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An Act for regulating the Militia of this Commonwealth. 1792 6 (1792)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0022 and id is 1 raw text is: [   6   3
by this commonwealth, and with all frims of money direacd to be paid by the pre'ent Gene-
ral A fiimbly, for which no other prvifion has been made, and all warrants alid other facilities
v hith hive been heretofore receivable in difcharge of the refpeivc taxes, which conflitute the
aggrVate fund, and all warrants, with the payment of which the aggregate fund is charged by
thi- at, may be paid in difcharge of the taxes which conflitute the (aid fund ; and the fherifi's
or cUlleaors of the revenue taxes which conflitute the laid fund, thall on payment thereof into
the pulic treafury, have credit for the fame accordingly ; the monies which may be paid into
the trealhiry, in difchargc of the taxes which conflitute the (aid fund, and alfo the money
\uhich may be received on (ales of tobacco, paid in difcharge of the fame, or fo much thereof
as hlall be neceffary, fhall be paid by the treafurer to the holders of warrants on the faid fund ,t
cer-ain periods. And to the end that all holders of fuch warrants, may receive in .pro.
portion to their refpcaive claims, the treafurer fhall give in the Virginia Gazette, fix weeks
previous notice of the time, when payment is to be made, in order that fuch warrants may be
prcvicufly regiftered, and the money belonging to the laid fund duly apportioned amongfl
Sec. II. AND be it firther enafled, That all taxes and arrearages of taxes, except thofe
conflituting the aggregate fund, fball continue as appropriated by the aforefaid act of the laft
eion of Afli:mbly, intituled,  An act for appropriating the public revenue ; and that all
branches of revenue which fhall arife to the commonwealth, between the laft day of Decem-
ber, one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-two, and the firft day of January, one thoufand
feven hundred and ninety.four, fhall be appropriated to the fupport of civil government, and
for the contingent charges thereof; and fhall alfb be charged with the payment of all unfatisfied
warrants charged on the faid taxes and arrearages of taxes by the aforefaid act of lafi fefli-
on of Affembly, of warrants which thall be hereafter iflued for expences attending criminal
profecutions ; for the flate's ihares in the Patowmac, James River, and Difmal Swamp Canal
companies ; for the hofpital for the reception of perfons of unfound mind ; to the direiors
of the public buildings ; for erecting public buildings at the federal feat of government on the
Patowmac ; for the expences attending the arfenal at the Point of Fork ; for all penfions al-
lowed by this commonwealth, and for expences which may accrue, by order of the Execu-
tive, in defence of the weftern frontier. And if the funds herein appropriated to the payment
of the officers of civil government, and of warrants iffued by diretion ot the Executive for
the contingent purpofes thereof; on'account the of flate's hares in the Patowmac, James
River, and Difmal Swamp Canal Companies ; for the hofpital for the reception of perfons of
unfound mind ; for ereting the public buildings at the federal feat of government on Patcow..
mac ; for all penfions due by this commonwealth, and for expences which may accrue, by or.
der of the Executive, in defence of the weflern frontier, fhould not be produdive early enouigh
for thofe purpofes, it fhall be lawful for the Executive to dire& the treafurer to borrow as much
mency as hail be deficient, out of any other funds, and to replace the fame as foon as pollible.

IRepralirg     SEE. III. SO much ofeveryact of Affembly as'comes within the purview of this a0, thall
claufe.      be, and the fane is hereby repealed.

Cerificate, in
the finking
fund to be ex-
chan,.ed for o-
thers in the
hands of cer-
tain creditors.
nicat of the aa

SEC. IV. AND be it further ena4ed, That it ihall be lawful for the treafurer to pay to
the agent of Caron de Beaumarchais, on warrant or warrants from the auditor, military, or
other certificates of the linking fund dated prior to the firi day of January, one thoutfnd (evert
hundred and ninety, to the amount of the liquidated claim of the faid De licaumarchais, and
in like manner to any other public foreign creditor willing to accept (.f fuch palmcit ; and al-
fo to exchange certificates of the laid fund of a prior date to the fail period, for any ut the certi-
ficates of this commonwealth, dated fubfequent to the firit day uf January one thoufatd leven
hundred and ninety, and bearing ati interett of fix per ceItum.
SEc. V. THIS aal thall commence in force from and ter te pafling thcreoA
C     11   A     P.       IV.

An ACT fir regulating the       'IMiliti, t dr Gomnonryea/hj.
(Paffed December the 2-,d, j797.
Pm .     . 1  [THFREAS the congress of the Unit, ' - tes  ' I at their !.r f.-Mon pafr
r .  fr  an aMt, intituled, , An act more efclua:,J ta provi,: flr th.e vitional
defence, by eflablifhing an uniform militia throughout the Uvited htSre! ; and it is vxpv.
dient fur this Legiflature to carry the faine into efftct, fo Lr as it refpfcL.t tills litc :

of the militia
in hri,'ades and
ffivirlols ;

SEc. II. BE it therefore enafltd, That the counties of Aecom~ek, Northampton, Prin-
cef-Anne, and Norfolk, fhall compofe one brig de  the counti, s .  Narifemorid, Ifle :f
Vight, Southampton, Surly, SufTex, and Prince.George, one brig .d' ; 'he counties if Kit-
zabeth City, Warwick, York, James City, Charles City, Nev-Ktot, lenr) i 'nd Han-
over, one brigade; the counties of Giouccfler, Mathews, Mddlftx  i ,  Iiw Williams
King & Q-ueen, Lancafter, Northumberland, Richmond, and %Vcrltnuela:d, one brigade .
and the laid brigades hall conipofe one dvifion. 'Tht ow clu,,i:, o Lttit,,7un at'd ii mftx
flall compoti one brigade i the counties of Fauquier, Primoe Will nv, tiffi id, amwl mi,4
(corge, onC brigade ; the counties of Culpeper, ()range, ,iotfyivania, .nd Caro.nlwe, tv
brigade; the counties of Louila, Goochland, Fluvann:, Alb-Lure and Anihetlid uoa  bli.

Fcrmer appro-
priatios coll-
Cb.'rgca on the
rctlnue of
!D3c iency in
critain fur-ds
to he fupplied
bv h;orrowIng
frome others.

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