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An Act to grant certain Privileges to the Cities of Richmond and Williamsburg, and to the Borough of Norfolk. 1790 43 (1790)

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Commonwealth as thall by them or a majority of them be thought neceffary for
carrying this act into effect.
SECT. IV. Provided always, That before th  trufices fhall in future make or How they ar
caufe to be made any canal in the faid town of S/aunon, wh;ch may injure any to proceel,
individual or individuals through whofe lots the fame mfiay be defigned to pa's, na is, ohecut
they fhall, provided the individual affeted by the faid canal or his agent or at- throughthe
torney fhall require the fame, or provided the piopiietor of fuch lot or lots flhall town.
be an infant, feme covert, or non compos mcntis, fue out from the clerks office
for the county of Augufli, a writ in the nature of a writ of ad quod damnum
to be dire&ed to the therifi of the faid county, commanding him on a certain
day therein to be named, of which day the party to be affe%'ed as aforefaid, his
agent or attorney fhall have five days previous notice at the leaft, to impannel
twelve difintereftcd perfons, fix of whom Ihall be inhabitants of the faid town
of Siainton and the other fix freeholders of the faid county of Aiugufla and moft
convenient to the faid town, who being firfl fworn to enquire vhethcr any, and if any,
what damages will be fuflained by the individual or individuals through whofe
lot or lots fuch canal fliall be propofed to be made, the faid fheriff on the day
.appointed in 'the faid writ fliall with the jurors aforefaid proceed to make the
faid enquiry and (hall report the fame under the hands and feals, of thejur6rs to
the next court to be held for the faid county of Augfla where the fame flall be
received and recorded. And in like manner where any canal hath already been
made the pcrfon or perfons Av ho are ateaced thereby, may file out a writ in the
nature of a writ of ad quod damnum, to be direded and executed as is before
mentioned, and the jury fummoned in confequence of fuch writ, fhall enquire
of what damage the continuance of fuch canal will be to the perfon or perfons
through whofe lands the fame may pals and the fame ihall be reported to the
c,,rt for the county of 4tugufla and recorded as is before directed; and in either
of the above cales it flhall be difcretional with the faid truflees for the town of
Slaunton, to proceed to make the canal propofed to be made, or to continue any
canal ,% hich may be already made, or not, as they fhall find it expedient.
SECT. V. The truflees of the faid town flhll be difplaced on the firfl Tue/day Prerent trur.
in Mardh one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-four, and on the fame day in e l when t
C  e difpaced
every third year thereafter, and the vacancies fupplicd by new elections on the Their fuccef.
fame or next hicceeding day refpe6lively under the like rules and regulations as for,, -he's to
herein before prefcribed ; intermediate vacancies by death or otherwife flall be be eleaed.
fupplied in like manner on a day to be appointed by the remaining truflees.
SECT. VI. No perfon (hall be capable of being elected a trutfee who is not a q1,lifi,io,,
freeholder and an inhabitant of the faid town at the time of eledion.      ot ihetrulees;
SECT. VII. Whenbever a truflee fhall ceafe to be a freeholder and an inha- When difqua.
birant as aforefaid, he (hall thenceforth be confidered as difqualified and another tincd.
flall be eleded in his fteai.
SECT. VIII. And be itfurther enatled, That if any perfon fhall flop or alter the Penalty o3
prefent canals or thofe that may hereafter be made for conveying the water to and ltrfoins or
through the faid town, he (hall, for every offence forfeit and pay the fim of two tering the ca.
pounds, to be recovered on motion of the truflees in the county court of Auguila nals.
with coils, upon giving the party ten days previous notice of fuch motion, and
the money fo recovered (ball be applied by the trufices to the like purpofes
as the taxes to be impofed in virtue of this aft.
SE cT. IX. Provided always, 'rhat nothing herein contained flall be confIrued Certain mills
t  nnt to be af.
to authorize or empower the faid truflees by any regulations whatfoever, to in- feaed by any
jure or affect the mill of Michael Fackler, or any mill that may hereafter be built regulations of
within the faid town.                                                      the trulteel.
C   H   A   P.    LXIV.
An A C T to grant certain Privileges to the Cities of Richmond and William fburg,
and to the Borough of Norfolk.
Pa//id the 2oth q i Dtemebr, 1790.
SECT I. f  E it enaled by the General /ffembly, That the Mayor, Recorder and Al- Court of l,,W.
..L)dqrnTen of the City of Richmond, or any five of them, the Mayor, Re- sings of Rich.
mond autho-
corder or eldelt Alderman being one, may hold a court for the trial of flaves in like rized to  hy
manner and fubjedl to the fame laws, rules and regulations as the juflices of the flaves;
county courts may now do ; ProvidedThat theirjurildidion be limited to offCnccs
committed within thejurildiflion of the court of H~ings for the faid city.

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