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An Act for the Inspection of Fish. 1795 21 (1795)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0043 and id is 1 raw text is: '21
P[,E ). x.
4aOT   .1A Por':E, it.  j. 
Prifed       ,,the,28th bf tie.embeo,. 1795.
SEI .    ,~*      it ci  ed~bhy~tIMO'irn4~aJ .ffleny,< That no ,lh ihill be. exported ,outof.this .. Courts to Rpa
4C                   ionwealthutU :t'V ame.h~llbe,' packed in barrels,under ther regulations Point in Pedoias
heru'.iafter 'e xrel'; and, the'juftice#, of:cv6ry. couuty .and torporation court within this com,  f dut anir.
ui6iwealthlare herb /,authorifdund.Peuirtrd.' whemeveti. applicadon .thall be.made to' any court ance; guge of
for that purpofc, and in the months of Auxuift and September anitually to-nominat- and.appoint' ca&,'&.
in open court, one or more (not exceeding fix in one county) fit and able perfon or perfons re-
fiding in the fame county, to infp&ethe package. of, all filhcpcked fbor fale or. exportation in 'their
refpet i'- counties.' And -every perfoi' fo appointed, Ihall lt6fore he enters upon thc :execution oft
that nficei nake'--oath, htre- thejutlce .ofr, his *county court, carefully to view,- infpet and...
examilile, when required, all fili lacked for' faieor exportation, and . to the bc. of. hist kill an4.
judgment notlo pals or flamp.anv barrel of 'fifh 'that'is not good, clean, found, merchantable,
and of'thb,'gauge by, this atcf-dre&ed, atid,: faithfully to difcliarge the duty.of. his 'Office, without
fa or; aalt'ion, or partialitl; and fihal •con flan ti'attend upon snotice at. fuch time and place -as.
tl*.. 'owner of, any fuch comtiodity hall appoint to infpeak the flane within his.county, but .fliall'
not inflied or flainp any fi(h imported from. another liate of the union, until thcfame thall.be
brought'to fome-publc l:aling.;' and fhall provide aftamp or flamps with the.dil;it letter of his
county, the letter V for Vil g lnia, 'the irft letter of his o'vn chrifli-n nmnne, and his wh6le fur-
name'at length to ic' Plamped on each barrel or calk 'by him p;ll d, for which lie may deniaitid
anditttke-for everybhrrel of liiiby.hhin Ramped; fix cents, to be paid down by theowner.

S c. 1t. AND if -ny officer fo appointed 'and fv.orn, flt [ tiegleCt his duty, or Rlamp iny
fuch coImmnlity contrary to this-a , he thall fori'lt, and, pa' one dollar for every barrel of fith
'which thall be found not duly qulified, or of lefs weiglitorcontents than this ad requires, and
alfo'oredoAr for every. neglet of his daty-, 'recoverable by the informer. with;,cofts.betor ap
juflice of the peace of die county where fuh offence fhall' be committed.

Pen dtiy impafreu
on inflpc.ors for
nealcit of duty,

S1c. 9 li  EVERY barcl'of'fiflipacked Iwi Ciil this commonwealth fore faie, in.any.town pith tobeoto
eftalhithed-in this tate, or exportation, or imported here,' (haill b packed:all of one-kind; and in kind; and in.
a barrel wvell jeafoned, containing nut lefts thaa thirty nor more than- thil Lv..two.gallons.; and 'all.. fpcitor not to
barrels fo packed ihall be full, well nailed, and pegged, and the filh therein (hall be well fated,  a  IS,0i 4
fou.nd and vell fealfitel'; and 'no infpe~lor fhait palf or Ramip any barrel.'of filh.that does uot-ap- q4p1i9y.
pear to fuch infpeator, to bewell faltc4 and~cured betore the liamn: is. packed ;. and after the.fame
has been inflPe6ed found merchantable, aud. pafcd:by the infpeAt~or, or inlpe6tors refiding in.the
county where the hioue 1hall be packed or imported, every fuch barel Iliall be by him, or them
flamped or branded as afdrefaid, and a certificate thereof given to the owner.
SFc. IV. AAD if any per-fon ball prefume to fell or expofe' to (ale, or barter any barrel of Pqpalt  an ptr7
filh of lfs-fize or gauge than, that.ab.;)ve-mentioned in any town ellablifhed' in this. flate, heor Eons, fMllng.fi.
the (hall forfeit and pay to the i nfoimer two dollars 1br every fuch. barrel of filh fold; or. expofed' to  I,,lgaugq han
Elo, or barter in thia commonwealth, recoverable with; culs by the informer beture. any juftice drtacd by thi'
of the county (r corparation where fuch offence fhall b commit'ted, although the. penalty fball alt.
exceed hve dollars ; and every jpullice, of the peace upon fuch complaint before him made, and due
proof of fuch offci,:6, !hall andi may by' virtue of this at give judgment for the whucpeialty,
and award execution thcrenpon ; any' law to tile contrary thereot not-wihft.anding: Prov ded' Provii.
ixcvett/kf; That from fuch judgment for more than: five dollars, the party grieved may appeal to
the next court, to be field for the county wierein fuch comeplaint was made, the appellant entering
into bond with fufficient fecurity before the-juftice by whom the judgmilent thall ie given, that h4
will profecute his appeal with l'Feit',, and pay the fame judgment and- all cofts awarded by'th'e
court, if the judgment (hall be affirmed ; and the juftice of the peace taking fuch. bond, thal re-
tirn the fame, together with the whole record of his proceedings in the caufe, to the fame- court
to which fuch appeal thall be, which court (hall and may receive, hear, a'nd fi'ally diternii.'
the fame.

SEC. V. EVERY feller or exporter of fi(h packed in this rommopwealtlh, and fiam.pped or
branded, lhall 'mak e oath before a juflice of the peace, at the ti Ine of th delf4er of fuch .hdi 'old
or exported, that the fevcral barrels by him then fold or qx.pqrted, ate the fai~n  that were Ire A't
ed and paffed, and do contain the full quantity; without. eirnbzzlemeni; or 'ai t'ntor to, his'k oW-,
lcdge; and every perfon taking a falfe oath, .and' beikg lawfully convi46ed'thodrcf, 'fhal fi'ffr ,ti
painv and penalties intifiLted on perfons guilty of wilful' and caq'  u    ;'ap4  noreovi
forfeit and pay the fuim of one hundred dollars, to be recovered by any perfon or pcrmfons that willt
fue for the fame, to his or their own ufe.
SEc. VI. AND if any fuch tifh be jut to fale or ;hiipped off without having been approved
by an infpelor, and the barrels in which they are woptained l.4ye nqt th faii InQFors .amp,
mark, or brand u~pon thei, or if any mafter of qany Ibip, or 9.ther veffel; office Ir o4 mariner, fI Al
receive on.board aliy fuich hip for exportation; the, ofen4er o  o  ffner (tiall inpur the peialty
of two dollars for each barrel fo (hipped, to be recovered in. !Rny court' of re.o'r *iq this ommon-
wealth, by him or them who will fue for thp C'lme; arld moreover 4ll. fili I d or reeaived qq
b6ard for exportation as atorefaid, thall he forfeited. 'And i any Foopjer, ifpe]oi o r 'ther
perfon, fliall thift any filh either on board any thip or vefeli or' on fthore, after the lai 'hath

Pir. Gls 'elling
orce xprtingfitti
to ,identify the
fae oi oath.
penalties on'
oavialion of
having taken a
AIfq RO.
Finea on marl.
ners fur receiv-
In1 unintpedied
fith on narJ
their ve lbis c

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