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An Act for reducing into one, the several Acts of Assembly, for the inspection of Tobacco. 1792 64 (1792)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0025 and id is 1 raw text is: f 64 3

-C   H    A   11.

W   it gold and
filvrr , oin (baili
b  cnfrilulc,
The pitbli ac.
Co~ils to b.
kept in dollars
and parts of
The tre!frer
to receive the
inctelft on the
deficiency of
ln,11ofthe [late


SAC        ' conCcern,' o GlI, and for other JAw7,'.
,Pulffed Deccmber the  9thi i792.]
S.CTIO  I ' rkE it tnaed ly the Geeeral 4lfimbly, That from and after the fira diy of Ja.
-D  nuary, in the year of our L,'l one thoufnid fiven hundred and ninety-
three, the gold and hilver coin hereiai after mentioned thall he current in thi commonwealth,
and (hall be a legal tenrder in payment of all debts and contrals between individuals, and ili
payment of all public dues and taxe3, at the rates following, until it thall be otherwife regu.
lated and dire~ted by the congress of the Unitet States ; that is to fay: 'The gold coin of
France, 'pain, Portugal, and England, at the rate of five Ihillings and four.pence the penny-
weight, or of a dollor-for twenty-feven grains,; the gold coin of Germany at the rate of four
fhillings and ten-pence the pennyweight, or a dollar for twenty-nine grains and eight tenths of
a grain ; Spanifla millel dollars at the rate of fix (billings, or one hundred cents ; and other
filver coin uncut, in like proportion. Cut filver coin (hall be receivable at the treafury of this
commonwealth for all public dues and taxes, at the rate of fix (billings and eight-pence, or
one dollar and eleven cents, the ounce.
SEC. 1I. AfND be it further enaCed, That the money of acount of the commonwealth,
(hall be exprelkd in dollars or units, difmes or tenths, cents or hundredths, and milles or
thoufandths,; a difine being the .tenth part of a dollar, a cent the hundredth part of a dolir,
and a mille the. thoufandth part of a dollar ; and that all accounts i. the public offices ihall
be kept and.had in conformi'ty to this regulation.
SEc. II. THE treafurer of the.commonwealth is authorifed and direted to-receive from
the commiffioner of the loan-office of the United States in this flate, the interefi which hath
or fliall become 4ue on the deficiency Of. the fun allowed to be fubfcribed of the debt of this
comm.onwealth, agreeably to an a&t of congress, intituled, ' An a.t making provifion-for trie
debt of the'United States,

Repealing     :S.E. IV. ALL and every acl and arts, claufe and claufes of ac1s, coming witbin the put-
Clrie.      view of this a&l, (hall be, and the (ame are hereby repealed.
Comm nce.      SEC. V. THIJS a& Ihall commence in force, .from and after the firft day of January, in
ment uf thia A the year of our Lord, one thoufand feven hundred and nihetyothr.

C  H  A  P.


4)1 ACT    for reducing into one, the feveral .dIs of .4femly, for the infprc.
tion of Tobacco.
[Paffed November the 29th6 0792.]
SECTION L E it tnatled by the, Ginrral .finmblhy, That no tobacco (hall be (hipped or export-
-  ed from this commonwealth, unlefs the fame (hall be packed in hogiheads dr
ca is, taken from fome publ'.' warehoafe .herein.after mentioned, and received wxd infpc¢led
according to the dire6tions of this a&l.

wartlinufs   ,Sc. 1I. PU4LIC warchoufes forthe reception of tobacCo~purfuaot to thjs a&, fhall be
Cfnabliflied,  kept at the feveral places herein.after mentioned, that is to ray : In the county of Accomack,
at Pitt's landing, upon Pocomokc, at Guildford, and at Pungoteague, under one infpection';
in the c.qunty of Caroline, at Roy's ; in the cour.ty pf Dinwid4it, at Bolling's point, Bolling.
brooke, and Qedar point ; in the county of Effex, at Hobb's Hole, at lolker's, and at l,3T-
ton's ; in, the county of Fairfax, at Colchetler, Alexandria, and the Folls of aVtowmac , il
the county of Gloucelftr, at Poropotank, and at Deacon's neck, in the. county of Ilanovtr,
at Page's, Crutchijeld's, and Meriwether's ; in the county of Chefterfield, at Rocky ridge,
1Ofborne's, at John Bolling's, .on. the, lands of Jacob Rublamen,.in the town of Manchefler,
to be .called and known by the name of Manchefler, on the lots of Alexander 'and Peterfield
Trent, in the town of Mancheflcr, ditliogui(ed in the plan thereof by the nun, bers two hun-
dred and nie, two buldred and ten, two hundred and twenty-one, and two hundred ait
twenty-two, to be called and known by the name of Trent's warehoufe, and on thofe of Ed.
ward J'l avd)n, deceafed, in the, laid towni to be called and known by the oname of Johnfin's
warthoufe ; in the countv of Henrico, dt Byrd's, Shockct, and Reckett's ; in tke coutitv oi
lile of Wight, at Smithfield, and at Fulgham's, under one infpe~lion ; in the county of King
Qrid cen eei, at Shephetd's, at Mantapike, and at.Fiazer's, in King William) tinder o'e inipec
tion, and at Todd's in King and Qieen, and at Aylctt's in King William, under one inipec.
tion ; in the county of King 'George, at lioyds-!-hile, and Machndaek, under one! in(pecitio,
and at Gibfon's, to be called and known by the name of Gihfo,'s warehoufe ; in the county
of Lancafler, at )avis's and f.nwrv's, under onn infpection, and at Deep Creek and Glzfcock's,
under one infpection ; in the county of Northurnberland, at North and South W\icc.ti,, on-

No tobacco to
I    . *ported,
i'ut il calki,
and inipetkld.

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