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An Act declaring the Mode of proceeding in certain Criminal cases. 1789 17 (1789)

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ptt -udgmcn' by the clerk; neither (f.al anudgment cntercduvdm cic fion, o
v  ,-i  'iit, or  non  fum   inform atus,  be reC ed , r  a  dnq wi. o d
)c ,i  rayc or rc I r   o d  y a  omif io  o   i e ich ou(noave been a
)ot carfc to flay or reverfe the judgment if there had been a.ycrdit.,
S cT. It. Where a demurrer lhaIl be joined in any aion, the court hflall not re-
rard any other defed or impcrfe ion in the writ, rcturni declaration or pletding,
han what fliall be fpecially alledged in the demurrer as caufes thereof, unlcfs folie-
hirg fo clhnt ial to the adtion or defence, as that judgment, according to law, and
:hC very right of the caukb, cannot be given, flhll be omitted.
SncT. III. Private a(ts of Aifembly may be given in evidence without pleading
them fpcrially.
SFCT. IV. Juries de medictate lingux  may be direed by the court to be fum-
Sr.c'r. V. Jurors knowing any thing relative to the point in ifite, Iliall difclofe the
f'arne in open court.
Sr.c'r. VI. Any juror guilty of a contempt to the court, fhall be fined by the court
any fi;m not exceeding ten pounds.
SecT. VII. Papers read in evidence though not under eal, may be carried from t!e
bar by the jury.
Sacr. VII1. No fheriff fliall convcrfe with a juror but by order of the court.
ScT. IX. Interpreters may be fworn, truly to interpret, when necelrary,
SECT. X. Every perfon delirous of fuffering a noniuit on trial, flall be barred there-
fron, unlefs be dofo before the jury retire from the bvr.
SECT,. XI. Not -morc than two new trials flall be granted to the fame party in the
faile caure.
f M'Mc.r. X11. After iffue j,'ined in an eje6'ment on the title only, no exception of
forra or fihflance (hall be taken to the declaration in any court whatfoever.
SrCT. XIi. Any infrument towhich the perfon making the fame. fhall afix a
frroll by way of foal, fhall be adjudged and holden to be of the citne force and ob-
ligationi, as if ir were adtually fealed.
SLcr. XIV. If in detinue the verdi l(houldomit price or value, the court may at
any time av-ard a writ of enquiry to ak:ertain the Fame.
Src'r. XV  If on an ilffie concerning feveral thing' in one count in dctinue,.no
verdid be found for part of them, it flill not be error, but the plaintiff fltall be
barred of his title to the things omitred.
SEcT. XVI. Where there are feveral counts,, one of which is faulty, and intire da-
rnagcs are given, the verdi& flall be good; but the defendant may apply to the court,
to infirui thle jury to difregard fuch faulty count.
Srcr. XVIi. A judgment on conffflon, flall be equal to a relcafc of errors:
SrVT. XVIII. For removing all doubts concerning the courts, to witch thfs ad
may apply
Le i/i a i,erva rd, That all things herein containcd,fliall be the rules of decifion
and proc,.ding in all courts whatfoever within this Commonwealth.

vehat d leto 1,0 rcgatdttl
in care Cf deniutrcri.
Priv.ic -t~; nfAf.ni'ly -r:%ay
be givtn in evidenct.
Juries tec inedietattc ltipim:.
J uror%, how t ogc evidence;
how puniflied for a contempt
of the curt.
Jutric  may tn k  whithtem
pap .rs il, itit tinder fteI
Whrn fliceriff may convcri'
witl flem
Interpreters ma'y he rvorn.
Noufit,-when to befur'.cd.
New tria show many allowed.
Exceplions to dclaraairs 1
ej &neat, when to he nade.
Scrolls by way of fr:as, valid,
Vrclds in decthine, %%-hat
e'mifoul, in thuaii inlay be re.
tttedicd and t'1w,
(Oltiflion in them, of ally ar-
tclts ill the cotuat, not to vi.
lialle thetill.
Wl'cre one, of fereral conlntc,
is I ,dutzy, the verdi& flaltl be
Ju.,i:mntt ouffd, effi-f
of it.
Thee rrgul.t;on s to be lh*
ilcs of decitimj in all courts
mithin this Consmuitwealth.

C   H   A   P.    XXIX.
in A C T a,, %izning Deputy, .crIjff  in cafe of the Deab of their High .Scri fli to collt?
and dillrain for arrearges of. Taxcs.
Pqfd tb 7b11 of Deranber, 729.,
   T'I 1.R   ~ ,,it is repr(crnted that many flcrifTf have departed'this life hetre the Pr ambl.
WY     expiranon (f thc time tbr which thcy had by law a right to aft, and before
tLeir deputy fherif~l had made the colletion of the public taxes, which became due
in the lt  time of the high ffberilrh i and it is doubted whether the deputies in Luch
cafes, have power to colle, and diflrain for the taxes:
Peit ti<i/.re ena',ctbv te Gcnicral I fl'inby, That it flhall and may' be lawful for all Deputy flteris to colell the
deputy ,fleriffs, ro coli& and make diflrcf , for any taxes, which may be due at the  taer of the death of
time of the dcth of their high flherill's, and fhalla be daccontable or the faie illthur paictiulsi
lik. n~a:::r, as if thc theriff had lived.
CH      A P..      XXX.
An A C T declaring the Mode qf proceeding in certain CrT nhnal cfcs.
P jed', th 91h  i t Diermber, z-,39.
Sr.cr. I. i'OR declaring the courfe of proceeding in certain crimninal cafes, Be it Addit;on% ofdcrendantsef4o
. e:e'alhcd /r ,   l zl .mbh,,hat 'in every original writ of actions dcgree. &c. in cetainmaion,
pcrr'Mn:a, and in indjdt.cnt, in which the exiget1 3hail he awarded, in-thc names and inditmnts
Tat in4                rits original and indi  ents, additions fliall be made of
their etfl ae or degree or rnil-cry, and of the countic-s of which they were or be, or
in %Ihich they be or Nyore converfint, and if on the procefa upon the laid original
a;zrits or intli0 ments in which the fitid additions be omitted, any outlawries be pro- Omifion oftham, eir of'.
n     ittI;, tLrt they be void, frulirate and holden for none; and before the outhiawries
be prono-uncre, the fitid %, its and indi tments fhall be abated by the exception of the
pal tv, whercin the aIT  ctis be omitted.
Is :c-r. I1. l1rovL,'cd u.'avs, That though the faid writs, of adlions perfonal be not Surpl%15j7aF additions, not
according to the rc-ords and deeds by reafon offurplufage of the additions alorelaid, to altat i U. w it, &C.
for that cau.e the) ihall not be abated.
E                                SECT,

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