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An Act concerning the Taxes of the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety-One. 1791 3 (1791)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0019 and id is 1 raw text is: CT                     <
,.A  ACT   cbn'    zing the  TAXIES of tbe rear One 2ou fid SevenHundred
mid Ninety -One     .
(PASSE-D the Ad of DE.'cEMBFP, i~9i.1
TE It enaied by the ineral,4embly, That the taxtes on lanids aaves, and 'otbdrt Taxeg ol' 7,ot,
R        L    ' property, which became due on the firft day of November, orne :hoaifnd at what rates
feven bulidred ad 'ninety-one, fhalI arid may' be diicharged by makig payment thleeoat th Ye  ma be
ikeratea and' pv&ottioiis a were direed to be 13aid'by an a  of the laft feffio c  d ifeblyf- .arged.
intituled- 'An' a  concerning the taxesof the yer one ihoufand feven.vhtndeed znd iiiniqety ')
on the property' iherein enumerted; and that the like property fhall be exmpieI frO: the,
Payment of taxes, as7was exempted in the (aid 'reited a&l.  And all fheriffs' and )cdl &oe
of the. public revenuo are require'din'the colle6 o n'and'reveipt ol':the above-&ientioned eaxcs,'
to govern theitfelves accordingly  and where raore than the amount aforefid hath be.tre  ,
ceived,, to reflore the furplus thei cof to the perfoa or perfons entitled thereto. 'No diftrefig diihed for.
hall b tni e for any tax                                                       ..hith becanie due on'tie firft day of NOV ember, one'thoufad (even
hundred and ninety-one, until the firft day of May, one thoufand (even hundred and ninety_-
Itwo. All the taxes af9refaid (hall b eaccouted for ard paid, in the faIe manner, aid,    2 ..de.r
the'fame penalties, as the laws u'ndet which they refpe-ively irifegrefcribe fexcept that
they ThalI b-':llced and paid into the treafury i'Pecie only] an ffirI be ....uite  for and  Wh.en to be
paid into the publicoteafury on or befkre the fift day  6Otober, one thoufand feven hundred atcourted for.
and narinety-two-  .        I I               I  I          I   . .I          - I
SECTr. 11. ,flNI  ie 1i furrher mdqted, Thdt the 'takes on lands, flAve§, Aid 'othef pfo-  acwe
petty, fhall hereafter become due on the thirty-firit day ofDecember, in 'vefy year, inifad to beco, : due
of the firft day of November.                                                        in future.
S ctf. 1i. SO much of evety  ta6' 2 tornes Wlthln& the puiyrei% of this a&, is.hereby re-  Reocaling
pealed.  '   '   '          .  ' v    -         .   .     '  .       .  - .           cl-- e c.
SSFC', IV. T H 1S aa    fhall com-enc in foe 'e fror -and after the thirtytrfi day of  Commence
December, one thoufand' feven h'uidred and ninrty-zie.    '                         ment of the aat
An   A CT    f'o  A'pprobriating   the PUBLIC      R V, V E N TEU
[PASSb the 14th ofDE    C-' N11-ER, 17-1..
AP it e   tmaed by th I eGeI dfe bWly, 'That' the ariearaces of the revenue taxes The aggregate
SECTION D.etofn                                               xvnhude       n   iefn
'  due before tie -rf1da)ot No'vembdr' onethoufil dfev n-hundredand nine fund;
ty, except the, taxes onlaW jpocefs, rezording of wila and deedsi the 'feal of the common-
wealth, the tax of fix flilling psir ho'gfhead on tobacco, and the fees from the Reg fer 's...
Oflice, (hall continue to conffbtute thd'a:gegatc fuhd, iind reinain chtrgid with the paVment of Charges thet',
•ll debts heretofore 'charged thereon, and (hall further be charged with all warrants to be iflued 0 .
by the A uditor of' Public Accourtis, in'tly year ohe thoufand feven hundred and ninetytwo,
for intereff on any debt due by this c~monwealths, and with all funis of money 'direAd to b _
paid by any'aa of the prefent General Afl'mbly, for  which tio other provifion has been made.
Aid all warrants and other tacilities ,which have heretofore been receivable in difcharge of the
refpeUive taxes, which by this afl confituto the aggregate fund, and all warrants with the
payment of which the aggregate fund is charged, by.this a may be' puiid in difcharge of the
taxes which confitute the fiaid fond ;, andthe liheriffs or colle,1ors of the revenue which con-
flitute the (aid fuid, fh4 on payment thereof, into thhe public treafury havu credit for thc ,kintm

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