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An Act for imposing a public tax for the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety-two. 1792 5 (1792)

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Sc. XI. SO much of every oth'r act, as prefcribes the time of electing Reprefentatives Repeating
to ferve in the Congrefi of the United States, (hall be, and the fame is hereby repealed.  claufe.

THIS act flhall coinnnce and be in force from and after the paflage thereof.

mnit of tile Ai

C    1-1  A    P.

.dn ACT for ;npofi,.g a Pu, hc Tax for the 2ear One Uhotian, Seven IuInlred and Ninety-two.
f]lafled the 3d of )ecember, 1-92.]
SECTION 1.     E it eazaaed by the Gee,'a! 4ffiently, Tlhat the public taxes for the year one Taxesonlands
r .   thonfhd feven hundred and nincty. two, (hall be as follows, to wit : On lands and other p.o.
fnr every hundred pounds value, agreeably tut the equaliting law, five (hi'lings ; for every flave Pery 
-bove the -ge of twelve years, (except fitch a, have bhen or Ihall be exemptud by reafon of age
or infirmity by the refpefqive county or corporation courts) one (hilling and eight, pence; for
every f(id horfe and jack afs, the price at which fuch horfe or afs covers a mare the feafon ; for
all other horfes, muleq, mares and colts, four pence each ; for every ordinary licenfe, forty
fbillings ; for every billiard table, fifteen pounds ; for all lots and houfes in towns, fixteen thil-
lings and eight.pence on every hundred pounds of the rents thereof, to be afcertained by the
rent paid by the tenant, and where (uch houfe and lot is in the occupation of the proprietor, the
yearly rent or value (hall be afeertained by the commiflioners of the revenue, ot either of then,
by a comparifon of its value with other houfes or lots aelually rented : Provided that the own.
er or proprietor of any fuch houfe or lot if he thinks himfeif aggrieved by fuch valuation, may
appeal to the court by whom the commiflioner was appointed whole judgment as to the year-
ly rent or value h,11 be final. And the faid commiflioners, or either of then), to afcertain the
rent paid ott Iuo*s or lots a1iually leafed, may call on the teniint or proprietor to declare upon
oath, or foleam affirmation, what is the amount of the rent paid for the fame: And every per-
fon to called upon and rtfuing to declare, (hali forfeit and pay the (um of three hundred dollars,
to le recovered by motitin, on ten days previous notice to be made by the commiffioners of the
revenue, or ither ( f thent ; for every coach, chariot, or poft .chaife, fix (billings for each wheel;
for eve, v other riding carriage with four wheels, four (billings for each wheel ; for every other
riding carriage with two wheels, two fhillings for each wheel: Provided that no tax (hall be
colk.,eted on lands, lots, houfs, or other property belonging to this commonweahh) or to any
county, town, college, houes for divine worihip, or t'eminary of learning.
SEC. 11. AND be it further tnaled, That the following taxes on procefs fhall be paid : On  procefs,
On each writ or declaration in ejetment inflituting any fuit in the Diflhi Court, or fubpcena appeals,
in the High Court f Clancery, the rum of one dollar ; on each appeal to the High Court of.
Chancery, two dollar,; ,,n each writ (f error, fuperfedeas, and habeas corpus cum caufa, or ctr-
tiorari, iffued from the Graeral Court, a Diflrill Court, or High Court of Chancery, one
dollar; on each a:-t td il o, any County Court, or Court of Huaings, to a Ditlri&t Court, certificates unt.
one dollar ; the fail t-s fhall by the refpe~tive clerks be taxed in the bill of cofts ; on each der feals of
certificate undcr the 1. l .f any county or corporation court, there (ha!l be paid a tax of one courts,
dollar. No writ, futr. :n;,, nor any writ of error, fuperfedeas, certiorari, or habeas corpus cur
caueil, (hall be iffued, or decl.ration in ejecimet-t filed by any clerk, unlefs the taxes hereby
impofied thereon, be firfl r ;1 down. In all appcal5, no trar.fcript of the record fhall be deli-
vered to the appellant by the clerk of the coirt, or forwarded by him to a fuperior court before
the tax impofed thereon be paid, nor flizl any certificate under the real of any county or cor-
poration court be grantedt, until the tax thcreoi thall have been, firff paid to the clerk keeping
fuch feil. There fhall be paid forty-two cents fbr every transf r of a furvcyor's certificate trantfersoffur.
for land, to be colleIted by the regiftcr of the Lad-offce b.fre the iffuing of the patent ; for veys, notaries.
every atteflation, proteftauon, and all other inf lruients of publication from a notary public atteflation, and
under his fesl of office, forty-two cents, to be coile d P'd zrcounted for by the faid notary certificates un.
der the f'eal of
public, and one dollar for each certificate ir'r te fc.,l f tFe commonwealth, to be colle6led by the commonf
the clerk of the council, 1efore the delivery ol fitch ceitificate, whichlal mentioned taxes lhall be weaith.
accounted for and paid ti the like n:anner, and with the like commifiion for collecting as is di-
rcettd in the cafle of ofher taxes impofed by this a41
THIS a.t fhalI commence and be in force, from and after the paling thercof.          Comaiene
Me-t of-the -0-

C     II    A    P.       III.
dn ACT for approfiiat;ng the Pu%,'c      u
[Pafliid the a6th of December, t792.]
S.....       E it :,*a7 a ' by t., General d4/embl', That the arrearages of the revenue taxes,
wlhi by  o act of the lalt (,ion of alVemby, intittuled,  An ad6 for appropri-
atingthe public revenue, were niadle to cnPivliie the agretate fund, flhall f(ill contiune to
conltitut the faid fuivi, ar.! remain chairged u. ith the payiient u all debts heretofore charged
thereon, and (hall firtht, I.: char4cd with a;f '. rrnt; to be iffued by the auditor of public ac-
counts in the )car one t'.uoutfoid (ev6   hundred atil nihety-th'ree, for intitef: on any debt u'ue

charges thcte-

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