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An Act making Provision for Support of Civil Government. 1795 12 (1795)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0040 and id is 1 raw text is: ARgfor may
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prior affignor of
any rtch bond,

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by the marflull
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Bank ofthe U-
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Taxes on lan4,,
flaves and other

Seo. V. AbND     iffiiJihca eviW1 , That in every cafo where any .allignor or aflignors of fich
bond, or their eecutbrs ot adil'inifrators, fll fuffer in maniner atorcfaid, he or they fhall have
the like remedy agaiill any prior aflionor or affignors of fuch bond, If'any fuch there: h, or their
legal rep'efentatives, or either of tcm, as well i as agalnft the original obligor or obligors, and
their ligal eprefentatives, orclthiet of them.'
C   11  A   P   T  'E  R      1II.
.n ACT to aiend the aR1, intitulrd, An all fir ofafs   kuping of prifeners committed under the authority
of the United States, int; any o[-e jails oa this c;mmonwealth.
(Paffed tie i ith ol Decembet, tj.  .
XT HEREAS the marflh of the difti6t ot-Virginia, and his deputies, have conceived them-
TV    felves to be authorifed by virtue of an a& of Affterbly, pa fred in the year one thoufand
feven hundred and eighty-nine, intituled,  An all fr the fafekerping of p/mnrs commitud under she
authority of the United ,tas into ary of the jails of this commonv~eahl, to convey debtors and other
p'e'rf6ns arefled onAnre procefs, or under execution, to jails at a great diftance from their fami-
lies and home  : And whereas it is highly improper that a difcretion fo mifthievous and opprefllve
as to be denied to the citizens of this commonwealth, fliou!d be exercifed in favour of the fubjeds
of foreign oations
Ssc. I. BE it thrfi/ore enafled, That henceForwaitd no debtor or other perfon arrefled on
mefhc proce's, or undcr execution, by the marflial or any of his deputies, Ihall be conveyed to
any otherjail than that of the corporation, county, or flatc judiciary ditri   wihtn which fuch
debtor, ot other prfoti may rclide. So much of the above recited atT as comes within the purview
of this al, fiall be, aldtive fame is hereby repealed,
Src. iU. THIS a.5 (hall commence and be in force from and after thi pafling thereof.
C   H   A   PT      E  R     IV.
An ACT aui/or/ing e.e or more branches of the bank of the United States, in this commonwealil.
[Paued the loth of December, i79 ;]
SZCTKO   r TFE it rnaled, ly the General Aiembly, That it 2iafl and may be lawful for the
SECTrION 1.1    Preftdent and Direaors of the Bank of the United States, to efablifh an office
or ofices of I count and depofit in this commonwealth, and to demand and receive for or upon
its loans and difcqunts, at the rate of fix prr cent ter annum for alonger or thorter time. Any law
to the contrary thereof, notwithflanding.
Szc. It. THiS a flhall commence and be in force from and after the pafling thereof.
CHAPTER                      V.
.4n ACT fupp,'nental to the a/, intitulud, tfn all to amend the all preferibiog the mode f ajc rtainng the
taxable property within  e commar4' eltk, and of collecting she public revemie.
[Paffed the 25th of December, i795.]
I7HEREAS it is reprefented, that there are many tra&qs of patented land in this common.
VV wealth, which it is not in the power of the commiflionerts appointed agreeably to the
 dc, intitutled, An act prrlcribin; the mode of afeertaining the taxable preperay within the cemm ineal/,
and ef collect;ng I/e public rccnue,r precifely to iafcertain and value agreeably to the meaning of the
faid recited adt
Svc. I. BE it shertfarc enacted, by the General .4/cnbl,, That in all cafes where the commiffion.
crs ihall not be able to find any lands fubje& to taxation, as aforefaid, it thall be their duty, and
they are hereby required and direced, to publi(h a lift of all fuch lands at the door of thoir r~tpec.
tive court hou e, at leaft three feveral court days fucceffively, and in cafe the owner or owners,
his, her, or their agent or %ttorney, Ihall not within one month thereafter, Ihew the fame to the
fald commiflioners, they fliall proceed to tax the raid lands, agreeably to the beft information they
can obtain, and clafa the fame accordingly ; any thing in any law to the contrary notwlthftanding.
SreC. It. THIS a 1 ihall commence in force from the paling thereof.
C   H   A   P  T    E  R     VI.
Ain ACT making Provfi/on for Support of Civil Government.
.        [PairedT the i th of December, szh']
SECTION.       E it enacted by the General Affembly, That the public taxes for the year one thoufand
1  [feven hundred and ninety-live, fhall be as follows, to wit: On lands, for
every hundredpoirds value agreeable to the equalizing law, five ihillings ; for every flave above
the age of twelve years (except fuch as have been or (hall be exempted by reafon of age or in-
firmity, by the ret'peiive county or corporation courts) one fhilling and eight-pence; for every
Ilud horfe and jack-Afs, the price at which fuch horfe or afs covers a mare the feafon ; for all
other horfes, mules, mares and colts, four-pence each; for every ordinary licenfe, forty fhillings;
for every billiard table, fifteen pounds; for all lots and houfes in towns, fixteen thillings and eight.
pence on every hundred pounds of the rent thereof, to be afcertained by the rent paid by the to- •
nant; and where fuch houfei and lot is in the occupation of the proprietor, the yearly rent or
value liall be afcertained by the commiffioners of the revenue or-either of them, by a comparifon
of its value with other houfis or lots aiually rented:  Provided, That the owner or proprietor
of any fuch houfe or lot, if he thinks himfeif aggriqvcd by fuch valuation, may appeal to the

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