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An Act for appropriating the public Revenue. 1794 4 (1794)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0036 and id is 1 raw text is: [ 4

CHAPTER              If.
1n ACT for. appivpriat:q the pbl0ic Rivc,ue.
 (]afied the 20th of December, 1794.J
.':i.!. ~eu. ..   C1E i elaldd'e'   ike General Ajf'mblr, That t he arrearagcs of thc reveni'e
i.D  taxes confitutiug the aggregate fund, fliall continue as appropriatwd
b.1 an a l paff:.- tile larkc fefliln of AIl mbly, intituled, 61 In adlt'r appo'rriatin,- thr :O.
i.; rr'-rnme, aud fihall further bhe appropriated to the payment of all warrants 'which 1Ll1
bc il'ucd by the auditor of public accounts, in the year one thoufand 1'cven hundlcd and
ninery-live, for intercil on any dcbt duc by this commonwealth, and of all fums of mo-
ney dire ted to be paid by the prefint Gcneral Afl'embly, for which no other proviliolt
has becn made. Warrants and facilities lhall be receivable, and may be paid in dif.
charge of the faid taxes, and credit given therefor as dirctcd by the afirefaid ad ; and
M4onies therein, the monies which may be paid into the treatry 'in difiharge of the faid taxes which
how to b; aivid- conflitute the aggregate fund, and alfo the money which ihall he received on the ftdcs ot
0d aniollk the tobacco paid in difeharge of the fame, or to much theref as ihall be necelfary, fihall he
i',1dcrs 4f waf.
rains,      paid by the treafurer to the holders of warrants on the faid fund, under the like regula.
tions as are prefcribed in the faid a&t of the lal feltion of Afflembly.
Former appre.  Sre. If. A  D he it frM:er camfled, That all taxes and arrearages of taxes, except
priatious conti- thoe contituting the aggregate fund, lhall continue as appropriated by the afreI'aid iat
Fu,7, for    of the lull l lfion of Aiiem bly ; and that all branches of revenue which flial arile to
(.opp.,wf g,,.  the c~nmonwealth, between the laft day of December, one thoufand feven hundred and
velv ,A.   ninety-four, and the firfi day of January, one thtufiad feven hundred and ninety-lix,
0  %l':¢  fil, the  111   •                   ..           ,,
re!,,,ue ariling  .all be appropriated to the fUpl.rt of the civil government, and for the contingent
b twcen ii 3a charges thereof ; and 1hall alfo be charged with the payment of all unfatisfied warrants
.4 Decembur,  charged on the faid taxes and arrearages of taxes, by the aforeffid a& of the laft feflion
1i79-, tyanti- or ' Airembly ; of warrants which fIall be hereaiter Iffued for expcnces attending cmi-
ti da   o    r 'Jana.atenin
,~  ;.    n-i profecuiions ; for flaves condemned and executed ; for the fl te's Iliarts in the James
river, Parowmac, and l)ifinal Swamp canal companies; for -the hofpital for the cure
and maintenance of perfons of vnilund mind ; to the diretors of the public beudings
for ciciing public buildings at the fwderal feat of government on the Patowmtc ; for the
expences attending the arfenal at the Point of Fork; for all pentions allowed by this
commonweahh ; for expences attending the printing and publication of the revifed code
of laws ; for falaries allowed by law to certain officers of the militia; and for expences
which may accrue by order of'the Executive in dcfcncc of the weftern frontier.
zDeficnvy i,  Sj:c. II. AND if the funds herein appropriated to the payment of the officers of
vmLAin hUnd to tile civil government, and of warrants iffuted bv the Executive for the contingent pu po-
berruwing irum y  es thcreot ; o11 account (f the flate's ihares in the James river, Patowmac, and Bi-
other,.     mal Swamp canal companies; for the hoipital for the cure and maintenance of perfons
of unfound mind; for ereul ing the public buildings at the foederal feat of government on
Vatowmac ; for pentions due hy this commonwealth for expences attending the printing
and publication of the revifed code of laws ; for falaries allowed by law to certain offi-
cers of the militia; and for expences which may accrue by order of the Executive in
deflnce of the wlteern frontier, thould not be produiyive early enough for thofe purpo-
fes, it (hall be lawful for the Executive to direft the trcafurcr to borrow as much money
as hall be deficient out of any other funds, and to replace the fame as oon as pofliblc.
pbmiro.     Pinided, that no money hall be borrowed from the aggregate fund, until the notice di-
rec'ted by this a.l be given, and the regiflered warrants thereon be fully difcharged.
Repr.i.ing    Sac. IV. ALL a61s coming within the purview of this a4, thali be, and are here.
CIA,,g      by repealed.
CoMMeImecract  SEc. V.  THIS aa fhall commence in force, from and after the palling thereof.
ot  d a.f at,

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of January z796
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dAn ACT to c€nthre and extexdalt al, intiled, dI a ' firf r:tr ceatiMifi. and amewdiug
tie at', intisld, an all for reducing uoue e, ste fe.er-al ads conc,.rnilk Execaieons, andfer
Iie ,'.lfIf lnfolven D.to, ,.
IPaired the 34th of December, 1794]
SECTION 1.       E it exafflld by st General 4flmhly of Viiinia, That the aal, intituled,
B    I  AN al fiarfs er wcoin tuid at amee:ndir the .at', ixtitrd, an al /t-
rcdu ing hi~to  ,,~,  e mfc.a'al a's crnccrni  extcntiow, adfor r tffi infilven t debter, pailed
in the ear one thoufand feven hundred and ninety three, thall be, and the fame is hereby
continued in force, until the lirft day of January, one thoufand Ieven hundred and ninety-
Sac, II. 4ND kr it fur:,4er faurfled, That if any perfon 1hall hereafter be taken or
charged in execution in any fuit commenced or profecuted in any court of record within
this coluiuonwealth, it 1hai be lawful for any judge or juffice of thC (aid court, or of the
court of that county or corporation, to whole jail fuch perlon 1hall be committed, by
iN rraiat under his hand and fical, to toninand the jailor or kce!epr ot the faid pritin, it,.

. .. .. ..

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