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An Act to amend the 12th and 24th sections of an Act entitled an Act to authorize the County Courts to regulate Roads, appoint Overseers, etc. 1864 5 (1864.1)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactstx0123 and id is 1 raw text is: 8cc. 3. That In ease the requirements of the first section of this act are not
eompliod with by the Assessor., and Collectors in the copy of assess'ment for-
warded to the Comptroller's ofle, tile Comptroller shall deduct one hundrca
dollars from the commiusions of such Assessors and Collectors so failing for eack
and every such faihuro.
Approved Nov. 12, 1804.
An Act malginq an appropriation to defray the eontingent expenses of the oaWfic
of Attorney General for the years 1864 atnd 1865.
SECTION 1. Be it enactcl by the Lcyislature of the Slate of Txas, That tile
 1t of o10 thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be, and the
same is hereby appropriated ainially to defray tile conitingent expenses of the
oflice of Attorney General for the years 1864 and 1365.
Se~o. 2. That tis act take effect front and after its passage.
Approved November 8th, 1864.
An Act sirpplementary to an Act entitled an Act regulating Juries, approved Ata'
4th 18il.
BSoTlo,: 1. Bie it etacted by the Legislature of the State of T7ex's, That the
oolinty courts of tile several counties in til, State shall hereafter revise the jury
lists of their respective counties, as now required by law, at their first regular
term in each year; Provided that if from aiy cause the same should be oiitted at
said term, said courts shall revise said lists at the next succeeding term  or at a
special term to he called for said purpose.
Sim. 2. In every county wltre the iumnber of citizens lipble to jury duty at
the thatn or tile revision of the jury list shall he less than oiio hundred, it shall
be tile duty of the county courts to place uo)on tile jury lists the nones of all ,lmzs-
tices of tIle Peace, Constalles, Coroners, Overseers of roads, County Surveyors
and County Treasurers, who are not exemlt from jury duty for other causes than
official potidll, and said persons shall be required to serve as other ,Jurors, imilem
incompatible with tie actual discharge of their ofilcial ditties at tile time their
services shall he required, to he decided by tile Judge of the court ill sessioni.
81:0. 8. All laws ad parts of laws conllicting herewitht ale ireby repealod,
anlid this act shall take elfect and be iN Force froll and after its passage.
Approved, Nov. 1lth, 18W4.
An Act to amend the 12th and 24t sections of anI Act entitled an Act to authorize
the ('ooty Courts to regulate Roads, appoint Oerseers, &c., approved lBebruary
8th, 1858.
SEVcTO.  1. Be it enacted by the Legislature qft he State of Te.as as.felloes
That tile 12th section of the act recited in the caption iereol, lie so amended as
that tile same shall hereafter read ats follows, to-wit: See. 12. All free white ilalef
persons between the ages of seventeen nd fifty years, and all male slaves aA
other persons of color over sixteen ad tnder fifty years of age, shall 1)0 liable,
and it is hereby tmado their dtty, to work on, repair and clear out tile public roads
of this State, under such provisions and regulations its hereiltafter made,
5cc. 2. That section 24 of said act shall hereafter read as follows, to-wit:

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