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An Act concerning granting Appeals from Decrees in Chancery. 1794 13 (1794)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0038 and id is 1 raw text is: 1 '3)
A, ACT (mrroting gradah     p talift ,e Denver in Uancir y.
I I'aled the 29t11 ot N ovombcr, 1794.1
El I' it, awl is ij he'by ,,, tad by the (jenral jl,,ll of t/e Cont'i,,nwalt
t h l  ' !,s:riru, That whenfoever any pcrlln or perlons, body politic or
tolporate, Ihai-hink hiifelf or themfelvei aggrieved by the decree or lial ottler of any
county or torporatio tourt lfitti11t in chancery, ill any Wit or controvel ly whailoever,
br he the dcl t or otter thing claimed or recovered, exclulivc of coils, Ihall be of the
ilaue of thityv..tl,,rc dollars or thiec thuil'iml pounds of tobacco, or where land, flaves,
r olhr lt 1i..!lt property ihall b.' th,: fulljctt of the dccv:c or final order, fuch pet tbn or
F, t,,a., bJv ; !tic or corpotrate, being a party dfuidant, allay enter an appeal to the
16, 1:1 ( tol I f cllancvr fromi fuch dettw or tal ruder, and before granting any fuch
ai;yVit, #le  ,' l., ',0 the fi'ae bein t d,:Iilidant, or lIbme other relponIlble pcrln
thtl enter alotoa bolotad  fulficielit lecurity ,n it rCalnable penalty, with condition to
f6i .0% and o th.: .w il.l t recovead in the coAintv vr otlier court aforcfaidl, and all cots,
a&,,i Il pCit ml i,' n!l thiias the Iaid (lccruc or tinal order in cale the lanae be atlirtued.
Ste. It, A i N) ii like nnnirr al under the liLe regul:ations, an appeal may be
'a  lCd au groi11  mo a d,'ttn t troaii ally decice or hial ordt r of the high ccuit
t dhivccrv   i111 tie coul of alpeah;, w'ire Ilw dl t ct other thing claimed or reco-
+ : Ced, exclut'e of U ib;, I.11l I1h: ot the value of one hun1adred dollars, or three thoufand
F ?tiiids of tutdi'o, or whtre land, lallts, or other fp:.citic property lhaH be the fuhje&
l tile dctc r r tinul order.
Src. Ill. Tills a'l Ihall commence and hc in force from the paffing thereof, but
lual nit he ,toilhiued to extend to iny appeals icretotur, allowed and granted.
CHAPTER              XVII.

1o !,a of bln.
in-, ap:s.,Is (tun
decisea i, the
courity C-utrs itt
cli11cery, t,) the
high clort of
choncr) .
From d;crre   d,
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ch..niry to the
court ot aipcals.
of this ,a'.

.4r ACT t, alnend the a'/or r,;-',dlin P/.1, e;.I '.fcMbil:.' :cir Fees.
It :1Mk'ld MC 2411 cl I )vcember,' l794 I
.T ' t  1.  I .     I  '  /.e ( I  .47;m'/dv, Al hat c% cry maller of a vcel er-- Pi ciarriled to'
5     rl  i .1 a  ilor t  Ica, Ilhall pay to liuch pilot. the fame wages as the mate Ie.j, to rrcei.c
te fame w
4I tuch veifi tl     s                                                                  as the Mt.c
Sr.1. ILV     K'VRY pi:ot hreafter applying for a branch, (hatl, previous to obtaining  PiuIts hercaf:;r
'1' taiie, enter into bond, with fuch i.-urity as the commillioncrs may approve, in the obtainirg br.in-
iiim ot ei!g~t hoada u d,,llaars,                                                      thci, to give
bond & fu.urity.
Si.c. 11r.  NO p(cft refiding in anothcr Ilatc Ihallb  llowed to a6l as a pilot .,n any  Pilots r cf drg
b  i.c iwlolliaq to titls ite; ani if au  fit'h perlbn Ihail preltime to at, he Ihall be lia- out 4.f the fi,
1                                                 11ot to .-t illany
N.k+ t tie inteae pt i' lrv f r each utivaict as is ianpofed by law on l'tch as violate the terms bo.:t bonging
of their branch and rel ,ive clafs, to he recovered inlike manner.                     totis Lthte.
Sec. IV.    I-VERY pilot bcinq rcqueflted by the owtier or maflcr of a veffel, and     khow,,nceto
att-ndlig thle f'n1e with his boat, (hliall be alloNvcd an paid the fum of five dollars for pi,,s t',,r c, .h
Vetchl ciy !1:, Ilill attelid.                                                          day they attcnJ
a % rl at the
maiicr's .requcih.
S'4. V.  EVERY      pilot taking charge of any flips of' war, Ihll receive the fol-
lowing prices in lieu of the pilotage heretofore allowed, that is to fay : For all (lhips of var  Rates ofpot,;
ahttve titcy gunls, from Cape Henry to Hampton Roal, lixteen dollars ; for all Ihips un- fur fhiia, of w.
cr fiftv an ] above twear1v itklus, twelve dollars; from Cape Henry to York town for all
th ills abiove fifty !lmns, twvcntV dollars; for all Ihips under fifty guns and above twenty guns,
tifteen dol!ars ; tfr )m Cape 'Henry to any river on Mockjack bay, twenty dollars ; /rom
the Cape to Snith's point omi South Patowmnac, forty dollars, and the fame back again.
SEC. VI.   EVERY pilot ihali be allowed and paid for the pilotage of any vcfel above  One fourth .d.
.fcventy tons, and coming froam fea, one fourth in addition to the fums allowed by law. dcd to the pilot.
age of ccltalt
SEC. VI1.    SO much of any a&t or ascs as comes within the purview of this aal, is Repating cIluft,
hereby repealed.
SEC. VII.    PROVIDED, That nothing herein expreffed fhall affe& the rate of Ecption as to
pilotage as eflabliflhcd by law from  the Cares to the different places-up the Patowmac   vciI, go..
from the capc s
river, which Ihall remain as efinnated in the law. paffed in one thoufand feven hundred up PA+tuwmac.
and ninety-two.
SEC. IX.    THIS a&     Ihall commence and be in force from        and after the firfl  commencemrnet.
day of March next. ,                                                      V               of this adt.

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