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An Act for reducing into one, the several Acts concerning Executions, and for the relief of Insolvent Debtors. 1792 13 (1792)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0023 and id is 1 raw text is: i3 J
Svc. XLII. ANY court martitl may for good caure hewn, remit any fines impofed by a
former court martial, provided that not more than two courts martial (hall have intervened
between fuch impofition and application for remillion.
SEc. LXIII. COURTS martial may exempt any militia man from duty on account of
bodily infirmity, and may again dire~t fuch perfons to be hirolled when able to do daty.
Sac. LXIV. FOR the trial and punifhment of the adjutant general, major generals, and
brigadier generals, Be it snafted, that any major general or brigadier generai offending under
this ast, tal be arrefied and tried in the following manner, viz. A major general (hall be
arrefled by the commander in chief of the flate upon any mifcoddua of his own knowledge,
,;r upon complaint lodged in writing by any commiffioned officer, who flall thereupon order a
general court martial, to confift if convenient of the remaining major generals, the brigadier
generals of the divifion, over which fuch major general is appointed, or as many of them as San
conveniently attend,and as many lieutenant colonel commandants and majors,as (hall make up the
number of thirteen in the whole, who hall conftitute a court martial for the trial of (uch of-
fenders. Any brigadier general may in like manner be arrefled for any offence committed
under this aa, by the commander in chief of the ilate, or by the major general of the divifion
to which he belongs, and tried by a court martial, to confZR of one major general, and not
more than four brigadiers, and as many lieutenant colonel commandants, majors, and captains,
as will be fufficient to conilitute a court, to confift of thirteen rpembers in the whole, which
courts thall proceed to bear and determine all fuch offences, and give judgment according to
the right of the cafe, to be approved or difapproved by the commanding officer of the (late.
Sic. LXV. AND be it further enafled, That the adjutant general fhall be allowed four
hundred dollars per year ; and that each brigade ir.fpetor (hall be allowed one hundred and
fifty Jollars per year, for the duties herein required of them, to be paid by the treafurer, on
warrant from th= auditor, Who is hereby authorifed and required to grant the fame quarter
yearly, an proper application being made.

Courts martial
may remit
fins ;
And xempt
perfons from
militia duty for
bodily infirmi.
Courts martial
for the trial of
By whom they
may be arreft.
Salaries of the
adjutant gene-
ral anl brigade

Sac. LXVI' THIS a& fhall commence and be in force from        and after the paffing  omenOeh
thereof.                                                                            aa.

C     I    A    P.       V.
An ACT for reducing into one, the feveral A4ls concerning Execution:, and
for the relief of Infolvent Debtor:.
(Paffed December the 13th, 1792.]
SECT1N     T)Eif mailed by/tbs General Afimbly, That all perfons recovering any debt,
.    damages or cofls, by the judgment of any court of record within this com-
monwealth, may, at their eleaion, profecute writs offiri faciar, ilegit, and capias ad fatisfaci-
indum, within the year, for the taking the goods, lands, or body of the perfon or perfons againfi
whom fuchjudgment is obtained, in manner following: All fuch writs (hall run in the name of
the commonwealth, and bear tefle by the clerks of the faid courts re(pe6lively, (ball be return-
able to the firfl day of the next fucceeding court, fo that there be always at leat fifteen days
between the tefle and return of each of the faid writs : Providid, that executions may be
ifflued from the General Court returnable to the fecond term of the faid court, following the
day of iffuing the fame ; and that executions fhall ifflue to any fheriff or coroner from the clerks
of the Diftri& Courts, and be returnable to the firft day thereof. Andprovidedalfv, that if the
plaintiff in any county or other inferior court, (hall defire an execution to iffue, returnable, at
a further day, the clerk (hall iffue the fame accordingly, fo as the day of (uch return be upon a
court day within ninety days next after the tefre thereof, and that the forms of the faid feveral
writs 1hall be as follows, mutatis, mutandis, to wit 1

*rlts or exe.
How to be if.
fued and re-
Fifteen days at
leaft between
telle & return.
From the ge-
neral an' d10-
trias  courts,
when returna-
Forms of the

 THE commonwealth of Virginia, to the (heriff of                     county, greet- Againft goods
6' ing : WE command you, that of the goods and chattels of A. B. late in your bailiwick, and chattels.
st you caufe to be made the fum of              , which C. D. lately in our
' court hath recovered againfri him for debt ; alfo the fum of           , which to the Debt.
S(aid C. D. in the fame court were adjudged for his damages, as well by reafon of detaining
1 the laid debt, as for his cofis in that fuit expended, whereof he is convi&ed, as appears to us of
6 record, and that you have the faid              before the judges or juftices (as the cafe
 mal be) of our faid court, the         day of             , to render to the laid C. D.
 of the debt and damages aforefaid. And have then there this writ. Witnefs, &c.
The fame in cafe, upon a Promife .
AS before unto        .. for his damages, which he fuftained, as well by reafon of his CaFe,alfumpflit.
14 not performing a certain promife and aflumption to the laid C. D. by the faid A, B. lately
14 made, as for his colts by him about his fuit in this behalf expended, &c.

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