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An Act to amend an act, Reducing into one the several acts concerning Wills, the Distribution of Intestates Estates, and the duty of Executors and Administrators 1794 14 (1794)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0039 and id is 1 raw text is: Felony without
benei: it cle.'gy,
to cuil nterf.it or
afid in Counter-
fciting any deed,
will, bond, bill,
note, acquit-
tatct or receipt,
or ,ffignment of
any bind, bill,
Or to utter or
publith a's truie
any fuch coun-
terfeited detid,
will, bond, bill,
Ivt,t &c. or- af-
fignment there-

An ACT to auwud the al, intuled,  An an reducing into one the feveral afs for patnming
petons guilty of col..ain Thefts and lFo;rgeiws.
[Paffed the 8th of 1)cceniber, 17.94.1
S.CT .ON        E it enffedcbyz/tGentral4fymb, That ii any perfon Ihall falfely make,
,    lorge, or cognterteit, or caule or procure to be talfely made, forged,
gr counterfeited; or wittingly aa or aflift in tile falle inaking, forging or counterfeiting
any deed, will, teflametit, bond, writing obligatory, bill of exchange, promilflry nott:
forthe payment of money or tobacco, or other valuable thing, or any acquittance or IC-
ceipt cihet tor money or tobacco, or other ,voluable thing, or ainy cndorlei.ent or affign.
meat of any bond, writing obligatory, bill of exchange, prorniffory note for the pay-
nIent of money or-tobacco, or other valuable thing, with intention to defraud any per-
fon or perfons whatfoever, or any.corpotation, or uiall utter or p'ublilh as true, any hirife.
forged or counterfeited deed, will, tcflament, bond, writing obligatory, bill of ex-
change, promilibry note for the payment of money or tobacco, or other valuable thing,
endorfement or afligrnent of any bond, writing obligatory, bill of exdhange, pronifolry
note for the payment of money or tobacco, or other valuable thing, acquittance or receipt
for money, to6acco, ur other valuable thing, wvith intention to dtaaud any perlon cr
pcrlons whatfoever, or any corporation, knowing the fame to be fall , tor cd, or coun-
terfeited, then every fuch perfon being thereof legally convie'led, fhali be eemed guilty
of felony, and Riall fuffcr death as a lelon without benefit of clergy.

C,,mmenccm-nt  SEc. II. THIS a61 (hall commence and be in force from and after the lafl day of
of this art.  March next.

Whit portion of
th'l .:i1l1111W3 CC-
tat. Ihll be it -
hir ed to childrcn
bil, lifttr tile
PA1khng oil their
father, will, in
-wich 'hey are
pzxte .nitted,
wiee thry aie
ntt provitcd for
by fettielent.
Fecutors not to
fill thei teiha-
tor's ihaves ftir
iivment of
dti bts, inlit' the
other xrfin1I
el-hte is infuffi.
of this adt.

The dt,.-n re-
pdcd) -cciteJ.

/In ACT to amend an afl,  Rnducihi into one the f'vcral ufTs concernng Fil, the Diflrlu-
9ion o' hntyhates Eflates, ant.the titvy ot Excc':ts and .dniniu/bators.
[Paffed the 5th of J)ecember, 1794.1
SECTION 1         E it enaled by the General .1§//nblv, Ih',t if a teflator having a child
B    u or children born at the tinge of making and publilhing his hil will
and teflarnent, ilhal at his death leave a child or children born after the making and pub-
lilhing of his faid ]all wiil and teflanct, the child or children fo after burn, if fuch
child or children be unprovided for by fettenent. and be neither provided for nor ditin-
herited, but only pretcrinitted by the lafi will an( tcfianent, flall fucceed to the falme
portion of the father's eflate as fich child or children would have been entitled to if the
father ilad died inteflate ; towards railing which portion the devifees and legatees flail
contribute proportionably out of the parts devikd ai'd bequeathed to them  by the fame
will and telament, in the lale manner as is provided in the cale of poflhumous chil.
SEC. I1. AND whereas by an a&. intituled,  11n an reducig into one, the fn'eralaats
c.nccr;i:ngjlav,'s, free nrfroesq and multts, it is ena.azed,  That all negro a:jd mulatto
' flares in all courts of judicature within this commonwealth, (hall he held, taken and
 adjudged to be pcrlunal elate : And whereas by the a6l  Rel.'.,ninto one i/i]evcral
!I a1s concerninuIT wills, the d/lbibution 1 intefl'ates ifi'etcs, aid thle dty of ,xicutors and acdmini-
 /hatots, it is alfo enaaed, 1 Ihat executurs and ..dminiftrators, whether it be necef.
fary for payment of debts or not, flali as oon as convenient after they are qualified,
fel at public file all fuch goods of their teflator or inteflate, flceific legacies excepted,
as are liable to perilh, be confumed, or rendered worfe by keeping:', And %lcreas
doubts may arife whether as flaves being peifonal eflate, are perifliable and liable through
age or ficknels to be rendered of lefs value by keeping, executors and admiiflrators are
not bound to fell the fanic whether it be neceffary fbr the payment of debts or not: For
declaring the law touching the fame, Be itfurthcr enafcid, that executors and adminiflia.
tors hlai! not fell the flaves of their teflaiors or inteflates, unlefs the other pait of the
perlonal eflate, regard being had to the privilege of fpecific legacies, flhail not be filtfi-
cient for paying the debts and expences, and in that cafe fuch part only of the flares
ihall be fold as fhall be fifficient to f6tisfy the debts and expences, and the retidue of the
flave  .hall le referved in kind for the legatees or diftributecs of their teftators or intef-
tates rcfpeaively.
S c. III. THIS aa fhall commence and be in force from the paffing thereof.
.4n ACT to repeal the shlirdeflion of an an't, intituled,  An aM to afcertain the mcdc If oli-
tatting Grants to crtain Land. on the 1,.fl/en ffateus.
[Paired tie 25th of December, 1794.]
SECT IO    ,'1DE it enac'led bi t.;eprc/ct General fhnbA,  That all that part of tile third
r ction of an at, intituled, An act to lce'rtain the mode of obtaining granti
to certain lad1s cit the w eflrn waters, pafted in the year One thoufand feven hundred and
cighty-three, and is in the words folloVwing, viz. '' lIt for all arrearages which lhail

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