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An Act to amend an Act intituled An Act concerning Public Roads 1789 20 (1789)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0004 and id is 1 raw text is: *rerervntion ofthe r'ghts of in.
dividuals to the Cuil.
VWhen the jurifi.Eiion of the
Jaw of Ihis CImnIm    Wtailth
ever the hiie to caft.

S9cT. 'II. Pro-vidIed that nothing'herein contaiind, Mhall be conflrucd to vel in the
United States, any right of property in the fbil, or to a'c:dt the rights of individuil'
therein, otherwife thanth fame flamll or may be transferred by fuch individuals to the
United States.
Snc'r. Ill. A nd provided al/o, That the jurifdiLqion of the laws of this Common.
wealth, over the perfons and property of individuals refiding within the limits of tr'c
ceflion aforefiid, Ihall not ceafe or determine, until congress, having accepted'the
laid cefflon, flhll by law provide for the government thereof, under their juriflLLion,
in manner provided by the article of the conIIitution before recited.

C   H   A   P.     XXXIII.
An A C T to amend an .1,, inituled .1  AIJ concerning Public R I l4
PaffJd the 9b of December, 1789.
nSECT. I.       HEREAS the ad intitled An a17 conccrning public rad,  has bccn
VV    found to be oppreflive in torne of the wcltern counties of this Corn.
monwealth, by cempelling the furveyors of the highways to keep all the faid road5
well cleared and fmoothed, at leaff thirty feet wide :
Courts of cert3in counties to  Be ii th'reforc enafed by the General lileibty, That it (lhall be thc duty of the court
regutc cetai  public load$ df each of tile counties of Obio;j  onongalia, '-arrifo,, tiando!pb, P ndle'lon, tt.'a/hintIi.
vitdtiii tiI.ike.  and RTfrcll, and each of the counties wathin the difirie of Kentnckey, to caufc the pub.
lic roads within the Lame rclpcctively, thofe excepted, which lead from one court.
boufe to another, to be examined by three commilioners in the month of une or
July in.every year ; and where it thall appear upon the report of the faid commillioners
unneccfiThry to kcep any of the roads fo examined as wide as is required by tile above
recited adl, it flhall be Ia% ful for, the faid courts rcfpedtively to dirct the furveyors
thereot to keep fo much only ot the f.id roads 1o examincd in repair, according tc
law, as fliall be expedient.
SECT I. And wbereas doubts have  ariten, who ihall be confidered as labouring
tithables within the meaning of'the above recited aft
W ho w be confidered as Ia  Be it firilhr ena id, rhat from  henceforth all male perfons above the age of
bluurhiitgithablk.  fixteen years, -except the mafter or. owner of two or more labouring tithable,
the owner of ironulorks, millers, ferry keepers, and all fuch as ther courts thall think
proper to exempt through age or iifiirmity, thail bo confidcrcd as labouring tithables;
any adt or adds, and efpecially the above recited act in any wife to the contrary not-

How record bookt for tr.nf.
cribing tivriEs Ior I.r.i' in
KRauiAky, to be povwued.

C   1-1  A   P.     XXXIV.
adn A C T providing Record Books for trayfiribing certan .ntriesfor Land, within the Dif.
t,16 of Kentuckey.
Pofld the iotbh  December, -Y789.
XA     I-ERFAS'it is reprefenlc+   that the funds etablifhed by an act of Affembly,
W      inrituled IAn a's fir the pre/ervation oJ the entries mate jo- lands in the do/ifii of
IKCnruckey, for the purpolir of procuring record books for tranftribing the entrics
for lands rrientiontLd in the faid recited act, are not productive.
lt iiI tcr fore enae, d by thIe General i,/flimbly, That the record books neceffary for tranf.
cr-bing the faid cntries for lands, fliall be furniflied at the expence of each county
rt!cfi c  ly, und the juflices of the fevetal counties within the diltrict of Aentuctt
are hereby authoriied and directed to levy fo much money as lhal be neceflhry tor tleC
purpofie alrefaid, at laying the iiext or any fucceeding county levy.

Fces of the rommffi oner of
i   Ct.. t u| Lu hatmiccip, hew

Diftis  on  the lurn.i.ke
roads, width and lcngthll 9;

C   H   A   P.     XXXV.
An A C T prifi-rbi.g the Mcdc Y, o!'e&'ig ,Ie Aoi/c anice to the eo;mitloncr of the iji
Court o Ci.,an,'eO'.
PffJ tke xht of PAteeher, 1789,
 HFREAS it hath been found by experience, that the appointment of a Corn
W      miffioner in the High Court of Chancery hath greatly contributed to the dif
patch of butinefs and the accuracy of reports, and it is expedient, that the alluwm.
ance made for his fervices in each caufe, fhould be colleted in a manner differeit
from what is prelicrihed by the act, intitu led  An aaf]r amending befe-vera ars &J II
Grm ral A/rnb, r coneriwg the Hiih Courl of ( ancerr :
Be it enahf/,d ly the Gcura! ll[emb.,, That the Conirniffion'r may iffue his tickets fRt
the funms allov td by the High Court of Chancery, for fervices perforimed by him Un-
der the ordcrs of the faid court, and deliver them to the relpective herills, at the fanic
time the clerk of the fitid court is directed by law to deliver his tickets, and that th'
feverali flwrills fliall collect and account for them in the fame manner and under th(
like penalties, and hflall have the lame allowance for collecting and for infolvcn,
cics as are prefcribed in the care of the clek of the faid High Court of Chancery.
C   H   A   P.     XXXVI.
An A C T lo anmend ibeJeverral Ils ofl$'nblb Jr keeping certain Roads i repair.
PajJ'd the 91b q Dmtmteer, 179.i
SF.CT. I.  TOR arendingthe feveral acts of Alrembly for keeping certain roads ij
JU  repair: Be it enaftelI t& General A./Jemb!,, that no dilrict lhalL e-
ceed tlree miles in width from   the roads on which turnpikes arec elalifhed, not
more than three milch8 in length ; nor flall any pcrfon afligned to work on the faid
roads, be compelled to work on any other road, only one day in every year.

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