe'of the f d college,
-halt be iR the vffitors- thereof, abd their fucceflbrp, who' hali have every  ower necefar for
thi mabn'agement'of the fame, except the power of felling; andon the appointment'otda prefdent
and profelors , allthe •property aforifaid, real and perfonal, thallbe transferied t6, and vefted inl,
the (aid prefident and profied'r,.
SEc. XM THIS a' aihll comme/oce and'be in fcie, trom and after the paling theieof.
.dn ACT to amend the b27, concerning Publc Roads.
[Paffed December the zoth, 1796.1
'5-CTION   1   E it enaled by tPlib'Geyal.4iJ'mibl, That the clerk of every county court, fhall
.rJ within ten days after the Appointtfient ofany furveyor of a road, deliveP aco-
'py of tile ordt.r of his appoiqtment to the fheriff ofthe County, under the penalty of five dollars,'
arid the flieriff flhall befpre tile next court to be held for thc faid county, after the receipt' of fuch
'order, deliver a copy thereof to the furveyor, if to 1be found within thie county, and return the
original to. rue clerks office, with an endorfement thereon, flatingte t fiuth of the cafe, under
the penalty olfive dollars, which in all cafes ihall 'be conclufive evidence of fuch furvevor har-'
ing uotice'of his appointment.
Sic. I. THE fines and penalties hereby ii'pored, fhal be 'ecoverable and'apprbpridted in
like manner, as the fines 'and penalties im'ptoed under the a6t, intituled, n adnaa concerning pub-
lic roads.

SEC. Il.
aal, 1hall be,

S<O. much of an     C  oicerning pu'ilic roads, as tomes within the purview of this
and the fane is hereby repealed.
This ad lhall commence id b in forc;, from and after the firfl day of March

Prefident & di.
re.tor, may em-
ploy a cert-ain
ntuaiber of fiaes
from Naryland,
fot a lithlted time
T'urther time to
ura.plete the na.-
Company may
ca1ntrt1t the tiz.
uf locki.
of this aft.

Voca.,cks in thc
oflce ol traifhceof
a town'by re.
moval out of the
countyIaow (up-
of thWis a.
Free male titha-
ble, in ccrtain
counties to pro.
duce to the judi:
ces thtreofa cer
tail) number of
,fqutrrel or crow

CHAP TER          XII.
.in ACT to/ 4thoiyc tMe Patowmac Company, to employ a eertain nuinber of Slaves from tile /?ate of
-M.Afland, for 'a limited tine.
*..                    ( Pafed D-cerbei thie 7th, 1796.J
l E it cnaied by the Geieral .fcmbly, That it flill be lawtul fur the prefident and direaors of the
[ Patowmac company,      employ; at the geat falls of Patowznac river, any number of
a-es from, the State of vaiyland, not exc'eedinr fixiy, for the fpace of ofie year rom the time
they (iall be refpltilively brouight to the laid fial s, for the purpole of imnproVing the navigation
of' tlie (aid river ; and' that fch flaves, or any of them, fball viot be entitled to their'freedom in
c onfecquenc of fuch removal from the flate of Ma'rylitd, and employ ment at the great falls as a-
forerad; any law to tfhe'contraiy tliercof no!itvihllanding.

CHAPTER           XLIV.'
.In ACT Concerning tMe Pato wmac Company.
[Pffed I)ecember the ]f, 1796.1
C       iO N vE it enactedbj thae Gcneral A''m6ly, Thfat the further time of four: yars to be coin.
Iq I. puted frdii the expiration of tile term already given, thall be, and is hereby'
allowed the at6wrmac compahy, to complete the navigatioti of Patowniac river.
Ste. If. THE fldd conpany nay, anti they are hcrebyi authorifed, to contra& the breadth'
of the locks to be conflrutqedat the great falls, to a fpace not lefs than fourteen feet, as they
fliall judge expedient ; any law to the contraiyi notwithflanding.
SEC. Ill. TfHIS'al t fhall commefice and be in force, from and after the pafling thereof.
n ACT to amend thle act, intilted, an act, 't empower tile Freeholders of the feveral towns not
incorporated, 4ofupply thle vacancies of tie T'uflces andDirectors tireo .
lpafred December the 27th, 1796.]
SzdrIoV_ I .Eit enacid, That the office of any truftee or direalor of any town within this
SECIO     commonwealth, bllall become vacant by te iermoval of fuch truflee or dire6-
or out of the county, within which fueh town iay be, and that via'ncies fo happehiig, (hall be
fupplied in like manner as is dire6led by the aa, intituled, tIn act to empowcr tie freeioldeii of
tile fcvcral towns t incorporated,- tdfupply M/ie vacanciis of tie tritfles and directors thereof
SEc. IT. THIS a5l fhall commence and be in force, from ant after the pA I ng thereof.
.tin ACT for klling Squirrels or Crows in certain countics.
(PaWed December the j6tlh, 1796.]
v ECIN         E it enacted by the General 4,[fmbl, That every free male iitliable in the couh-
jz I tics of James City, Ru0ll, York, New-Kent, Montbomery, Wcftrrore-
la.nd, Northumberland,Wvthe,Lee, Richmond, Randolph, Lancafter, King-eorge,Wafhmigton,
Pendtletn, Greenlrir, Ohti, dnd Br6oke, fliall produce to ajuflice. qf the pea:e of the ftid coun.
ties refpe6lively, on or before 'the firfe day of December, in each of the years of.one thoufand
feven hundred and ninety-fevcn, and one thoufaid feven hundred and ninety-eight, fix fcalps of
filuirrels or crows for every tithable liflted or given in by fuch free male perfcin, in each of

....    ,     I     _  i

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