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An Act reducing the Taxes of the present Year. 1789 14 (1789)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0001 and id is 1 raw text is: venue taxes beconing due
iA November ai3,
and thenew taxies,arifing be.
tween that day and l No.
vember 5790, reduced one
Surplus to be rnlred where
the full amount has been re-
Certain taxes.excepted.
What warrants receivable in
-difchargc of the taxes o re-
Xxcept of thofe, eolle8ed by
yhe clerks f courts.
When t e taxes to be diarahi.
ad for,
and when and how to be ac.
oounted for, and paid.
ilenefit ofclergy, In what or.
fences, not allowed to princi.
pals in the ford degree,
or ln the fecond degree j
tn what offences, not aIowed
W accefraries before the fa

C   H  A   P.     XXI.
in A C T reducing the 71axes of the prejedit 2ea).
I,.                 .    P.fed tbaah of N.ow.rber,  z5, , 
SECT. T. flE it enaled .y the General A/ffeny, That all taxes .hich became de une
.1)any law of Revenue, whethr'on lands, flaves or otherproperty, oni
firft day of Novemier, in the year one thoufand (even hundrcd and eighty-nin'e, aq
all taxes which have arifen or (ball 'arife. fihce that day.before the palling of .his a
or fhall arife after the paflling of this a& unt.il the firft day of November in the year ow
thoufand fcvcn hundied and nihety, under, the ad intituled.' d. afl impug ne-VTaxa,
fliall be reduced one.fourth bclow the amoqptn of all flch taxes, as fixed by the atI
the laft Seffion of Affembly, intitled An al for.prevenling iM piions in the rollerlio,
taxes, that is to Cay, one. half below the amount of all .fuch taxes, as fixed by ti
afdrefaid laws of Revenue, and the laid a& hitpotg new taxes.
.SFcT, JI. All (heriffs, colledors, rlciks, and publicofficers are required in theeod
• ledion and receipt of the abovementionied taxes, to govern themfelves according;
the redution a'orcfaid, and where more than the rcduced amount albrelaid, IlN;
have been received, to reftlore the furplus thereof to the perfon or , erflns inititk
SECT. I1. Nothing herein before contained, fhall he confirued to qtenid to di;
taxes impofed by an a& paffed at the Odh1ber feflion, in the. year ne thou fund Teq
hundred and eighty-four, intited  An a,7 to e xp!ain and ainend lbe all to levy eerlahi
taxes in aid of. the pfiblic rvenue, to the fees of the  ,cgifter's office, or to any tax :
tobacco or billiard tables.                             .      .
SECT. IV. Any warrants heretofore ilued, or which fhall hereafter ilfhe for the fa
lanies of the officers of civil government, for intereft on the certificates' grantcd,ti
the officers and foldiers, land and naval, on cohtinental and flate eflablilhmcnis fo
their arrears of pay and dipreciation, for penfions heretolore granted and renininj
unpaid, for the contingent expences of government,. for the intereft of the (late lea:
Office debt, and of the paper money of this Commonwealth finded, for the expencei
.f criminal profecutions, except for guards in the :elpedtive counties and corpora.
tibns, to apprehenders of Horfe-flealers, for flaves executed, for the thares in th
J'otow'nack and .7ames River companies, for the polI at the point of fbrk and the lu
.,patic hofpital, fhall be receivable as fpecie in dif harge of any of the taxes fo redL.
-ced as aforefaid, which became due on the firfi day ot Pcvtv.ittr one thoufanl i vv;
hundred and eighty-nine, or which (hall become due beftire the firfbday of '.vemic
in the yearonethoufand feven hundred and ninet ,  And the fevb'ral flicrifs and col.
• ledors upon the payment of fuch warrants into the Treafury, 11-ali have credit fol
the fame accordingly.' Proviaed neveiidei,  ihnt fpceie. only fhall be receivable fron
the clerks of the Jeveral courts, for difcharge of the feveral taxes to be colledied by
SECT. V. No dift'cfs (hall be made for any tax which became due on the firft dal
df Noember, in the year one thoufand feven hundrd  nd eighty-nine, until the firfl
day of May, in the year one thoufand feven hundred and ninety.
SECr. VI. All the taxes fo received as aforefaid, fhall be accounted for and paid in
the fame manner, and under the fauie penalties, as the laws, under which they re-
ped&ively arife, preferibe, except that the Revenue taxes may be accounted for and
p aid into the public Treafury at any time before the firlt day of Oiolier; in the year
bne thoufand fevih hundred and ninety.
SECT. VII. So much of all and every acR as comes within the purview of this ad,
Is hereby repealed.                      ..-

C1 H    A  P.     XXO.
An A C r concerning the b ,en'flit of Clhrgy.
Pafed the 27tb of Nov.whbr, :7S9.
SC T. IE it enatted and declared by the General .4ffcnbl, That the benefit of clergy'
B . (hall not be allowed to principals in the firli degree, Firff, in murder;
fecondly, r in burglary; thirdly, or in arfbn at common law ; fourily, or for the
wilful burning of any court-houfe, or county or public prifon, or of the office ofthe
clerk of any court within this Commonwealth, fifthly, or for the felonious taking
of any oods or hattelut of      church, chapel or meeting,hqulfe belong.ng thcre.
t9; ixthly, or for the ro-bbig of any perton or perifnsih lhi -mrg'houfes' or
dwelling place, the owner or dweller in the fame houfe or duielling place, his wif,:
his children or fervants, then being within and put in fear and dread by the famie;
feventhly, or for the robbing of any perfon or perfons in or near ahout any highway:
':ighthly, or for the felonious flealing of any horfe, gelding or mare; nunthly, cr tor
the felonious breaking of any dwelling houfe by day, and taking away of any goods
or chattels, being in any dwelling houfe, the owner or any periba being thercin and
put in fear.
SFCT. II. The benefit of clergy (hali not be allou cd to principals in the fecond de-
gree, in any of the cafes abovementioned.
SECT. IlL. It Mhall not be allowed to acceffarie, before the fiA, firff, ip. murder;
i fecondly, or burglary ; thirdly, or arfon at covnion law ; fburthiv, or for the wilfl
burni'ng of any court hourc or county or public poifln, or df di tlfic of the clok

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