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An Act making Provision for support of Civil Government. 1793 17 (1793)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0031 and id is 1 raw text is: r 17,

at will or otherwife, fliall at ahy time hereafter be. i.ldle to'be taken 1y virtue of any
,wvrit of.execution, ot on any pretence whatroever, ,uplefs the party jb taking the fame,
'ihall,before removal of the goods from off fuch premifes, pay or tender' to the landlord,
* or leffor thereof, :or his agent, all the money or tobacco due 'for the rent of the faid pre-
:Iifes, at the-time 'of takifngfuch goods or chlttels in execution. Prvided neve,'thee/s,
,thatfuch rent arrearsdo not amoult.-to more than one year's rent, and if more be dule,
rthen the party. fuing outfuch execution, -paying or tenlering to fuch landlord, or hi;;
agent, otr year's rent,- may proceed toexecute his judgment ; and the fheriff or officer
fjrving the fame, is hereby einpowered.and requircd to levy and pay to the plaintiff, as
well the money orewbacco'fo paid for rent as the execution money.
SSFc. LV. ALL,afs or parts of ads coming within the purview of thi,; a&, flall
be, and. are hereby repealed, Provided a.wa)v, That nothing in this a, flll be confltucd
ito aff( anyrights, remedies, fines, *tbot'itures, penalties or amnercements, which hve
:accrued, bcen.vefted, ,or incurred, prior to the commencement of this a&.

Src. LVI. PtRO'1YDED vlfo, Thatallexeutions'iffued underany former a~t, 14'-ll
,go on to be fiatisticd, or replevied as fuch former adl dircds.; and all twelve months or re-
.plevy bonds taken, or which ihall,be taken xnder any former .V'1, hall lave executioni
riffue.1 thereon, in like manner as is direcd in cafes of twelve months, or rcplcvy bonds
tu be taken untler.this adl.

Spe. UVIL    TH1Ii,.46t lhall commence and he ini force from and aftcr' the paeling
thereof, until the firfl day of January, one thioufund feven hundred and ninety-tive.
4  -_ -   - -

4b 1 A .1 T Z R

able to execktlon
until t1w, rcnt in
arre-r is paid or

,. ACT malng P, ov;*fonforfitpport of Cixil Govr,nfe:.
[Paffcil the 2d fof December, ,1;93.]
1.     E it ce.Hed .ti e Geee-aI lj 7rm'iv, That .&epublic txe for the 'ra
*w  LIB o h. oufand fcven hunlircd ana ninety three, Ihall be as follows,
to wit :On l:nd    for every hundred pounds value, agrecably to the eq ualizing law, five
,fldillings for.everv lave 'above the aoe of twelve years, (ecelt.fuch.as have been, or
hlnall be exempted by rcafon of age or intirnuty, by the relpetlive county or corporation
, curts) oic thilling and ceight-p,'ce ; ,or every (iud .borfe~andjack a's, the price at which
:u1ch horft or afs covers a mare the fialn ; for all other 'hores, mules, mares and colts,
fm -pelic each ; -for cvvtrv ordinary lioenfe, fi;rty lhilliugs ; for e-'erv billiait taible, fif.
teen poun'ds ; for all lots a (d honfcs'if towns, lixteen ihilli   eight-pence on every
hundred ppunds of the rents tlre o*, to be alleertained by ,the rent paid'by the tenant
and whcre fuch houfc and lot is in the Occupation of the proprietor, the ycarly rent or
value,  hall. be al(mrtaind by the cornInlifliotnrs of thf revenw-e, or either of t.lem, 1w.-
by a compalfon of its value A% ith other houl'et or lots afuially rented. Provdcie'd, 'that the
• n'vneror pr-,prictor of any fuch houfe or lot, if Ire thinks himfelf aggrieedby ,fuch va-
luatio, .-lav-appeal, to the, comrrtby whom the commiflioner wvas appointed, whofe judg-
, ment a to the yearly rent or value, flizllhe tfiual. .And the faid coinliflioners, or cithdr
* of them, to afcertain the rent paid oi houfies or lots adtually leaffid, may call on the te-
nant or.!, ropic:or, to delare upon oath or.folemnadfirmation, wh2t iH the amount of thA
rent paid for die fime.; .and every'perlon fo called upon, rail refiting to derLire, fliatl
forieCit and pay thesfuni of threchundred.dollars,; towbe ,recovered by motion on ten days
ircvious notice, to be made by the commifliouars of the revenw-, oreither of them;
for every tour wheled riding #carriage, .except.pha-tons and flage waggopis, fix 1hillings
per wveel. ;.tor all phretons and fUage waggons, four thillings 'per wheel ; for every other
riding carriage, with two wheels, two thillings for each wheel ; lPravi/rc that no tax
fhall be collcled 4on lands, lots, houfes, or other property bclonging to this common-
wealth, or., to .,ally county, town, .college, h.aties ,for divine wozihinr, Or fenimiary of
SkEc. II. 1adbteit furtetr enaaed, 'That fie! following tax o-os flafl be paid;
on each writDIr declaration in ejec'lnct infhituting a fuit in the-dillri& court, or lid,-
ptrna in the high court of chancety,. the fum of one dolhr ; on-each appeal to the high
court of chancery, two dollars.; oR..vach writ oferror, q'uperfedoas and habeas .orpus
cum caufa, or cernirari,;iacd from the gen-iral curt, :a diflri61c~mat, nor high court of
chancery, one dollar ; on each..-appeal fron.any county court, or court of huflings, to a
diflri& court, one dollar; the faid taxes lhall'hy the refpelive clerks be taxed in the bill
of colts ; on each ccrtifiuaei under thc,fe-l of:,any county or corporation court, there
fhall bepai4, atax.f nec.AQdar,; no writ, tubpcna,,nor.any ,wpit of eDror., h Terlkdeas,

 av,.s nnd o.:r
On pmrnccfs aal
apiiCa1S ;
On oertificmire
iinder countyl

C'. r' noncen:
.i;d  Lwai.m    K
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