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An Act to prevent Slaves from exercising pretended ownership over property. 1864 4 (1864.5)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactstx0127 and id is 1 raw text is: 4
AN ACT to raorganif tho feventeenth udiial DiaWrW and to preatibe the time
for hot4ing OCurfk. therein.
6rxrios 1  Be it enadad by the Legislature of the State of 2exa,,, That the
Seventeenth Judicial District shall hereafter be 3.mposed of the Counties of
Williamson, Burnet, bluno, Mason, San Saba, McCullocb, Brown and Lampassas,
and hluj Distri 1 IpLt shall bo hold twike In eaph year )u oth of said coun-
ties, airfollow l lihe Couxty of W\il1iimsi oh tie lst*do'nlkys In March
and Septemaber, and may continue in session four weeks; in the County of
Burnet, on the 4th Monday after the 1st Mondaya in March and September,
and ilay continue In session one wetk ; in the County of Llano. on the 6th
Monday atfr the 1st Mondays ir March and September, and may continne in
session one week; In the County of Mason, on the 6tit Monday after the 1st
Mondays In March fnd September, rqd may conthaue in He~sio; oto week ; in
the County of San Saba, on the 'I h :onday ulter the lst Mondays in March
and September, and may continue in session on week; i, the County of
MqCulloh, 0fa the lth Monday after th lot Mondays in Mlarch and Soptember,
and may continue 1n oession one week ; in the Counity of Brown, on t2o 9th
Monday after the let Mondays in March and Septemor, and may continub In
semlon one week,; In the County of Lsmpassaa, on the 101h Monday after the
lot Mondays in March  and, September, ad may continue in seedou uqti, the
businass Is dispcsd of. ,                                     I . 1
Suc. 2. That all v ritm, and other prcmc  6161wd fiom the Diatrlot Court of
any ol the counties named in this act, shalt be wmle returnable to the terms' of
said Courts as established by this act.
BSa, S. That this act take effoot from its pama,
Approved May 28d, 1864.
AN ACT to amni an Act enttcd An szt to aintd art Act mf(Wed an Ac to
orjank, Cbouaty Cbur.Y  Approved 1Abruarj 16t, lt,C,2.
StarioN 1. Be t enaced by the iegislture ofl' 5t, nte f Texaa, That the
firit section of ho above rocited' act be, and the atno ia hereby so amended
as to:read as follows.:
SicrmoN 20. The regular terms of the County Court shall commence and be
held. a~t the fCourt-house of cacti coanty, in thjs State, on the last Monday in
every.Tnoutb for. the probate of wills, the granting of letters testamentary, of
administration, an d of guarilianiip, and tho transaction of all business grow.
og out of,torco rnected with the powers and jurisdiction of theCondty Courts,
over executor, adininattators and guardians, and estates of deceased per-
sour, miners, idiots, lunatlcs, and persons non Compos, inentit. Such terms shall
be 'Acid by the Chief Jubltbc, without the assistance of any of the County Com-
milttionera, and rny be continued, from day to day, for one week, but not
longer; and tC:e Chief Justice shiall have the authority to transact such bubi-
ness growing out of, or connected wit h snch powers and jurisdiction, during
the vacatlpo, between eald.terms of said. odrt) as masy be authorized by-law,'
So. 2. That this act be in force from and after Its passage.
Approved May 23d, 1864.
C APR'=    V
AN AOT to pr qC4        paecrln~i~cdc         ~nrhp vrptr1
Bwnox 1. Be it enacted by the Legsflitre (dVi lthe of 76as, That it asiall

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